
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The New Drama Queen In The Family & Old King Cole

It was just a simple request.
We simply said...
Baby Bright Eyes,
Say your prayers....
and this is what we got!
MyHero wonders how she can breathe.
We were wondering the same thing about him.
Oh- Wait!
I see his nose has been left out.
One of these days I am going to be
"done in".
Should I go missing please 
notify the authorities,
will ya?

Busy, busy day today.
I will check in as I can!


  1. Sha bebe!!!! Love your posts, Diana! Have a great day! xo

  2. DQ is a sweet as she can be and your hero is a good sport!
    Have a great BUSY day!
    I hope that you get some relief with that weather soon!

  3. Oh my gosh she is just adorable! Take care of yourself!! And don't overdo! We will be watching for your comments.....


  4. Adorable, Diana! The baby ~ just in case that wasn't clear. ; )

    Have a great day! We have SNOW here today. Hopefully, it will be gone by tomorrow but ~ seriously.

  5. Diana, Maybe the a little reddish cast to the baby's hair ?? She's going to be your new cute posting thing. LOL. Just precious, really. Your older baby is precious in his own way , I am sure. :):) Blessings for a good day and a warm one. We got that dusting of snow last night. xoxo,Susie

  6. Oh the little angel! I almost expected to see wings......although.....the nostrils weren't so bad ;)


  7. oh my gosh that photo is heavenly, the first one, lol, have a great busy day,

  8. Precious Diana! Even your hero!! Enjoy your busy day, Gail

  9. That is such a sweet picture. Of the baby. Mr Hero should really know better by now than to ever sleep in your house. He's never safe :)

  10. How cute (the first shot!). I'm surprised your Hero doesn't sleep in his cap, you don't want his head getting cold, do you?

  11. Precious Baby Bright Eyes! You must admit, your Hero looks quite comfortable! xo Nellie

  12. I love babies, they are precious and smell so good! How sweet she looks.

  13. There's so much sweetness in your life, I'm surprised you don't get cavities!

  14. Sweet, fun photos. :)
    Have a happy one, Diana!

  15. Beautiful Bright Eyes!! Your hero does look like he might be a bit dangerous. LOL!!

  16. Look at that sweet little just want to kiss it! Hugs, Penny

  17. LOL.... I can see why you have a busy day. Those two look like a handful.

  18. LOL!!! YOU CRACK ME UP!! What a sweet does look like she's praying.

  19. You make my heart melt every time you share a photo of your sweetie pie. . . your LITTLE sweetie pie, that is :) Once again, you gave me the giggles!

  20. Such a sweet pic of Bright Eyes! I love those tiny little fingers. :) That's a hilarious pic of your Hero, but he DOES look pretty comfy. :)

  21. What an adorable pic of Bright Eyes and the other pic, well lets just say he's well covered. Actually I feel a bond with him, I do the whole eye mask thing with pillows, blankets and whatever packed around me, the only thing he's missing is the Breathe Rite strip to expand his nose holes hahaha.

  22. Oh sweet pix of your baby . Nothing like seeing a babies crown of glory. Oh you crack me up Di . With your man. He is a great sport

    Tell me how would he know if baby was okay. He has his eyes covered Di, he has one over you.

  23. Awww....sweet. Babies know, they just came from being in the presence of God their maker, dont'cha think??? Come to my blog, I fixed the problem, hope it is readable now....I was even having a problem reading it....yikes!!!

  24. That is just the sweetest, cutest photo! And I think your hubby is a good sport! haha!

  25. I often sleep with the sheet over my head!! He looks very comfortable!

  26. Oh, what a cute little darling!! (the smaller one) LOL And yeah, have you thought about how he can get revenge when he's ready?????? ;-)

  27. Oh...what a cutie (both of them)....and we will all come looking for you if need be!!!...:)

  28. How cute is that precious baby!!! Oh my!! And it took me a minute to see your husband there and when I did it gave me a good chuckle! Happy day you!!! Nicole

  29. BOTH sleeping beauties are adorable!

  30. So precious is that praying baby. I do have to be "that" mom though...please tell me she does not sleep on her tummy. Back is best until they can roll on their own. But, I also had one with severe reflux we had to prop on her side so she would aspirate any spit up!!

  31. That is about the sweetest little picture I've ever seen. Seeing the top of her head and her little hands is so sweet!

  32. That should be the cover on a Prayer Journal...the first picture....NOT the second.....HaHa.

  33. Maybe they are both camera shy at least when they sleep.

  34. What a great head of hair Baby Bright eyes has, and those sweet little hands - *SMOOCH*. Great photo of your Hero and his BFF.

  35. The picture of Baby Bright eyes is wonderful and so precious. Your hubby cracks me up. Hope your day slowed down.
    Hugs, Noreen

  36. Glad you took the time to make us laugh Diana..Thanks..

  37. You have a wonderful creative funny voice. I can just hear you.

  38. Looks like you have two sweeties! You're too funny- I hope you have had a great day!

  39. Wow! I just have to say, you are like a celebrity. I must have seen your profile picture on about one hundred I just had to come and visit you and I'm so glad I did. You have a wonderful blog that's so inviting. It's almost like walking into a person's home that's filled with warmth and delicious smelling cookies baking in the oven. Enjoy the rest of your week... :)

  40. Did theat beautiful baby turn over by herself? Gosh her nails are so tiny. And your guy looks pretty deep down too!

  41. Oh those sweet newborn fingers. Just think she is absolutely adorable. So is the Mr., hah. He must be a good sport. Slow down girlfriend....we don't want you sick again. ((((HUGS))))

  42. LUV that sweet picture of her praying! Oh my gosh! ♥

    xoxo laurie

  43. How cute! Babies have a wonderful ability to breathe while smashing their noses into stuff! LOL!

  44. Such an endearing pic of the baby! And your "MyHero". Oh my goodness, I'm cracked up here! Hahaahahah! Poor guy! But it's so much fun!

  45. So adorable! The baby...Hubby not so much lol!


  46. Wonderful she is learning so early the importance of prayer!
    Oh, poor, poor hubby!

  47. So adorable! Doesn't Mr. Hero know she is breathing thru her ears. LOL!

  48. LOL Usually blog posts are either A) Precious - or - B) Hilarious.......but somehow you have made yours C) BOTH!!!!
    What a sweet, sweet shot of the little praying angel!

  49. baby picture ever!

  50. Bright Eyes is so beautiful - look at that perfect little round head. Give her a big kiss from me.
    Happy Easter.

  51. Oh that precious angel, the baby not the mister:)

  52. Oh, she is just so darling! I love that new baby scent - It's good that you can only see the Mr.'s nose - keeps you from looking down at his tonsils :) xo Karen

  53. Precious baby! Hope your day is spectacular!

  54. What an adorable baby photo you captured and of the hero, lol! I got a good giggle!

  55. Baby Bright Eyes is precious to say the least. Hero.....well, he's gonna cook your goose one of these days. In the meantime, we can giggle to our hearts desire. I have a post I would love to do of my husband called the anatomy of a nap, but I would fear for my life if I did. HeHe!


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