
Monday, April 28, 2014

Gifts From The Heart-Times FOUR

After growing up and moving out on my own
I discovered a very important lesson that has
stuck with me my whole life.
IF you don't expect anything
you will NOT be disappointed.

So, while I have weathered many disappointments
over the years I must say that I am
by the overwhelming generosity of those
around me.
Both in loving support and gifts when
you least expect them.

Gift #1
had this in her home
and I admired it.
She was changing things up in her home and 
Can you believe it?
I still can't!
Is that an amazing sign?
I have two different places in mind to hang it.
I will show it to you in its permanent home
once I get an area redone.

This is from my wonderful daughter, Mimi,
mama to Big Boy E, CharlesInCharge & 
Baby Bright Eyes.
This was kind of a "thank you, Mom" for
helping her with the new baby for a few weeks.
It was a labor of love - no gift necessary-
but I got one anyway.
It is a beautiful piece.
It is an Irish Crystal
Biscuit Barrel.
It is gorgeous----
about 10" tall and weighs about 10#.
The light glances off it in the lit built in china hutch
with a little help from PicMonkey..
Then, unexpectedly, I got another 
sweet little surprise
in the mail from my friend, Jettie

She KNOWS I love to read.
She said these are page turners.
I always have a "car" book going-
one I read after getting coffee
or waiting for someone somewhere.
Oh- I can't wait to start the first one!
And last, but not least,
perhaps my favorite gift of all
(sorry girls)

Given to me on Sunday morning 
by some sweet little girls that were hanging out
in front of the house in weather that looked like this!
Nestled among the shells they found something special to bring to the house
they told Papa!
Yes- it is my favorite gift EVER!

It's a rock heart!

It should go nicely with the collection
I have in my head!


  1. Diana, You are blessed with a wonderful thankful family and friends. I love all your gifts. Hope you have a great week, xoxo,Susie

  2. Wonderful friends and precious loving granddaughters! You are so blessed!

  3. Hi Diana, blessings come to those who live a life of loving others and that describes you to a tee.

  4. What nice gifts Diana! But my favorite too would be the little rock heart brought by sweet little loving hands.

  5. Unexpected gifts are the best!! It's a great reminder of the lovely friends you have. As you say, your little sweeties' gift is the best!!
    Mary Alice

  6. I agree, you are so blessed! Beautiful gifts and I like you treasure all the gifts I get from my grandsons the most!! Enjoy your day, Gail

  7. Nice surprise gifts, all..and that rock heart is a treasure indeed! :)

  8. yep, the best gifts are the free ones and from the heart!

  9. You are blessed Diana and are a blessing to so many my friend!!

  10. What lovely and heartfelt gifts Diana! Clearly you are one very special lady!

  11. Oh, Diana, what lovely gifts! I, too, adore the heart rock! Yo can tell just how special you are to so many!

  12. Oh, what sweet gifts. That rock is so special!

  13. I am ROCKIN' that Heart Rock !!! That's the kind of gifts grandmothers LOVE....
    All the gifts are amazing and, I, too,,have a few good places that Guest Cottage sign would look smashing...:)

  14. Oh Diana I am so happy you love the guest room sign. I cannot wait to see where you put it. I have to say the heart Rock is awesome and what a sweet gift. You are a special angel and deserve all these lovely gifts from the heart.

  15. Awww! How sweet of everyone to give you those pretty things! I love all of them. I love what you said about not expecting anything and then you won't have so many disappointments. Gosh, great advice! I'm going to have to start doing that.

  16. Precious..all of it! A true reflection on you that so many want to give back:) I collect heart rocks too. You are blessed, my friend!

  17. Thank you for linking to my blog, for those who like to read good books, I do book reviews for publishers.
    I love the rock, kids and grandkids come up with the sweetest gifts, worth more than diamonds and gold.

  18. Oh Diana, what a sweet and precious gift from your sweet girls, it's so special! I love it! Is that great body of water in front of your home? Where ever it is, it's awesome. Water anywhere makes my heart sing! You have some really kind friends too, Miss Diana. They know a special lady, that is for sure! You are a gift to many, including me! You have beauty shining from your big heart for all to see. Hugs to you sweet friend.

  19. The rock heart will be something you treasure forever, Diana! Gifts like that are priceless. Wow, that was so generous of Kris! What a sweetheart! I love, love, love that sign! So, once you hang it, I guess that means your door is open for guests, right?:) And that you will have chocolate treats handy for me (er, I mean your "guests") in the gorgeous crystal cannister your daughter gave you, right? And Jettie sent you some books to top it all off! You are so right, life can be full of disappointments, but it's the unexpected pleasures that make life sweet!

  20. Special gifts for a special lady! I love heart rocks....but have never found one....maybe someday! Hugs, Penny

  21. Isn't it amazing Diana - just amazing how people reach out in blogland - I did a post last week on gifts received ( it's kind of overwhelming )
    Beautiful gifts for a beautiful lady ( love love love that rock ) Remember my customer April? She collects those on every vacation - they have to be heart shaped - she has tons now !
    Have a great week -

  22. Such wonderful gifts from friends and family. The rock heart is my favorite too!

  23. Such wonderful gifts. Unexpected surprises are always the best kind. And I love that little rock heart! It'll be a constant reminder of your sweet girls. I think I'd hand it on a pretty ribbon on my rear view mirror, so I'd see it often!

  24. I tend to do the same thing. I don't expect much, therefore, I have no reason to complain and that suits me.

  25. Isn't it great to get sweet surprises? (You're deserving, by the way!) Kris is so generous-I've always loved that sign, too!! ;)

  26. Lovely gifts, Diana! I love the rock heart especially. When I am walking with my granddaughter we look for rocks shaped like hearts.

  27. what lovely gifts!

    but yes, i agree. the heart rock is the topper. i'd so love to find one.

    but to do that, i'd have to venture out of my house, now wouldn't I? and wander about, it the big world. eeeeek! lol.

  28. OH your post makes me smile this morning, Diana! Such lovely gifts!

  29. Hi Diana, friends are the best. How lucky are you to have such special friends and they gift from you daughter is so nice. The last gift the rock looks like a heart. Take care and have a nice day.

  30. Sweet, sweet gifts! And that gorgeous view is a gift, too! Wow!!

  31. Wonderful gifts, Diana! I truly love the Biscuit Barrel, though that rock heart would have a close spot in my own heart. xo Nellie

  32. Wonderful. I think people respond to the joy found and expressed in you my new friend.

  33. Such wonderful treasures, bringing happy loving Feng Shui to your world.


    Have a great week, Diana.

  34. You deserve each one! I always look for heart rocks, but I guess I just don't see them....I would love to have a collection of them also!!

  35. My dear Diana, you totally made my heart melt :) What precious and thoughtful gifts. Hugs to you!

  36. Yep, your rock heart is a gift that will be with you forever!
    I think you will appreciate all of your other sweet gifts just in a different way....

  37. All lovely, but that rock heart is truly special.

  38. Well I must admit that those girls sure know how to give their Grandma a much deserved treasure and gift! I think you ought to put it in the glass biscuit holder! And if all the rocks in your head are heart shaped your doing great! So glad all your snow has melted on the Bay!
    I think sometimes the only way we can receive more is by giving something away!
    Blessings, Roxy

  39. Ah...the heart rock is certainly dear! So sweet! You are a lucky girl with all of these beauties you have received! xo Jen

  40. What wonderful gifts! How sweet that they gave you the rock heart too. :) When I was a little girl back in the 70's, I remember making "pet rocks." We'd just paint a face on a rock. Lol! I also have "car books." I'd be lost if I was waiting for someone and didn't have something to read. :)

  41. Aren't you the lucky one. I think that's awesome that so many people thought of you, even the little ones. Have a blessed day.

  42. You most suredly are a Proverbs 31 woman....and they will rise up and call you blessed!!! Nice to have so many around you that love you...but then you give out that love too!!! I like that ♥ stone....nice find!!!

  43. You were blessed for sure with those many special gifts. I love the biscuit jar! And that heart rock, wow! I was blessed by the Lord on the day of my dear mother-in-laws funeral just over one year ago, and as I was walking on beach early in the morning I had prayed asking the Lord if it be His will I would love to find a stone in the shape of a heart, just for my dear Betty's memory sake, and my God was so good to me, I found one!!
    Our God cares for even the little things in our lives.
    I will be praying for your dear friends.
    Bless you! Debbie

  44. many special gifts, but my favorite is the heart rock!!!

  45. You are blessed with those gifts because you are a very thoughtful person. Love them all but my favorite is the rock heart! How precious it will always be to you.


  46. Lucky, lucky, you. I think all the gifts you got were probably well deserved knowing your love and generosity, and you are right. The rock heart was the very best gift of all.

  47. darling gifts, diana! you must have been very good lately:)

  48. The last one is truly special. That first sign is to die for. You lucky girl!

  49. How nice for you Diana. My favorite is the heart rock partly because of the love with which it was given.

    xo Danielle

  50. You always make me smile. Or laugh out loud literally. You are so deserving of gifts! I've never met anyone who admitted to having rocks in their head... we should start a club ;-)

  51. How sweet. You receive gifts because you are kind to others. It shows!

  52. The heart rock is something you'll cherish forever. And the gifts from friends are always special. You always bless all of us. I remember when I said I hadn't read your favorite book, you sent me one. It has a special place on my bookshelf! Enjoy your week dear one! Sweet hugs, Diane

  53. Hi Diana, Love your precious gifts and that sign is wonderful along with that beautiful crystal from your daughter. The books will be great summer reads and that rock is over the top the best ever. Such a precious keepsake. Love it.
    Enjoy the blessings you receive because you give many from the heart. I agree, don't expect and don't be disappointed!!
    Have a great evening.

  54. What wonderful gifts for a wonderful woman! I love that rock heart, it's precious!

  55. Lowering expectations and keeping high standards...that might work.

  56. I believe in get back what you put out there, so it is no surprise to me that so many send love to you! :) Sending smiles back to you from one who has received much kindness from you, Diana. Your gifts are lovely, but the rock is my favorite too! Gotta love those girls! Sounds like those "apples" didn't fall too far from the "Nana tree"!

  57. OMG - you are sooooooooooo funny with that last line!!! But seriously, you get back what you give out and you are clearly giving away all you've got and friends and family most definitely recognize that! I'd say you're all blessed :) I'm glad you're enjoying Crazy Baby and Tiger in my office/studio posts :)

  58. I love heart rocks. I have one. Didn't bring many rocks with me.

  59. What wonderful gifts. I love the rock!!

  60. You are so deserving, sweet friend!!! Love them all ~ and especially the rock. I have a "thing" for hearts and collect them. You have a treasure now from those sweet girls!


  61. You deserve every gift you received. You are always doing for everyone, baby sitting, helping people move, prayers, and words of encouragement.
    I love the pretty rock heart.
    Have a wonderful week dear friend.

  62. Beautifully Blessed! Wonderful gifts~~~Roxie

  63. Very sweet. Those who expect the least are seldom disappointed. One of my favorite sayings that I learned from Tony Hillerman's autobiography. I teach my child and my nieces and nephews that one.

  64. Very sweet and I love your saying and use it often myself. In fact most of the time I am pleasantly surprised because I did not expect it:)

  65. Gifts are so fun! And the ones from kids are so precious! My eight year old fixed me a bouquet of dandelions last week when I was sick. The weeds turn so beautiful when your child brings them to you with a sweet smile!

  66. Special gifts for a special lady!

  67. Well Diana, it's seems that when you choose to bless others in the ways you do, blessings always come back in very special ways! LOVE that heart - it IS the best! Enjoy those blessings! Cindy

  68. Beautiful gifts! The heart rock would be my favorite though. Gifts given by the little ones are always so precious!

  69. Those are all beautiful gifts! But I love that heart rock to Heaven and back! You give a lot to all of us, too! It's wonderful to think you are so loyal and uplifting to us all!

  70. Very sweet and heartfelt gifts - lovely rewards for being so selfless and kind. The rock heart is so precious. xo Karen

  71. Hi there, I keep saying this and am sure I'll say it a billion times over, but you get because you give so much. Now, I've got to go read the post before this one.


  72. Me ha encantado visitar tu bloc. Despues de las vacaciones de Semana Santa y la fiesta de Sant Jordi, continuaremos con las limpiezas ecológicas primaverales y esta semana le toca a la cocina espero que os guste y os sea de utilidad y por eso te invito a visitar mi blog. Si te ha gustado espero que si no eres seguidora te hagas ahora.

  73. Your treasures were truly given from the heart! - and you deserve them ALL! My fave would be the charming and rare little stone for Nana too!
    And you are right - our blogging friends are kind, generous, faithful and -in your case! - sooooo funny! You do know that reading your "strikethoughs" is the gift of a second post, all wrapped up into one, don't you?

  74. What beautiful gifts of kindness! One thing - how am I going to find my room when I invade Kris' house? LOL! The other gifts are so sweet but that heart shaped rock from the little ones is so precious! Gifts like these are so special and come from the hearts of caring people. You deserve it so much! Hugs, Leena
    PS I reset that noreply thing again and tested it. It appeared to work. Will you please let me know? Thanx!

  75. All such lovely gifts but I have to agree, the rock heart is my fave too!

  76. Oh, the rock heart wins hands down!

  77. Surprise gifts for someone who isn't expecting it is the best thing ever. All of yours are super amazing, but I love the heart rock best, too. How did I not know you're an avid reader?


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