
Monday, April 14, 2014

Do YOU Have Twins At YOUR House

Are you one of those people that finds something
you love AND you love it
that you buy TWO?
Please tell me I am not alone!
Aren't they cute?

I had one in my hand when the 2nd one,
not wanting to be separated from his
JUMPED into my basket.
I didn't have the heart to put him back on the shelf.

These are fraternal twins here.
They are huggers-
They have made friends with the identical twins.
And these?
Well, these are 
Stuck together forever.
They are kind of like
MyHero and his best friend, Mikey....
Oh- Wait-
They are joined at the head.
They only separate at the movies
so that no one will think they are
a couple.
If you get one- you get them both!

How about you?
And DOUBLES at your house?


  1. Love your bunnies!! Have a great week!

  2. Yes! I, too, have bought doubles many times. I love all your sets of bunny twins, Diana!

  3. I have bought doubles too. I always say it's because someday Josie and Emma can each of one for their own home. That's just an excuse though. Smile. Have a wonderful Monday!

  4. Diana, I do have asset of twins, but they no longer live with me. My daughters Karen and Lizzy are twins.....Karen looks like her father and Liz looks like me. They have never ever looked alike but they are so close. They help each other when they may need a sitter, or pick up at school. They were neighbors for years. To me they are as sweet as any bunnies. LOL. I love the bunnies that are forever stuck together. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  5. the bunnies are beautiful, I love the crackle finish, the two fella's look like they have a great time together,

  6. The bunnies AND the buddies made my morning. Your post cheered me up. I'm wondering if Spring ever plans on showing up this year or will we just jump to the Summer heat?

  7. I can see why both of those bunnies had to hop in your basket,Diana! They are adorable! And let's hope your Hero's twin doesn't decide to move in with you all!

  8. LOL! I do buy two of something if I just love it so much, Diana! I'm glad I'm not the only one.

  9. Cute,LOL! Yes,always buy two or four! Never know when you may need them.

  10. I always end up buying 3 of things...One for me and one for each of my daughters. Loving your multiplying bunnies. Have a wonderful day!

  11. Well, I do that all the times with clothes. If I find one t-shirt I love, I have to buy ten more. You have a great selection of rabbits!

  12. Well I've heard people say two is better than one. And three is better than two and so on. LOL! When it comes to chocolate foil wrapped bunnies, more is better for sure!

  13. I love all those bunnies! I'm not sure if I've ever purchased doubles... hmm now I have to go around the house and check!

  14. Ha! Double your pleasure, double your fun...! ;)

  15. you have so many cute "twins" at your house, you make up for any of us, who don't have 'em!

  16. How cute....Yes, I buy two of the same things, mostly because i like things balanced....LOL Love your twins....xoxo

  17. I definitely buy doubles of things all the time. Actually, I have four wooden bunnies I bought at my local grocery store years ago. I was going to just get two, but there were two more left on the shelf and I just couldn't leave their "siblings" there all alone, so I bought all four. Lol! I do the same thing when I find clothes I like. I recently found some shirts I liked, so I bought them in 6 colors. :)

  18. So cute! And I do love twins. But, I normally only buy things one at a time.

  19. I am a 'twin" buyer too! Do you also buy clothes that are alike but in different colors....I'm bad about that too! Hugs, Penny

  20. Oh Yes, if I see something I really like, I may just get another one.......the same with clothes. If something fits we well, I may go back and get the same thing in another color. I love your bunnies, especially the fraternal twins. They are soooo cute.

    Have a great week, Diana.


  21. What a cute post, loving the twins!! I am a double buyer too...sometimes, triple!
    Have a great week, Diana!

  22. HAHAHA, separate only at the movies, omg, that was great! I'm still laughing!

    I'm a rabbit lover, too....and birds....and of course you had to buy the twin! I would have done the same and besides, see the basket with them? That makes a group of 3 and that's the right way to go, always odd numbered!

    I wish I could say I keep a rein on myself but....well, for instance, I found this great pair of Skechers and loved them so much that yesterday I ordered 3 more pairs. What the??? How many feet do I think I have? But the colorsssssss ---- had to have the turquoisey mint, and those great lavender ones and then, then, thennnnn, the hot pink jumped out......well, you get the idea.

  23. LOL cute! ( no I am not after your husband...I meant the bunnies, ha ha )

    Actually I had twins at my house yesterday! My son's fiancee is a twin and she has two twin girls! :)

  24. No doubles in our immediate world, though John has twin granddaughters.

  25. Oh, yes! We have twin daughters (fraternal) who were 39 just before Christmas! That is the best kind of "doubles!" xo Nellie

  26. I love all of your cute bunnies!

  27. oh such darling bunnies Diana
    yes I love sooooo many things LOL

  28. That is one of my problems with having too much stuff! I buy two of everything! lol

  29. Oh yes Diana...I am of the philosophy that if I love a second one! God forbid something happens to one and I don't have a backup! Your bunnies are just adorable too.
    XO Barbara

  30. Let me look.............can't see any twins at this moment. Alth my hubby is a twin. Before his divorce they use to do a lot together. My BIL has bad feelings for me (OK, he hates me) so they still golf together but that's about all.

  31. I only have my twin cats.....

  32. All your bunnies are beautiful. Love those bunny twins. But your best set has to be your "hero and his friend" Too cute! I have twin doves that were my dearest's mothers. I have twin toucans..I'll have to look around to see if I have anymore.

  33. I know your foil bunnies are a mean trick- Not chocolate! But I still want to eat them. ;)

  34. Hi Diana, Yes, I have many twins at my house, except my hubby. LOL!! Love your bunny sets. Too cute. Love the foil twins.
    Wishing you a great week.

  35. I love your faux foil bunnies, Diana! As a matter of fact, I think all of your bunnies are very sweet. Now, for the bald twins.........I just hope they never sit in front of me at the movies.

  36. Adorable bunnies! My 8 and 10 year olds get asked if they are twins sometimes. And they are pretty much inseparable. They may fuss and fight at times but take one away and they don't know what to do with themselves!

  37. Such a cute post, Diana! I love your twin bunnies and your entire bunny collection. Yep, I can't just buy one of anything... Two is always better. I love cook books, so I have way more than 2 of course, more like 52, does that count? I also love collecting little birdies, so I do have a few of those as well. Never an odd number around here, well except for my 3 rambunctious boys!

    I hope you have a wonderful week and if I don't get back on Have a Blessed and Happy Easter!


  38. Love the bunnies Diana. They are really cute and I can see why you bought two. No twins at my house,
    Have a great week and get some rest before Easter arrives.

  39. Of course you aren't alone! If one is good, two is better. Right? Well, actually that isn't always the case. I'm married to a twin, but I only brought home one of that pair. The best one! '-)

  40. Hi Diana, I love your basket of flowers and the bunnies! Yes I'm guilty of buying two of things I really love! I sometimes buy the same top and then other in a different color! Have a nice night.

  41. My rule is ALWAYS buy in a pair. Unless we're talking about dishes or stemware, then my rule is buy them out!

  42. Cute rabbits! Also, your MyHero and his friend cracked me up again!

  43. Such a cute post, and cute rabbits and cute hero and friend, It's coming up twins all over, what a cute idea to share all the twins with us. I'm like you if I see pairs of something I have to get them both, it be like separating twins apart. My hubs has a friend like your hero so I can relate.

  44. Some bunny loves They are too cute.


  45. MMMM chocolate bunnies always good to have two....double your pleasure!!!!

  46. haha :) I can't think of any doubles at my house..... Hugs to you, Diana!

  47. HA - A few fraternal twins, but MANY sibling sets!!! Sometimes you just can't say NO:)

  48. I have twin cows in my home Diana, actually a whole herd! I love your bunnies and the twin boys look pretty happy. You never fail to make me laugh girl!

  49. I do wind up with a lot of twins at my house, especially rabbits, which isn't always wise!

  50. Bunnies looks wonderful!

  51. Love, love the bunnies...and so nice to have a "buddy for life" and a bunny too!

  52. You are too funny! I love it when you make me laugh when I'm not expecting it. I'm reading along such as this post about twins when you throw in the part about your hero and his friend not keeping heads together at the movies etc etc. I laughed out loud! I wasn't expecting the couple thing. hahah too funny! You are a character! hopefully all those involved know how much fun we get out of it and won't hurt you too badly. LOL! Hugs, Carolyn

  53. Well, okay, you mentioned doubles! How about TWO sets of twins, boy-boy and then 4 years later, girl-girl born to the oldest daughter with the answer being "no" to the eternal question of "Do twins run in your family?"
    And as for the shopping habit - omgoodness, yes! Somehow I feel like I'm "beating the system" by buying whatever is left on the shelf if I like the item. I think the condition is called "greed!" But your bunnies are adorable and you were wise not to separate them!

  54. Yep, I tend to buy doubles or triples when it comes to clothes.. if I find a shirt I like, I'll get one in every color... so much imagination on my part.
    Cute cute bunnies.. And it's cool that your hubby has a best friend.... sometimes it's nice when they have somewhere to go with someone else... And we can go shopping ;)

  55. I always seem to buy in pairs...clothes, decorating things, towels and sheets and so on. And I did grow up with twins (Tina and Tiffany). I love having them as cousins and always looked forward to them coming in for the summer. I also loved going back home with them too! My hubby grew up with twin cousins too so we share stories of growing up together about them. I consider myself blessed to have had that in my life...and when I get to be with them it's like no time has passed.

  56. Doubles? Of course...I think we have all done that. :) Cute photos!
    Bunnies are adorable ~



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