
Monday, November 18, 2013


Well, here I am!
I made it through the weekend!
You want to know if it was busy?
Funny you should ask.
This is a longer post than I usually do.
So-heat your coffee, grab some strawberries
 and sit a spell.

Friday night MyHero and I went to see
Lulu & SweetCheeks play-
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever....
and BOY was it!

Here are the girls  with Mom all ready for 
Scene I on stage.
Lulu played the part of 
Little Miss Self Righteous.
It was a good sized part and 
she did a GREAT job.

SweetCheeks was the youngest player
in the play-age 6.
She ad-libbed her way to 
front and center stage.
The director let her add two lines  
that she "wrote in".
No one was allowed to take pictures
of them on stage or during the play.
I only got pictures in the hallways
behind the scenes.

Here is middle sister, Ria,
caught in a pensive moment.
I think she was feeling a tad sad that
she didn't try out for the play.
She has beautiful hair-
I told her I would show everyone how
pretty it looked all pulled up in back..
So, Friday night was a busy one!
Daughter Mimi, hubby and two boys
showed up to spend the night and go to
Saturday's show.

Saturday I went to TWO PERFORMANCES
back to back.  
At the 2nd show we had 21 family members
in the audience.
We ALL went to SweetCheeks' house for
pizza and Charlie's birthday cake.
When I got ready to leave
SweetCheeks begged her way into the backseat
and spent the night at my house.
If you have 15 seconds here she is
"relaxing" and telling me that she was
The Star and that "the spotlight loves me".
Sunday I went to the afternoon matinee.
This was the last performance of the season.
I now know every line by heart just in case
I want to try out to be 
next year.
Wonder if they could stretch that costume to fit me?


Think that was the end of the weekend?
Throw a wedding in there, too.
If you are REALLY GOOD 
I might tell you about
Here's a sneak peek-
I will try to get around to visit later today-
bear with me if I am a little late.


  1. Diana, Good to see that your granddaughters enjoyed being in the play.SC sure did. :):) You did have a busy weekend. I would be wore out. xoxo,Susie

  2. ooo, the grandkids plays were part of my favorite things. I am just hoping our youngest, DEEDS, will be in another one before she gets out of school. :)
    Your grands are all beautiful as well as your daughter. :)

  3. Sounds like a wonderful weekend with your grands. I think sweetcheeks is Broadway is Broadway bound!

  4. Oh my goodness, what a fun filled weekend you had!... your girls are just adorable and I would have loved to see the play... Ria's hair is just gorgeous!... you are so blessed with those little girls... enjoy relaxing a bit today!... xoxo Julie Marie

  5. I have been backstage for a month, taking care of the sets and corraling actors. I love it for the first couple of weeks, then I'm done. Thankfully, this coming weekend is the last!

  6. What a wonderful family weekend! I love the way your family supports each other. You are my role model for being a good nana. And what a great photos of Ria. She looks absolutely stunning!

  7. Sounds like a fabulous weekend to me! Wishing you a great week Diana!

  8. I love Ria's hair, it is really pretty. Sounds like your weekend was full of making happy memories.

  9. It sounds like you had a busy but fabulous weekend, Diana! It sounds like the play was a hit. I guess Sweetcheeks will be looking for an agent soon! : )

  10. What a fun weekend! You packed more family-fun-times in there, than should be possible.

    Lovely alllllllllll... Including that simply beautiful hair on the "Grand," who didn't try out for the play. "Spun Gold" comes to mind...

  11. "The spotlight loves me!"...
    Can't top this, Sweet D. My coffee cup runneth over with smiles! I'm off to morning chores before work!

  12. What a fabulous weekend! The girls are beautiful. Hope you a get a bit of rest today.

  13. Anything with the grandgirls is so much fun and a play...nothing more AWESOME!!! I'm missing mine, but did have two long weekends with them recently too! Look at your gorgeous actors, just too cute, that Sweet Cheeks is too much and of course it must have sold out! Beautiful hair on the cutie and all your three girls are lovely too, along with you, pretty lady D. Thanks for coming and for sharing. Have a lovely week.

  14. congratulations to the girls on the sold out show!! You were some busy this weekend!!Such beautiful girls,

  15. Sounds like a super busy weekend. But, getting to see your girls perform was probably a thrill! Glad to hear they did well. And I love Sweet Cheeks' confidence! A kid who believes in herself can do most anything!

  16. That child just kills me! LOL How I wish I could have been at one of those performances. What a fun weekend, Diana!

  17. Wowzer, what a busy weekend you had, Diana! I bet you were so proud of the girls! And I imagine that you did indeed memorize the lines, you would be a shoe in for that roll next year:)

  18. What a hoot! Hope that you find time to relax this week. Ria does have gorgeous hair. Hope that she tries out for the next play!

  19. Sounds like you were a tad bit busy this weekend. Loved Sweetcheeks video. Too cute. They'll show that video on Entertainment Tonight when she becomes famous!

  20. I just got up but am thinking of going back to bed after reading your post.....I'm tired out again. Your grandchildren are so lucky to have such a loving family that is able to attend such events. I bet it was great! BTW you have such a sweet voice. :-)

  21. What a great Nana going to the same play three times! Great memories by all and now we get to see a wedding, I have no idea how you worked that in between performances


  22. You are an "over the top" supportive grandmother, Diana, but what fun it is! I definitely think you should try out for a part next year! That was certainly a huge commitment for those children and their parents! xo Nellie

  23. What fun to be able to see your grandchildren perform in a wonderful pageant!! Great photos!
    Mary Alice

  24. Wow, you were one busy lady this past week end! The girls looked adorable...great memories! Hugs, Penny

  25. Ria is a lovely young woman and yes her hair is gorgeous! Love the way her hair is fixed, so pretty! That Sweet Cheeks is a cutie! She looks like she had a blast being in the play! Too Cute!

  26. sounds like a wonderful weekend, the kind memories are made of.

  27. Congratulations! What special moments for you and your family. The rest of us out here already knew the girls were stars.

  28. What a big moment for the girls! I hope they keep on with their acting careers! And middle sister's hairdo is beautiful! I hope Nana Diana got to take a relaxing bubble bath too!

  29. Diana, I don't know where you get your energy but I sure would like some. Our weekend was busy, crazy etc. We are working on buying our dream home; one major part of the deal ended yesterday-another sale of a property to help with the cost, but the family member(big mistake)that was to buy the house, backed out. Trying to work out buying it anyway. Would love prayers for peace. Loved seeing your grands and hearing about the play. Hope your week is easier; can't wait to see the wedding photos.
    Hugs, Noreen

  30. Congratulations to the girls for the debut of their acting career! And I think you would look great in that angel costume!


  31. And I think I'm busy! Look at you, three plays and a wedding?! Love Ria's gorgeous hair!

  32. oh fun times(:) cutie pie kids
    love the costume too
    thanks on my santa tree (:)

  33. Love the video and glad the girls had so many of the family supporting them in the audience. That's just awesome. Love the bun. Pretty hair is a gift of God and she is truly blessed with it.
    One of these days, you will slow down. But I don't see that any time soon for you. LOL

  34. I love this time of year and the excitement of the children in my fourth grade classroom. Smiles.Dottie

  35. What fun! I bet the spot light did love her, such a sweetie!

  36. Oh how I miss those days and Best Belated Wishes to the birthday boy!

  37. Don't know what happened to my first comment. I know I can't repeat it but I know you had a ball and the girls are precious.

  38. Ria is very pretty..beautiful skin..You always know the right thing to say...Such a good Nana to sit thru all those performances..
    Busy Lady..I never could have done all that in one weekend..

  39. I would have loved to see the play! That is one of my favorite childhood books to read - read it every year for years & then out loud many times to my own kids. We've never seen it acted out. Sounds like a great time!


  40. Lord, have mercy, Diana, I'm worn out just reading your post! The play sounds like it was just wonderful and the girls. Tell Ria she does have pretty hair! Gotta love Sweet Cheeks. She is a born natural - stinker! :) love it. Then a wedding! I hope you've gotten some rest today.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  41. I'm learning to do all kinds of braids on my girls hair - they would love a bun too! What a great weekend - the bathtub scene is adorable!!

  42. So cute and of course the spotlight loves her. xo Laura

  43. What a fun-filled weekend. You must be so proud of your sweet grandchildren.

  44. I'll bet that SweetCheeks is a natural at acting! "The spotlight loves me" LOL! I love it! The girls and their mother make a pretty picture together. Hope you get some rest!

  45. I know you had a blast! Busy weekends are fun...once in a while. Sweet Cheeks is so cute...all your girls are!

  46. You sure did have a busy weekend. Your granddaughters are precious. We too went to a play that my niece was in, but we drove 5 hours north and spent the night at Marquette. Erin attends Northern Michigan University. She was Fontaine In Les Miserables. It was a breathtaking production.

    The next morning we got up and went to my nephew's hockey game (also in Marquette), then went shopping at TJ Maxx, and then drove all the way back home. I'm pooped!

  47. Busy, busy and lots of love at your house!

  48. Sweet Cheeks was surely feeling the love with all of those family members there to support her! The video was just adorable! Glad you had a great weekend with your family!

  49. Hello Diana my lovely!
    I have just done a post after sooo long... havent felt a lot like blogging lately as I lost a very lovely friend in a bit of a freak accident a few weeks back... Its been a strange time and my poor friend is left a widow at such a young age... I have been sad, but busy and kind of feeling like getting back to the blogging world. So glad that everything is looking all good with you as usual and I cannot believe that Charles in charge is 2!!!!! omg!!! time just goes crazy fast! Have been thinking of you however, loved seeing sweetcheeks on video!!! hugs xxxxxxx

  50. Sounds enjoyed your week end with your loveable ones.

  51. I know you are so proud of the girls! What a fabulous weekend! Happy Birthday to Mr. Charles in Charge too!

  52. I would be the one sitting in a tub of bubbles after such a busy weekend!
    But if it's one that involves the grandkids, all the hustle, and bustle is so worth it.
    You are such a good Nana.

  53. Good Morning Diana, Wow, your weekend has been packed full and I know that you enjoyed every minute of it. I can see Sweet Cheeks playing the part of the Naughty Angel. She likes to be in the spotlight. She was enjoying herself in her bubble bath. Have a wonderful day. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

  54. Congrats to the famous girls in the play! And I bet it was cute. And the Star of the show - she is beautiful. And I can imagine you in angel wings.

  55. Oh how nice for Miss Star and then taking a bubble bath also.

    Sister her hair is beautiful all decorated. Tell her I like her pretty hair.

    Love your family and your a great Nana.

  56. Now that's what I call a great grand-parent!! :) I am going to a play "The Night Before Christmas" put on by the local dance troupe here. It's for charity and I have a feeling there won't be an empty seat in the house. Wish I had the grand-children to take with me. xoxo

  57. I'm surprised Sweet CHeeks didn't expect an Emmy or Oscar for her performance...she's destined to be a star....You must be so proud...Your so lucky to have all your girls...I wish I could clone Miss B...

  58. She is starstuck for sure and you are an official backstage Grandma! Glad the girls did so well.

  59. You must be their biggest fan watching the show that many times!


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