
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Nana Diana's Super Easy Crockpot Corn And Potato Chowder

Well, it is still cold here in Wisconsin.
You've heard of Dumb & Dumber?
Well-here we have Cold and Colder.

Cold days deserve a good Corn Chowder.
I was chatting with my friend, Jettie, 
a few days back and said I was making
She said she had never had it!

Shut my mouth (you just try)!  
You have NEVER had 
Well, let me remedy that, I told her.
I gave her the recipe.
This is an updated version of one
I posted 2 years ago-and it tastes
even better than the old one.
Now, I did NOT say this was purty
but it sure does taste good!
First, let me say- I am no purist.
I did not go buy ears of corn and
cut them off the ear.
No, indeedy.
I let someone else do that for me-
That Jolly Green Giant is good for something!
Anyway-Here's what you need!
Recipe is at the bottom.
Oh- yeah!
You are in a for a treat.
Your hubby will lick his bowl-
just make sure he licks the 
RIGHT bowl!

Fry up about a pound of bacon until crispy.
Break into bite sized pieces.
Throw a couple of BIG potatoes 
in the microwave
and cook until done.
Now THAT is a BIG potato,
wouldn't you agree?
Chop celery and onion & saute in a
couple tablespoons of bacon drippings.
Throw milk, cans of corn, onions, celery
into crockpot.
When potatoes are done pull skin off
and cut into bite sized pieces.
Add thyme and heat through.

This is so good and so easy. and so filling 
and so...well...just so WARMING
on a cold winter day.

So-Here's the recipe:

Nana Diana's Easy Crockpot Corn Chowder


1# bacon
2 large potatoes- baked in microwave until done.
2 cans Cream of Corn
1 can Niblets Corn
2 large celery stalks- I use the leafy parts, too.-chopped
1/2 cup chopped onion
4 to 6 cups of whole milk OR 2 cups half and half and 3-4 cups of milk
1/2 to 3/4 teaspoon thyme
1 teaspoon salt-or to taste

Pepper to taste


In Crockpot- Mix together 2 cans cream of corn and 1 can niblets corn.  Add milk (or half & half and milk.  Stir in Thyme and salt and pepper.  Stir in 3/4 pound of the bacon.-reserve a couple pieces for garnish.
Meanwhile:  Bake 2 large potatoes until done.  Peel skin off and cut into bite sized chunks.
Saute: chopped celery and onion in 2-3 Tablespoons of bacon grease.  When translucent transfer then to the crockpot..  Heat through on low and serve.  Makes 4 to 6 servings.

Note:  For some reason this demands more salt than most soups.  Add salt until it tastes "right" to you.

If you want a thicker chowder (which hubby likes) take about 1/3 cup flour and mix with 1/2 cup milk until smooth.  Slowly stir into hot chowder and let cook until thickened.

Garnish top of bowl with a few bite sized pieces of bacon.

This is even better reheated on the 2nd day- IF there is any left that is.

And...make sure that YOUR hubby doesn't turn into one of these after eating all that soup.
But if he DOES...well, 
I have a companion for him~
As you can see, MyHero likes to wear his
Captain's Hat when he has the remote.
And why sit on a couch when you can lay in bed?
Hmm...Couch potato?
Nope Bed Stud Spud!:>)


  1. Diana, Last year my daughter and I made this chowder with your recipe. It was very good. Nice and thick. Good to have in cold weather. Too funny your Captain with that remote. LOL I surprised he dares to fall asleep near you. :):) Hope you get a warm up in temperatures soon. xoxo, Susie

  2.'re giving me ideas. Yesterday afternoon, I saw a sign saying " fish chowder~soup of the day" at the new eatery in town. As I had grands in tow, I did not stop, but John was more than willing to run over and pick some up. A good hot bowl of chowder is just the thing in these January days. =D

  3. Oh my, that sounds delicious! I do believe we will be having that soon, oh my, I might be that couch potato too!
    Have a great day Miss Diana!

  4. LMAO 'bed spud'
    thanks for the recipe, that's one I know my hubby would eat, he likes corn. I do have a recipe, but this crock pot one would be better. I'm making turkey pot pie tonight. Greetings from another cold place in WI.

  5. That one is now saved! I love a good corn chowder on a cold evening. We have had many cold evenings this winter. Thanks for sharing! xo

  6. Yum this sounds so good. I am going to try it. Thanks for the recipe. Yummm!

  7. Sounds warm and delicious! I love soup - real comfort food!

  8. I'll be making it this weekend, if I do the cooking.

  9. It's rainy/windy and we have tummy aches. This looks good to me. Love that last photo!!!!!

  10. Love soup... will try this one Diana!
    Have a good day! V

  11. Oh my...bed spud? I hope your hubby doesn't mind all of our giggling over him! lol And no....I have never ever made this! I've had a Progresso soup that is a tiny bit like it but now I want to make it homemade! Sounds incredible! I have a brisket in the crockpot today. (we're having a 'rain day'! haha) Sweet hugs!

  12. I miss corn....and corn chowder....
    I have been allergic to corn (and all by-products) for almost 20 years....
    I loved corn chowder to....
    YOur recipe looks wonderful.....

  13. Diana... you always make me smile.....and hungry.The soup looks delish. Trying to diet during Lent. You are a bad influence one me!l

  14. I have never thought of adding Thyme sounds yummy! Can't wait to try it out on H! It's going to be 70 here in New Mexico today...don't hate me cause I'm! Hugs, Penny

  15. I have to make this! I am always looking for recipes to cook in the crockpot while I'm working in the shop. It's always nice walk into the house and have something that smells wonderful and is ready eat. Thanks for sharing.

  16. oh my goodness, this looks so good, especially on this cold rainy Alabama morning...will Spring N-E-V-E-R get here?!?!??! well, at least we're supposed to be in the 70's this weekend.

    i'm going to bookmark this recipe for later...i'm doing good since i went back on WW so i don't want to tempt fate (or fat as the case may be!)

  17. Cute post and I am going to make your delicious soup! We have a new tv in bedroom I expect my hubby to be like yours but yours is super cool with that hat for sure!

  18. Delicious soup recipe, Diana! I will definitely be trying this one! xo Nellie

  19. Thanks for the recipe. The longer I live, the more soup I make. Read somewhere recently that if you eat soup with each meal you will lose weight. Wonder what happens if you eat only soup? Say hello to your Bed Spud! Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  20. I am wondering where on earth did you find a photo of such a giant potato.

  21. ha...stay warm Diana(:)
    and that chowder
    looks really good to me!!!

  22. That looks so yummy, Diana! I love making soup, but believe it or not I've never had corn chowder either! But wow, that is alot of bacon to use!!
    Maybe your Hero thinks the remote won't work unless he has his captains hat on??

  23. Good Eats and and a good captain to hold down the fort! What more do u need in life, other than a bit of spring! TeHeHee!
    Diana the soup looks Yummo and I like your style of cooking! Thanks for recipe! ;)

  24. Yum! I am collecting soup recipes that do not require tomatoes, as I can no longer eat them. This is perfect!!

  25. I am with the Captain! Why sit on a couch when you can lay in a bed cuddled in blankets.
    Your soup looks fabulous. I didn't know you were in Wisconsin. I grew up just outside of Madison. Yes, it can be nice and cold and this soup is perfect for warming you up.

  26. I love your new coined phrase! Bed Spud.........cute! I may have to use that someday. That recipe looks yummy! Now, if I could just have someone come over and cook it for me, I'd be set. Know anyone?

  27. Diana, this is perfect! We were having soup for lunch the other day when my husband said we should have soup more often. So I was trying to think of some different soups -- forgot about corn chowder!

  28. Would you believe I've never had corn chowder either? Oh my, it looks good though! I bet it smells wonderful while cooking. Hope your cold and colder turns into warm and warmer soon!

  29. We love corn chowder. I'm copying this recipe!

  30. Can you Fedex some to me please? Love ya! Your old Friend, m.

  31. Diana, I have tasted Corn Chowder but never made it, so thanks for the recipe-I will give it a try. I just had Lentil Vegetable soup for lunch; for most of my life I would not even try this soup but had it and love it-plus it is healthy for you! Hope you are staying warm my friend!

  32. hmmm. looks good. We're still getting snow down here in Texas even. I have you on my bloglist now so I don't miss any of your posts as I love your wit and humor.

  33. MMM sounds good, must try, once I get off the vegie marinara sauce and lasagna soup kick!!! You bet....that SURE IS a big potato!!!

  34. I haven't made corn chowder this season. This recipe sounds perfect. I could even skip the bacon (the BEST part) for our no-meat Friday meals. Thank you!!

  35. Sounds so good. I like all kinds of soups year round, but especially in the winter.

  36. Bed spud !! Now that's a new one...The bacon probably make s that recipe..Yum..

  37. Sounds great! I love anything with bacon!!!~~Angela

  38. I am sure it is delicious, but I have taken my crock pot and hidden it under a pile of old blankets in the garage. I refuse to acknowledge anymore cold weather or cold weather food. While lounging around in my flip flops and cropped pants I am only eating spring salad mix. :)


  39. This looks wonderful! I have a great recipe for shrimp and corn chowder. Thanks for reminding me. I'll have to make one of these recipes soon!

  40. I have never had it before but that will be changed.

  41. I had that before...but never actually made it. I bet it's good. This past week we have been eating nothing and some bland food. I am ready to get cooking a good meal again

  42. Wow, that sounds great! But, I would probably just stop at the pound of filling lol!


  43. I love corn chowder...sometimes we make a chicken corn chowder. Pinning!

  44. I have never had it, but you make me think tomorrow is a good day to try it! I have everything I hope. Gotta see about the thyme. Your hero looks comfy!

  45. It sounds delicious. I love corn chowder. Of course, I would eliminate the bacon (I'm a vegetarian) but I think it would still taste great!

  46. I have never had corn chowder...and I can't shut my mouth either! ;) Looks yummy, though and easy, right up my alley!

  47. Diana this recipe sounds so good. A great weekend soup on a cold rainy day coming our way. Thanks for sharing.
    Going to save this.

  48. Love corn chowder, but I haven't made my recipe in a LONG time. I used canned corn, too. Gonna pin yours to my crockpot board - I somehow think there will still be some cold days left this winter to try it!

  49. I've got to make this recipe! Sounds delicious!

  50. Hmmm, sounds delish! Anything that combines potatoes and bacon has to be good. We still have cold days alternately with 70's but this would be so good.

    I didn't realize I've missed so much until I started trying to catch up. I've been helping my daughter and s-i-l pack and move and unpack. Let me tell you, this "older" body just doesn't work like it used to. I'm totally exhausted and my legs & back are killing me. Arthur has a lot to do with it too. I hope that he hasn't visited you! :)


  51. LOL "Bed Spud" Oh my gosh, girl, you are HILARIOUS! Very few out there who make me laugh out loud like you do! And it's so obvious between the lines that your favorite "bed spud" is actually your favorite little "cuddle bug!" - Bed Spud Bug?
    I will try the recipe - I love potato soup - just wish I had all the ingredients here now - I'd make it today!

  52. hahahah...bed stud!!! instead of couch potato!!! love it! hey, my elderly parents ALWAYS say "soup" when I ask them what they want for dinner. I don't let them have soup every night for dinner but this looks like a fabulous recipe to fix on the nights when they DO have soup for dinner. Thanks for sharing it with us...looks yummy and easy! (They are very set in their ways and ONLY have sandwiches for lunch...maybe I could coax them into adding this great soup with their sandwich too).

  53. It's in the crock pot NOW! Better find our tee shirts for when it's ready....and our couch! I can't wait! Have a fabulous day my friend! Hugs, Diane


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