
Friday, March 21, 2014

Spring Arrives On The Bay-Oh BABY!

Here is what 
What do you mean it doesn't look like SPRING?
How do I KNOW it is Spring?
LAST MONTH it looked like THIS:
See?  I told you it was Spring!
Wait till you see what SUMMER looks like.
It is one big DRIP...
and then it freezes again.

Welcome To Wisconsin
where royalty resides!

Royalty- I say!
You will notice the little fingers
held out?
(She hasn't decided if she is lefty or a righty yet)
Yes- we train them early around here.
Bright Eyes is practicing for
tea with Queen Nana!


  1. She's so beautiful. Your spring looks like our spring too. Even though I said we were closing our backyard ice rink, we've all continued to skate on it and next week looks just as cold. The whole backyard is still snow covered. What a long long winter. Happy Spring!

  2. Sweet photo of the Royalty! :)
    Our snow has melted but the downside is the mud. Haven't seen the sun in days and it's fairly cold yet.

  3. You're so funny! My view is much the same. I'm gauging our progress towards spring by the melting back going on! We got snow yesterday for our first day of spring! Bright Eyes is too cute- love those long fingers!

  4. Uuugh. So much snow. I don't know how you survive. I guess grands help to snuggle up and keep warm.

  5. She is so pretty, Diana! And those little fat cheeks are so cute! :) I can't believe how much snow you still have. Amazing! Don't mean to rub it in, but we are in the mid 80's here although, we are supposed to get another "cold front" this weekend that will bring some rain and the temperatures are supposed to drop down to the mid 70's. LOL Crazy weather! Enjoy your weekend!

  6. It looks remarkably like my corner. Would you trade Wisconsin for Florida? Sometimes I think about trading Maine in for somewhere else. Have Bright Eyes' parents lined up a piano teacher yet?

  7. At first glance you could almost say it is SUMMER (yay!) and that mound of white is an ice cream cone!
    But the little princess, omgoodness! Such a dainty "girlie-girl!" She's PERFECT! What a fun time in your life - I am soooo happy for you!

  8. Diana, Oh that's still a lot of snow. More than I ever want to see this far into March. Now I can truly understand your desire for Florida.The little Highness has her pinky finger in the right position for a cup of tea , doesn't she?? so funny. Blessings for a warm up soon. xoxo,Susie

  9. Oh my she is adorable!! (You notice I'm ignoring that snow laden table, don't you?


  10. Love the decisions they make early, me, I chose to be a lefty.

  11. Ha, ha! I hate to say I don't see much difference between the two pictures, Diana! : ) We are to have a beautiful day today - sunny and 65 as the high. It goes downhill from there with {shhh, snow} that horrible four letter word predicted for Tuesday. What? Crazy!

  12. Oh my goodness! Your poor thing. I won't tell you how my weather is here because you might hate me then. My neighbors moved here from Wisconsin. I bet they feel like they live on another planet now.

  13. What a sweet little thing. She'll be ready for tea parties before you know it. I can't believe Asher is already 7 months old and sitting up and scooting all over the place. Weston still SEEMS like a baby at 3 months, but he's growing too. Snuggle her all you can while you can. They just don't stay little long enough.

  14. Precious Diana... I am so sick & tired of the winter, 65 tomorrow then freezing on Sunday & snow next week!!
    Warm can't here fast enough for me!!! Have a great weekend! Vicki

  15. Too cute Diana. We will hit 65 today here in Chicago land but then back to 30 over the week end with snow. Happy Spring NOT! So over this weather. Just get nice and stay there already! Have fun with the little princess today and her two side kicks!

  16. She is just precious, Diana! If you ever tire of her, you can send her here:) And wow, it sure is looking like spring at your house, I can hardly wait to see summer, hahaha! I am so tired of looking at the mountains of dirty snow here, ugh! And hey, were you calling me a drip? Have a great weekend!

  17. That little princess will quickly learn the proper way to have tea with Nana! It is difficult for me to imagine what it must be like to have all that snow! xo Nellie

  18. We don't have QUITE that much snow. In fact most of ours is gone. But wait... another storm is expected Monday - Tuesday. Your little royal baby is learning quickly. Pretty soon she'll be perfecting her curtsey. So cute!

  19. Oh, what a fun spring day you have there. NOT! You know its under there somewhere. I will soak up as much warmth today for all of us. You know my butts big enough to do that, right? Love those little fingers and scrunched up face. Smoochy her for me. I would love to get a hold of those cheeks! Have a good weekend and keep them in line there!

  20. At least you can see your chairs now!
    I love those little fingers on your Royal baby!

  21. Awe that sweet baby doesn't care that there is snow on the ground - not yet anyway.

  22. You must be hiding something under that snow on the table. Baby fingers are so cute.

  23. Oh, Diana. You aren't just a kidding, are you? Wow, that doesn't look anything like Spring around here. Sorry, couldn't help rubbing it in. Just let that little Bright Eyes smile and it will warm it all up! What a little beauty..You are so blessed..Happy Weekend..Judy

  24. I don't wanna burst your glider was covered with snow and it is bare now. The deck is still snow covered, but the sun has melted what was hiding the glider. Sad to say, that is spring in Wi. Today I heard that April, May, & June are suppose to be unusually cool. *sigh* Looks like you are doing an incredible job of training 'Bright Eyes'! Keep up the good work! :-)

  25. Oh boy, not sure I could live there!! I still have one super teeny tiny pile of snow left and even that's too much for me! Love those pinkies! She's a lady alright! ;)

  26. Bright Eyes is so pretty. She looks like a contented baby. '-)

  27. Oh my, all that snow! I bet you are longing for the warm weather, Diana. Love the picture of baby stretching her little fingers. I bet you can't wait to have tea with her.

    Happy weekend.


  28. on my goodness! Spring around just a bit more springy than there!!
    You have the sweetest little "New Bloom" blossoming right there to love on it'a all good I'm sure!!


  29. Oh I wish I could hold that sweet baby girl. She has long fingers. You must be exhausted but having a great time.
    Tomorrow we have the service to attend. I took my son out for new clothes and shoes today. He is very over weight and it is so hard to fit him. He's also short......we did okay, I think. He enjoyed spending the time with me he said. Have a great week-end.

  30. Well bless your heart! I know you're so tired of winter by now. I wish I could send you some warm weather. And look at bright eyes with her little pinkie out like that! She's ready for a spot of tea, for sure! :)

  31. I have never seen a snowflake fall in Sydney in my lifetime, I'm pretty happy about that.

  32. Sweet little baby expressions. How nice to have cameras now that we can take lots and lots of photos! Enjoy your weekend and rest when you can! Sweet hugs!

  33. I don't like spring at your house..Not crazy about ours either..60 tomorrow..20 on Tues..The queen will be more than ready for tea at your house..

  34. Our snow is pretty much all gone and I'm crossing my fingers we don't get any more. I'm over winter forever.
    That baby is just precious!

  35. Oh my ~ Looks like a giant snow cone in both. Your darling princess is just priceless.

  36. I do not like spring at your house. Your tiny one is indeed a princess. She is the daughter of the King.

  37. No spring??? oh don't need to be outside need to be inside holding that little bundle of joy ! Hugs Penny

  38. I will not complain about our weather now that I've seen how much snow you have left. Those little fingers are darling - she looks like she is laughing and covering her mouth!

  39. Yikes...there is an igloo on your patio table....yes, I think we all are going from Winter to Summer!....Have fun with your precious one!

  40. Yikes! and Yikes again! Very pretty but a long way from spring :)

  41. Oh, that darling little princess!!!! I love the tea with the queen! And how funny are you with the winter vs. summer pictures! Seriously though, your patio set looks amazing with the pile of snow atop it! I also love the yawning picture and the beautiful crocheted baby blanket! I hope you all enjoyed your jammie day!

  42. It looks like all of the snow for the country landed at your place! Wow!!! Your little Miss Bright Eyes is just adorable!!! Blessings, Cindy

  43. Believe it or not it has been sunny here since the first day of Spring! I thought the rains of February and early March would never let up.
    Your outdoor table could be categorized as a mountain in Kansas!
    Pardon moi, little princess!

  44. I have thought about your table looking like a snow cone many times since you posted it. Still that much snow on it? Wow! Miss Bright Eyes is so adorable!


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