
Sunday, April 27, 2014

A Prayer Request For Another Blogger- Linda Loves Chocolate

I found Linda a while ago-
or she found me- not sure exactly HOW 
we found each other
but we did.
Isn't she a pretty woman and 
a happy looking soul?

She has a blog called
I see she has CHANGED her blog
It is now called

She lives less than 30 minutes from me
but we have never met (yet).
She announced that she was retiring and 
has shared the stress of finding a replacement 
and training them for her job.
But she has solidered on and risen to the task.

Her days lay ahead of her and she 
had plans for all the fun things she would do...
how she would spend her time once she retired.

a couple of weeks ago she had a mammogram.
-something suspicious-
-need to biopsy-

What fear that strikes to a woman's heart.
They put a port in last Thursday
so that they can give her 

She will do well because she is a trooper.
She is a strong woman and 
is facing this thing headon.
She is scared.
Her hubby is scared-
he has been down this road before.

Some of you have walked this path
or have family or friends that have done so.
Please leave her a message of support and love.
Something she can look at on those dark days
when it all seems overwhelming
Send her healing, positive thoughts and
if that is something you are wont to do.

Pray for courage for both of them.
Pray for serenity.
Pray for a deep, abiding peace.
She starts her first chemo treatment tomorrow.

Edited to add:  Please pray for Deb, too.
Her mom passed away yesterday morning.
I didn't talk to her so am not sharing her full name/blog  without her permission...but
she needs prayer.  This is a huge loss in her life. 

Thank you all so much!
I hope you have a wonderful Sunday!


  1. My thoughts & prayers will be with Linda & her husband. In 2013 I became a breast cancer survivor...a journey we never expect, but share with many. When we are lifted up by others, it does provide such strength. Thank you, Nana Diana, for your kindness of embracing others on your blog. My thoughts & prayers are with Deb too.

  2. Diana, You know I will pray for Linda and her family. She will need her blog family too. Also for Deb, who lost her mom....losing our mothers is a great loss. She will be in my prayers too. Thank you Diana for helping others. xoxo,Susie

  3. Will definitely keep Linda and Deb in my prayers. Have a great Sunday, Diana!

  4. Yes, praying for Linda and Deb right now. Comfort and peace right in the midst of the storm.

  5. Praying for them both, Linda, I survived cervical cancer, and my mother is a breast cancer survivor. Hang in there, and we will continue to pray for you.

  6. I have already prayed for Linda and Deb even before I saw this post. My morning prayers always include: "For the peace, healing and happiness of those whom Nana Diana has taken under her wing."

  7. Did not know she had changed names. She's a love and I will certainly be praying for her. We think of the C word and we already put ourselves in the worse possible senario. I am praying for her. Thanks, Diana for being so thoughtful to share with us. Glad you are close to encourage her.

  8. Good Morning Diana. I will keep Linda and Deb in my prayers. My mom has gone down the road of breast cancer twice and survived both times. It is a hard journey while you go through it but when you get to the other side and the cancer is gone your life can continue on in a better place. I wish that for LInda. Thank you Diana for doing this prayer request. I know when you did one for me and my hubby it worked. The power of prayer is so remarkable.

  9. I have walked that path just this past year and you all prayed for me so I know that prayer can move mountains. I have tears in my eyes for Linda and prayers that she will make a complete recovery. I pray for strength for her and her husband to fight the battle that lies ahead. My deepest sympathy and prayer for Deb on the loss of her mother. She now has a new guardian angel!

  10. I will pray for Linda and Deb. May God be with them both.

  11. I will pray for both. Thank you Di for holding these people under your wings for us to pray for them.
    I believe in Gods hands in healing.

    A brother in-law who waited for over two years for Gods touch has happened. He had pain daily for two years. Then a miracle came. yes God does use Physicians. He had two more Specialist at another hospital and they were able to remove which the other Specialist
    failed to recognize. . Of course it was prayer that he was transferred there to a more advanced hospital and more educated men. . He now has no more pain. A new beginning in life

  12. Will be praying for Linda, and the road ahead of her. God will go before her and give her strength. Prayers for Deb as well. Thank you for reaching out and asking.

  13. Diana...I will keep Linda in my prayers...I'm heading over to her blog now. You are such a good person.

    I didn't see Deb's blog name or link, is our Debbie?


  14. Prayed for Linda, and hubby. And thanked God for you, sweet friend.

  15. My heart goes out to Linda and Deb. I have family members fighting cancer also. I will be praying. With God's grace we can win this battle!

  16. Oh wow, just when she was thinking of enjoying life...but hopefully she will be fine! My heart goes out to her and her family, dear friend.
    I will pray for her next Wednesday, I'm having the Rosary here with my friends.
    Have a lovely week, hon...

  17. my sister recently had a mass found on her breast during a mammogram...had to schedule surgery and biopsy but thankfully it was benign! i also had a cyst removed years ago so i know the fear this can bring about. i will certainly pray for these two precious just never know what life brings.

  18. I will be praying for Linda, and I'll pop over to her blog for a visit. I can't imagine how scary that's got to be. And I am sorry to hear about your friend's mother passing. How sad, I will say a prayer for her. You are such a good friend to pass along the needs of others, Diana!

  19. Diana,
    Saying prayers for your friends, Deb and Linda.

    And Linda..........I LOVE CHOCOLATE TOO.


  20. I will be praying for your friends, Diana. We just never know when life is going to hand us one of these intense, heavy times when everything seems to go in slow motion and all other busyness ceases to matter. Thank you for letting us know how we can pray.

  21. What a great day to be reminded to pray! Praying for strength for Linda and also for Deb's loss.


  22. Linda does look a strong woman, I am sure she will fight this ,we will pray that all goes well. And sending hugs to Debs for her loss.

  23. I am going to start praying for her and her husband, as it effects the hubby in a different way! She looks like a sweet and kind gentle lady, but with just enough spunk to say no way Jose!!
    Love, Roxy

  24. Prayers for both Linda and Deb and their families.
    XO Barbara

  25. Praying for both, so sorry to hear about the diagnosis and loss.

  26. I am sending prayers and good thoughts for healing, comfort, and peace...

  27. Praying for Linda and her family and asking God to completely heal her in mind, body and spirit. this we ask, believing, in Jesus name amen.
    We ask for peach for Deb and for you for your caring heart

  28. Sorry to hear your new found friend is experiencing such issues. Seems that is happening more often now days. Trusy things turn out well for her and family.

  29. Praying for both Linda and Deb. Sending lots of healing thoughts and prayers.

  30. She has my best wishes, I wish her success with her battle with cancer.

  31. Prayers and positive thoughts to both Linda and Deb.

  32. Prayers for them both. I know your friend Linda's life has just been turned upside down. Prayers for the strength to go through it all and for successful treatment.

  33. Many prayers and positive thoughts for dear Linda & Deb. May love and the Lord surround them.

  34. :( cancer is such a terrible disease! How sad that this has happened at a time that was filled with hope and promise. She has my prayers for a full recovery.

  35. Diana I will be praying for Linda as she faces this challenge. I know this heartache. For Deb I also send prayers for the Lord to comfort her heart and give her peace. It seems a sad day all around. My hubby and I also lost a dear friend this morning to liver cancer. God be with all.
    Many prayers and thoughts.

  36. Well I will go over to her blog and check things out. I will be saying a huge prayer for her - did you say her mother just died a few days ago. Oh my goodness.

  37. I'm so glad that Linda won - she could use a little good news right now. Your Give away will cheer her.

  38. I will be praying for Linda....praying hard. I know that life is full of these challenges and no one is free from them. Sending her all of the healing thought powera I have!!! Thank you for passing on the good friend! Nicole xoxo

  39. Diana, God is going to bless you for gathering the troops to pray for others. Praying healing for Linda and peace and strength for her and her husband. Praying also for Deb that she will be comforted and find peace in her heart.

  40. Sending prayers to those mentioned above. There seems to never be a loss for needs but I know we serve a God who hears our prayers and ministers to hearts in ways we can not! Thank you for sharing these needs, Diana!

  41. oh my, so much sadness and sorry. praying my little heart out for each of them. may they find strength and peace to guide them on this journey.

  42. Thanks for the prayer requests for my bff, Linda and myself. Linda's husband was married to my younger sister, so it is like deja vue (sp?) for him, myself and the stepchildren. Fortunately there are such vast improvements in treatment! We had a long talk about the changes in treatment as well as the pain of losing a mom. Yes, you have my permission to share my blog with others.

  43. praying for both Linda and Deb this morning Diana. life deals some hard blows sometimes.. I hate that. xoxo

  44. Prayers said for Linda and Deb.

  45. Indeed...praying for the two of them...

  46. I am sending prayer out to both. I really do believe in the power of prayer. xo

  47. I'm just seeing this tonight, however, prayers are needed all the time. I will hold them all in prayer, along with positive, healing energy. I know first hand that collective prayer is powerful! Thank you so much for sharing ~ we all need support at one point or another.


  48. Hi sweetie, I'm praying for Linda and Deb. I walked through this with my sister,but she fought Ovarian cancer, so know a bit of the trials.
    You are such a prayer warrior and I am so thankful for you!

  49. In here catching up this morning and praying for Linda and Deb. Love all your gifts! I will have to think on the most embarrassing moment...none come to mind right now...I really don't have many. Not much phases me.


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