
Thursday, February 27, 2014

My Random Five

You know how you have those pictures that don't
really give you enough to blog about
but you want to preserve them 
and post them anyway.
Well, today's the day.

I know that somewhere in Blogland there is a
Well, I decided to do my own little
Random Shots of  Five Kids
in my life.

Number One.
He might be kinda naughty sometimes
but he is sweetly beautiful when he sleeps.
Our little CharlesInCharge~
Yes- those rosy cheeks are for real
and so are the lips-this is a point and snap picture.
Number Two
Lulu-Girl Who Won Volleyball Tournament Championship
with her friend Miss A (Miss A is on left)
Number Three:
SweetCheeks practicing her dance for the upcoming recital.
Number Four
Sister Ria also practicing for the upcoming recital.
And, last but not least,
Number Five
BigBoyE dreaming about the new baby girl
that is coming to disrupt his life!
Yeah- it is NOT going to be easy, is it?
Sleep now-while you can, E!

I have had a busy week so far-
If I haven't visited you yet- I will try to get there soon!
Lots going on here and my bag is packed in case
New Baby Girl
decides to come a bit early!


  1. How sweet is the sleep of those inocent children! The girls are sweet too and congrats on the win. I would love to see them dance, my granddaughter took dance when she was 2 and 3. You are so blessed,Diana.

  2. Diana, All your grandchildren are beautiful. Love the girls cute dresses. I am glad you are pack already for the birth of your new baby, when the time comes. xoxox, Susie

  3. What beautiful kiddos ... I know how proud you are of them! And, we can't wait to meet your newest love!

  4. What precious grandchildren you have! Lucky lady!

  5. They are all so cute, Diana! I love the girls' dresses. Is that what they are actually wearing for their recitals?

  6. Good Morning Diana, Do you remember this song . . .?
    It goes, "When I'm worried and I can't sleep, I count my blessings instead of sheep . . . and I go to sleep counting my blessing".
    Well, that song came into my mind as I looked at your five beautiful blessings.
    Have a lovely day.
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  7. Awww, Diana, just so very precious! I know they melt your heart. And lucky you, another one on the way!! I just love seeing your girls getting ready for their recital, mine is too! Oh the fun! Have a wonderful day!

  8. Diana just so precious every picture. You captured each of them so sweetly. What a sweet post today. You have gorgeous grandbabies. How exciting that the boys will be having their new little sister soon. Oh Boy!!!! Have a great day my friend.

  9. What sweet photos, Diana! We're waiting for a precious little delivery too, and our 3 year old grandson is also going to find a little sister vying for the throne. :-)

  10. Those babes are so beautiful! And wise woman to have your bags packed. You must be so excited!

  11. Precious children, Diana! Good to be ready to hit the road at a moment's notice. That baby girl is sure to have a mind of her own.:-) xo Nellie

  12. Precious loves and perfect memories to keep and to share!
    Whew! You are busy and also "on call' !

  13. There aren't any bad pictures of our grands are there....all are so sweet! Hugs...

  14. Hi Diana, your sweet grandchildren are so adorable. Charlie looks like a doll with those rosy cheeks and lips. What angels they all are. xoxo

  15. How sweet!
    Random Five will be Random SIX! before too long, woot--woot.

  16. The best Random Five I've ever are truly blessed. BTW I LOVE the girls' recital dresses. They are very elegant!

  17. What a great group of grands. Beautiful all! And soon you'll have to do a Random 6!

  18. Such wonderful blessings! And I can't wait to see pictures of that new little girl. I'm sure she's going to be beautiful! :-)

  19. The Priceless 5 and counting! : ) I hope to be so Blessed one day!!! Thanks for your visit! <3

  20. Love all of the wonderful photos of your grandkids, Diana! You are so blessed to have them in your life! Looks like big boy e is frowning while he's asleep. Maybe he's thinking of all the disrupted nap time he'll have once the baby arrives! Have a great day!

  21. Love all the photos of the kids...they are all beautiful ! :) Especially enjoyed those pretty dance dresses on the girls...

    Yep there's a random five party ...over at A Rural Journal on Fridays :)

    Getting excited about the newest addition! :)

  22. You are a dream grandma!! So excited that the family is growing!!

  23. The first grand looks so angelic in his sleep! I always loved looking at the little ones when they were asleep. Such innocence on their sweet faces. You have a beautiful family, Diana!

  24. What a group of * A D O R A B L E * kids! Beautiful family, you are truly blessed. Can't wait to hear about the new member coming soon, so excited for you! :)

  25. That was the fab five for absolute sure! I loved seeing those slice of life pics. Baby watch! Let us know!

  26. I loved each of those pictures. Those children are precious!

  27. Your grandchildren are precious. You are so lucky to have such beautiful grandchildren and they are all so sweet and nice. Can hardly wait for the new granddaughter - I know you are excited. Great post....
    Have a wonderful warm weekend.
    We got one of our storms and another one is on it's way - bring it on....

  28. Love the pic of the grands. How exciting to soon be welcoming another beautiful baby into the family! Something for you and sweetcheeks to play with is being sent off in the mail tomorrow. Snowy and cold hugs!

  29. They are all beautiful!
    (Those rosy cheeks are incredible!)


  30. What beautiful photos of precious children! How proud you must be of them.


  31. I loved this post! You really do have beautiful grands! Love how the girls are so proud of their volleyball medals! I played volleyball in Jr. high, but wasn't any good at it. Lol! I hope your daughter is feeling some relief and that baby girl makes an appearance soon. :)

  32. Diana,
    I love your random pictures today. I think I like those best of all. As you know, I often do a post called 'Just Because,' and they are just pictures that speak to me. Your random pictures remind me of that because there is no story to tell, and the pictures speak for themselves. Tell sister Ria this one is my favorite today - she looks so graceful. Your random pictures are very special and made me smile, Diana.


  33. What a great idea! Those are beautiful and precious children and I know everyone is Nana's favorite!

  34. All Five just beautiful…can't wait to see number 6...

  35. These are the greatest photos. All the best to your daughter/baby. Keep us posted.

  36. Are "E" and Charles-in-charge siblings? If memory serves me right, they're not, but they sure look a lot a like!

  37. What an adorable post! I love pictures of kids dreaming. They are so angelic. I often think that when I see my two boys sleeping. x

  38. Just precious!! Love the sleeping pics. They are little angels when asleep. Best wishes for your daughter.Thoughts and prayers.
    Have a great weekend.

  39. Adorable pics - I'm so glad you shared these with us!

  40. Soooo Precious!!! And baby makes 6~~~what beautiful grandbabies! Blessings~~~Roxie

  41. So beautiful and so very precious! All of you are extremely blessed ~


  42. What an abundance of blessings!

  43. I love how you love your grandchildren. Priceless

  44. You should have that first picture (Charles In Charge) turned into a painting. He looks like a cherub! They are all wonderful and you are blessed to have those 5 as your favourites.

  45. What fabulous pictures, each one could have a been a blog post on it's own!


  46. This is the exact reason I started my life snippets posts. Total randomness to the world, but worth documenting to me.

  47. Every Mother and Grandmother just went, "Ahhhhh." I'm quite sure of it.
    How suuuuuweeeeet are those photos.

  48. What a great idea, Diana! Sweet pictures...your cup certainly runneth over :) Hugs to you!

  49. Love all the photos of the kids. You don't need a special reason to post them, just throw them in there. You know how a picture says a thousand words. WE can make up our own stories! LOL
    Oh, I hope Mindy goes soon, but not in the middle of a storm, but you know that's how it happens. Prayers for all of you until that baby gets here.

  50. What an exciting time for everyone - you too - this is going to be wonderful.

  51. You're lucky to have so a lovely family and they're so lucky to have you as well..

  52. Fabulous Random Five! Five beautiful blessings!


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