
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Red Transferware And Red Roses

Remember the other day when I asked you
Well, I had to censor some of your answers.
I thought a 
deserved a table set using 
and Ruby (or Cranberry)Thumbprint glasses.
I have a mix and match of pieces.
I got many of them when I helped my friend's,
Tom & Ruth, get their house ready for sale here.
Ruth has always been a collector of many things
and I was lucky enough to get the pieces
of red transferware that she had.
I combined them with the few pieces I had
to set this table.
The candlesticks are sterling silver and belonged
to Grandmother Clara.
The vase in the center is crystal 
from Poland and a gift
from a friend when she moved away.
It belonged to her mother.
It weighs more than my left thigh...
okay- I might have lied about that.

Close up of the vase.
The clear glass candle holders were a gift 
from my son-in-law for Christmas.
There were a few special pieces like the gravy boat.
Another shot overall.
And this shows the chandelier 
and the built in hutches 
that flank the fireplace.
Well, hubby is out of town 
so no dinner party tonight.
Time to snuff out the candles with my new 
Does the word candle SNUFFER make you feel like SNICKERING?
My three granddaughters 
got this for me for Christmas.
Down goes the Birdie!
Out goes the flame.

Hmmmm.....MyHero is gone...
You know the old saying-
While the CAT'S away the MOUSE will play.
I could just go WILD & CRAZY, couldn't I?
My friend, Jettie, posted something to help me get
started with the CRAZY part!
I sent for TWO starter kits.  
If ONE is good TWO must be better, right?


  1. Your table is both gracious and inviting! The transferware is a perfect compliment to your lovely roses. It's so nice how everything on your table is a gift - connected to a special person in your life!

  2. Diana, WOW! Your tablescape and YOUR DINING ROOM! Beautiful!
    Happy Weekend!

  3. Oh my gosh, Diana, you're so funny! There is such an uplifting energy coming from you. Do you realize that? That box of cats is just too cute! Did you just set that table to write a post or was that a lovely table you set for a family occasion! One never knows with you, you know. Anyways, it's a lovely table and you have a gorgeous home!

  4. So funny! You really have such a beautiful dining room. I love getting peeks of your home. I also love the red transferware pieces you have and your pretty red goblets, all are a perfect compliment to your gorgeous roses!

  5. The table setting is beautiful. Love the red transferware. The kitties crack me up. Please do NOT send a kit on to my mother, she already has enough. LOL Will have to send that pic on to my dad for laughs.

  6. Your table setting and your home, are gorgeous....

  7. It all looks so beautiful Diana!... I love red transferware and your goblets are so pretty too... that gravy boat is gorgeous!... and I would honestly LOVE some starter kits!... hello kitties!... xoxo Julie Marie

  8. Diana, what a gorgeous tablescape! Each detail is just fabulous and I'm crazy about your red transferware! Don't you just love snuffers? Sure beats getting wax of your tablecloth and feels a bit regal when using a snuffer! Have fun this weekend and don't get into any trouble!

  9. Haha! I do not even like cats, but the starter kit is precious. And so is your lovely table setting! Have a great weekend! Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  10. Love this table setting. My mother has been collecting the red transferware pieces. I keep hoping to magical find more to add to her collection at an estate sale. Enjoy your weekend. I would expect you to get into lots of trouble. I'd be disappointed otherwise.

  11. Diana, I love your table setting. It is very pretty. Watch what you say...Tete has some new kittens to ship out, they may be sent to you.:):) That is the cutest picture of kittens . Don't be getting into trouble while your Hero is away. You know he can give you "that" look. xoxo,Susie

  12. Love the *cranberry* color!! :-) The red transferware is like my grandma had. Wish I had just one piece of her set. No idea whatever happened to it. That last photo is so cute. How is Jettie doing with her new hip? Hope you have a wonderful Wisconsin day!

  13. Goodmorning Diana! Gorgeous favorite piece is the gravy boat. Have a great week end and try not to get into trouble while your hero is! Hugs, Penny

  14. Stunning tablescape and stunning dining room! I love red transferware and yours is gorgeous. I do remember when your friend moved away and gave you such lovely things to remember her by, they are in great hands! I love your candle snuffer from the girls. I also got one that looks like a bell with a long pole, as a birthday present from a good friend... they're great, caz sometimes you blow on them and the liquid candle drips right into your pretty happened to me!
    The kiddies are adorable!
    I love the flower crystal vase and the candle holders from your grand. Everything is beautiful, my friend! Hope hubby comes home soon sweetie.

  15. Howdy, Diana! Oh your table is beautiful! I love the transferware and how sweet of your friend to give it to you! Love the candle sticks and glassware too. What a cute little candle snuffer. I have one too and love them. Don't get too crazy on us!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  16. You have such a pretty dining room, Diana! Your table setting looks great. I love red and white transferware. You've got some beautiful pieces there. I always use the time when my husband is out of town to do stuff in the house. Like make holes in the wall to hang stuff or a painting project. Not this week, though. He has been off and I have gotten nothing done!

  17. Here kitty kitty kitty! Beautiful transferware, one of my faves. Husbands out of town are fun! Mine is going next week.....I usually paint a room and rearrange furniture, but now that box of cats has me thinking! Jane

  18. So pretty! I love transferware and your table setting is just lovely.

  19. So did you set the tablescape just for fun!? It was beautiful. Nice you were able to get some more plates from our friends. I remember that time you were helping her stage her home. And I love the bird snuffer - nice. sandie

  20. Your table setting is gorgeous! I'm in love with the chairs too...gosh they're pretty! And that chandelier! Wow! So much prettiness! The candle snuffer your granddaughters gave you is very nice. I just love using mine too. The crazy cat lady starter kit cracked me up! I only have one cat, but I did start feeding a stray the other day...and within one hour THREE more strays showed up at my all you can eat cat cafe!! Maybe I already AM the crazy cat lady. :)

  21. Ohhhhh, I just love this. The dishes are so pretty with all the silver. I think you should eat dinner alone there tonight. With wine. And cheese. And more wine. :)

  22. Beautiful table setting and dinning room, oh and a fire, love, love. It's no wonder your family loves visiting you, you make a house, a home. Well, I am wondering, did you just wake up and decide your were going to set the table for us and take pictures of your lovely setting? How nice, now what would be on the menu if you had us all over???? Or, is it potluck???

    Well, have a wonderful day and don't get into too much trouble whilst your Hero is out of town. I don't know, I kinda would save the setting until he gets home and have a candle lite dinner....who knows you might get another bouquet of flowers......just saying.

    Stay safe from the winds of the Bay (:)

  23. Hi Diana, Your table setting is lovely and your dinning room and those chairs are amazing.
    You must have some wonderful dinner parties in that beautiful room :)
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  24. Your table setting is beautiful as is the chandelier!
    Soon you will become the new cat lady!

  25. LOL DIana. This post made me laugh and smile. Too cute. Love the table setting so pretty. Have a nice and quiet week end to yourself. Wooo Hoooo let the party begin!

  26. Your table is gorgeous! Red and white transferware is my favorite. I have lots of it too. :)

  27. Your table is fit for a Queen! If I lived closer we could have had a dinner party while your hubby was away!

  28. Your dining room is just gorgeous, Diana! Love the pretty table that you've set, what time is dinner? Sounds like you are having fun going solo this weekend. Those kittens are just too adorable, I've always had a soft spot for gray kitties!

  29. Dear Diana, The table is so lovely! I love the red Transferware! I am hoping to have a collection one day soon. Your room is just stunning. To bad you were not having a real bash and party and eat till the cows or cats come home!
    Have a wonderful weekend! Hugs, Roxy

  30. What a beautiful table setting.
    I would stand (or probably sit) and look at it for hours on end if it was mine.
    "Beautiful" just doesn't do it justice.

  31. I love your table setting, Diana! Those built-ins are to die for! xo Nellie

  32. Your table is simply beautiful and I love the red transferware. To bad you didn't have company over so they could see you beautiful tablescape. The red roses really add pop to the table. The fireplace and built in hutches are stunning - lucky you.
    I just love those little kitties - how cute is that.

  33. LOL, at least I'll have fun with my crazy cat lady friend. There is another way to get a starter kit, by the way. Just take in a couple of pregnant cats.

  34. Diana, If I didn't already have 3 1/2 sets of china(the half set is what was left of my mom's), I would come borrow your red transfer ware. I love it! Lovely table, hope you get to use the setting soon. Crazy cat lady indeed-they are adorable. Love your dining room fireplace and units next to them. Have a great evening!

  35. Diana, what a beautiful table setting! Those red roses are gorgeous! Love the red transfer ware too. Enjoyed this post!

  36. Gorgeous table with the red transfer ware. Your dining room is very elegant as is the tablescape. I'd love to have dinner at this beautiful table. What time is dinner?
    Glad you ordered two boxes of those adorable kitties. ;-)

  37. I have your old Britain castles pattern!! Added some solid white to the kitchen cabinets recently. Got tired and needed a change. Wonder if we could do that with our heroes? Have you seen sister wives? My husband dies laughing when he walks through our room and I'm watching that reality #%%*

  38. Love the candle snuffer!!
    Behave now Diana.... lol ~ you always make me chuckle!!

  39. your table is beautiful! You are not going to believe this, cause this is getting really creepy, but I have a set of red transfer-ware coming to me when my MIL departs. It's a huge, gorgeous set that came from her father when he worked in a china factory.
    Have fun playing crazy lady...

  40. That table is beautiful. Love those chairs and that chandy.
    Have fun while Hubby is gone.

  41. Wow Diana, that is a very beautiful table. Elegant just gorgeous. Too bad you're Heroes not home to enjoy it with you.

  42. Just popping in to say - ha ha! ;)
    Continue being a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  43. You know when you show us the different table settings and ask us to pick a favorite? Well, my favorite is this one, your very own!
    It's lovely, and just my taste!
    HAHA on that starter cat lady box and the weight of your do make me laugh!

  44. What a beautful table and a beautiful room! I love red and white together. I also love kitties. I have my own starter kit here. We have our family cat, then my daughter brought a cat home from college...even though I said, "don't." Thankfully both are shims...ahem! (she + him - reproductive parts).

  45. The table setting is gorgeous, your red roses are fabulous, what a lucky lady you are. I love the ruby glasses and the red transfer ware. Your dining room with fireplace and surround is very beautiful and that chandelier!!! I love it!

  46. What a very pretty table~ Order the starter kit and you will be like me!!!!! The crazy cat lady!
    Everything on your table is a treasure but I especially love the birdie snuffer.

  47. Gorgeous table! I love all the dishes and glassware & of course, the candle holders. The chandy is stunning! Love that you have a fireplace in the room too. Please, please don't become a crazy cat lady! :)

    Almost 80F here today and back to freezing temps first part of the week. Hope you're not getting more snow.

    P.S. I didn't respond about the red ex bought them for me alllll the time. Due to his actions, I can't stand the thought of having anymore red roses. At least I don't have to "do" anything now. ha ha ha

  48. Oh, sweetie! You are (and always are) so terribly funny! But...your table is gorgeous. I have always wanted to collect red transferware and had a short time coveting Old Britain Castles. Thankfully, hubby put me off and since than I have learned not to feel I need every set of dishes I see. Silly. I loved seeing glimpses of your home, you sly fox!! I don't get along well with kitties, very allergic. This starter kit could be the beginning and end for me!! :)


  49. Oh, your table setting is gorgeous! Each and everything...beautiful.. Now those kitties....wish I could have a box of them... (I think Rusty would beg to differ with me on that one!) lol

  50. Your table setting is really beautiful and elegant. Too bad you aren't able to have a nice dinner with your hubby there tonight. That cat lady starter kit photo was funny!

  51. You set a beautiful table, Lady Di! I love the starter kit photo, if I'd known you wanted kittens, I could have brought you 3 or 4!

  52. Dreamy red transfer ware and even the cute sniffer IPA Gus.... I loved your display. Cute. Seriously cute starter kits. Hugs.

  53. Two kits puts you well on the way to being a crazy cat lady. I already have my starter kit. There is something so dreamy, old world about transferware. Being able to pair it with all the things that have been gifted to you out of love makes the table extra special!

  54. The table is absolute gorgeous, but those kitties have caught my eye! Ohh...who doesn't love kittens! :)

  55. I love your silver birdie candle snuffer outter (that's what I call um) and the transferware gravy boat. Lovely table.

  56. Ha..Ya think??? I had a set of that ruby glass..glasses, goblets, sherbet dishes and a few miscellaneous pieces..I used to use it but sold it when I moved last year...Looks lovely on your table..Have a wonderful Sunday..

  57. Wow, your table was just beautiful, Diana! That is gorgeous transferware -- you really lucked out and have super-nice friends! Great candle snuffer -- yes, saying that makes me snicker!

  58. Your dining room is gorgeous! You have so many special items that I adore! You're a girl after my own heart with the silver, red transferware, crystal chandelier, fireplace and candle snuffer! Your table is lovely and you're too funny!

  59. Oh my Nana Diana, You have the prettiest dining room ever. I love the chandelier and the fireplace flanked by the built in hutches. Simply stunning. The red transferware is beautiful on the lovely white tablecloth. The runner trimmed in red is a wonderful compliment to the ruby thumbprint glasses and the lovely crystal and silver. A truly beautiful table! By the way, where can I get a cat lady starter kit at? (with the kittens of course). I have four cats now but you can never have to many kittens.

  60. We had a candle snuffer when I was a kid! It was only brought out at Christmas and getting to be the one to snuff out the candles was a big deal! :)

    Lovely table and thanks for the memory / had forgotten about that! :)

  61. You are nuts! Your tablescape is gorgeous! Too bad you couldn't sit down and be waited on...and think twice about the cat starter kit.. cats are so demanding.

  62. Love transfer ware, and your table looks so pretty. Um, about the cat starter kit...I'm guffawing! That word makes me smile just like snuffer does.


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