
Friday, April 25, 2014

Rehabbing House #10- A European Colonial Revival

Well, I did such a long post yesterday
that I will make this one short and sweet.

I think this was House #10 out of the 14 or 15 
we have rehabbed and lived in.
We lived down the street one block from this house
and it was owned by friends of ours.
They listed us as an exception to the listing contract
while we made up our mind 
about moving one block.
Ultimately, we decided in a couple of days
that we would take the plunge.

This is what the outside looked like when 
we moved there.
The thing that makes this a 
European Colonial Revival
(so we were told)
is the Palladian window inset on the top.
Most Colonial Revivals have a peaked front.
If you look close you can see the original
"panel" pieces between the upstairs windows.
There were no shutters on the house and the 
landscaping was not in good shape.

This is what it looked like 6 months later.
We put a driveway in and I landscaped the front.
This house was on the historical register and was built in 1897.
She was a beauty.
Close up of the front porch-
It had a navy blue ceiling and a burgundy front door that was not original 
to the outside of the house.
It also had wrought iron railing 
that had been added in the 60's.
Front door:
This is what it looked like freshly painted with 
historical colors
Ill show you the vestibule  
just inside the front door  today so you 
can see the door and the restoration we did there.
That door that you see was originally the INSIDE foyer door.
We moved it back inside and replaced the
vestibule windows that were missing.
Here is how it looked once we were finished
and had installed the 
leaded glass front door and windows.
We also replaced the crown moulding which had been taken down.
That is Mr.Midnight sitting on he floor to the left.
He was the smartest MALE cat we ever owned.
We had a female that was even smarter....
and that's all I'm gonna say about that~

So- that's it for today.
I will show you some more pictures of this house
as we restored it in another post or two.
You can see the backyard makeover I
did on this house HERE.

Have a great day.
I am picking the girls up from school so that 
can pick a winner.
If you haven't signed up yet for my giveaway
you still have a chance until about 3pm today!


  1. Diana, It is a beautiful house. I adore older home. There a charm to them. I loved when Ted and I would work on things it seems to be all yard work. LOL. hope you have a wonderful weekend, xoxo,Susie

  2. I can't wait to see the rest, I think If I lived here I would never ever move!!

  3. That is a massive looking house! What a challenge. I can't wait to see the rest, because it's nice to see people take such accurate and good care of historical homes.

  4. oh look at that front-porch-of-perfection, when you were done with it. ahhhhhhhhh, the days of porch sitting, chatting with neighbors as they strolled by in the evening, etc.

    keep these coming hon!!! oh please do!!!! i've never done anything like this. only lived in one tiny starter house and this family house. i'd love to re-live with you, all these lovely re-habbing projects!

    btw, do you watch 'the rehab addict' on tv??? she is a tiny whirl-wind of a gal, who gets down and dirty, doing all sorts of work! with the rehabbing of older homes. a real worker. plus she is as cute as a button. now of course, the men say they watch, to learn about this kind of work. but hehhhhhhhhhhh, they enjoy watching her toooo. and funny thing, i like her too. she's a cute worker. she doesn't rise that woman-on-woman snarkiness, which many do.

    anyway, keep these posts coming, please!!!

  5. Love it Diana. I never knew that you rehabbed homes. The home has so much character and I can't wait to see the inside. Great job!

  6. Beautiful home...what a lot of work to put a house back to rights.

  7. What a beautiful home! I love the front porch and the tree-lined street.

  8. Okay, I am officially blown away just by the number of homes tht you have lived in and rehabbed!! Amazing!!

    What a wonderful job both of you did and I so greatly admire you for rehabbing older homes and bringing them back into Glory!!


  9. I love the way you restored the foyer back to how it originally was. I sure hope SC picks my name....hugs, Penny

  10. What a beautiful house, Diana! I love what you did to the porch, what a difference paint makes! Old houses are so much more interesting and full of character than new cookie cutter houses. Wow, I am still amazed at all of the houses you rehabbed! You should have had your own show in HGTV!!

  11. What a great house that must've been! I didn't realize that you have moved that many times.

  12. This is such a beautiful home! I would have had a hard time leaving it. . . Can't wait to see who the lucky winner is :) Enjoy your day, Diana!

  13. Oh dear Dianna, your new house is simply GORGEOUS with the fabulous and cozy porch! I also love it that it's a historical home too. I love all you did with it and I'm sure you will decorate it beautifully! How exciting too!
    Have fun with SCheeks picking out the winner among us! Have a wonderful weekend.

  14. Love how you redid the inside foyer. People did some crazy renovations in the 60's didn't they. Did you rehab the house you're living in now?

  15. It was a gorgeous older home and your restoration made it even better looking.
    I love Palladian windows! I do remember that back yard re-do too.
    What a transformation that was, Diana!

  16. Oh that house has charm...I think I would sit on that porch all day long...

  17. What a pretty house. I love the porch. I'd love a nice, big pretty front porch with a swing. Maybe I'll have one in my heavenly home. While I'm on earth I think I'm going to try to be grateful for what I already have and be as content as possible. More stuff means more responsibilities and responsibilities take time. I'd rather just play with my grandbabies. LOL

  18. OMG! I love old houses. Can't wait to see the rest of it.

  19. I love the vestibule and that porch is absolutely grand! I'd LOVE a big front porch like that! I'd park myself there with a big ol' glass of sweet tea and you'd have to drag me in at night. Lol!

  20. I am totally into rehab. I wish I had enough money to do my house. As it is, I just keep maintaining it. Ah, it's hard being poor. I'd love to see more of what you've done.

  21. How fantastic! I love seeing before/afters. Can't wait to see more!

  22. This is one time where I liked the restoration of wood over wrought iron. You always do such a wonderful job remodeling.

  23. I always forget how many houses you lived in, until you bring it up again. That's so crazy. And that one was a hummer, for sure! How fun, ya know, from the outside looking in, to have fixed up that many. Looking forward to more pics.

  24. P.S. Don't forget to tell Sweet Cheeks that I'M the winner, 'kay? Thanks. :)

  25. Lovely!!!! So much charm and what an amazing porch!

  26. Absolutely gorgeous!!! You two are pros. LOVE the front porch as well the leaded glass door/windows. How did you leave it?

    P.S. Remind SC that I really, really need all that red! :)

  27. Such a beautiful historic home and I love all the restoration you did!

  28. Lovely house, the front porch looks a good place to spend a couple of hours watching the world go by.

  29. What a spectacular house Diana - wow !!!
    Wasn't it hard to leave?
    It's made me even more depressed now LMHO

  30. Oh my gosh. I am in love with that porch...what an amazing house. Was it hard to leave?

  31. I went over to your old post to see what you did (you already know I'm noisy right?) and I was blown away by that lovely yard and the incredible realism of the windows and door you hung. I wanted to peek in too! Lovely, lovely, lovely.

  32. I LOVE THIS HOUSE!!!! Must have been soo hard to give up that porch!....

  33. Beautiful restoration! You know that house looks a lot like a Sear's house!

  34. You did that house a HUGE favor by restoring it Diana, I love the new colors on the porch. Who in the world would take down crown molding??? So glad you put it back the way it's supposed to be, well done!

  35. I think I could be happy in that the little foyer.
    I've packed, showered, clean out the frig so I don't come home to green I'm taking a break to visit a few friends before we head out in the morning. Will try to keep in touch.

  36. I really don't know styles and such regarding houses. I've always just lived in tract homes, that's mostly what we have here AZ and CA. But, I sure would LOVE to have a porch like that on any home I own!!! Blessings, Cindy

  37. What a beautiful house. Wow 14 of 15! I guess you do know what I'm going through :)

  38. What a beautiful home - I love that you restored it to its original glory. The windows and front porch are gorgeous, but it is the vestibule that is the most charming. xo Karen

  39. What a gorgeous house with such charm! I swear, big front porch is like number one on my list, but I'll never get it. If only we could find something as great as this in our current house search. Unfortunately we're dealing with your traditional subdivisions, not really neighborhoods with character like this one. Love what you did. xoKathleen

  40. 15 houses?!! I bow down to your renovation skills. The house is stunning - that porch!

  41. Gorgeous, Diana! That is my Dream Porch and my Dream Vestibule!

  42. Love the house and from what I can see from the front looked like such a cozy and friendly neighborhood to live in!!

  43. Wow, that house was a beauty...Can't wait for more...A dream house!


  44. Good grief, that is a gorgeous house! I would LIVE on that front porch!! (except maybe November through April). Just lovely!♥

  45. I'm not getting your posts any more and when I re subscribe it says I'm already there..Go figure

  46. That is such a beautiful house. Love the outside porch. Do you ever wonder how those houses look today?


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