
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Ruth's Red & White Transferware-It's Mine Now!

As you know I have been working
the past couple of weeks
helping my friend, Ruth, 
pack away her treasures for Florida.
However, she is not taking all of it
with her.
Some is being sold at auction
and some is being donated.
Some went to a consignment shop
and some

When I got to the top shelf in her kitchen
I wanted to cry with joy.
LOOK what was hiding up there.
She had told me all along that when
we got to it 
I could have it.
I LOVE red & white china.
This is especially beautiful.
It is called  
English Abbey.

I carried it home and carefully
handwashed it.
I decided I needed to use it
for a quick little set up
because it is so pretty.
Here's the tabletop-set for one-ME!
Don't you just love it?
See that roll?
Yep- Hard as a baseball!
See those strawberries?
Besides the set of
English Abbey 
there are several other pieces mixed together.
This is Moreton Old Hall by Wedgewood.
These cups are unmarked but so pretty
This is the inside of four cups.
It is called Enoch Woods  by Wood & Sons
But my favorite is still the
English Abbey.
There are more pieces of that than anything else.
I love the sweet image on it.
If you pop by I promise to buy new rolls
AND add a place setting for you.
You know the coffee pot is ALWAYS on at my house!
So- Come on over-
We'll dish the dirt on everyone we know!


  1. How GORGEOUS Diana!!!!
    LMHO that the roll is hard as a baseball - the things we do for our blogs LOL

  2. Beautiful china. I'm sure you've earned every precious piece with all the help that you have provided to your friend. Cheers!

  3. Gorgeous peices !!! Have a great day

  4. How beautiful, Diana! I would have been thrilled to see them, too. I love transferware.

  5. Diana, What a gift. I know you will treasure it. I love all of it. If I ever get near where you live...I'm calling to come by. xoxo,Susie

  6. You're lucky gal! Oh, Diana, these dishes are just gorgeous and they are Wedgwood! :) You've set a lovely spot too. You have a wonderful friend to give these to you.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  7. LOVE your red and white china Diana!... how sweet of her to give that all to you... and your little table for one is perfect!... xoxo Julie Marie

  8. Your red & white dishes are so pretty Diana! I've been collecting the Wedgewood pieces like the plate you have, just love them!
    Have a GREAT day...

  9. Beautiful pieces, I know you'll treasure them. Great photos, too.

  10. Diana...wish I were your neighbor - I would come over in a milisecond - hard rolls or not. This china is exquisite. Hope you hava a wonderful day!

  11. Oh, isn't that just WONDERFUL?

    What a wonderful way to thank you for all your help. Diana, I am so happy for you, and to be honest also happy for Ruth and her hubs - because she now knows that at least a part of her collector's world went to such a dear and caring friend to treasure!

    It's beautiful!

  12. Just beautiful! You need to throw a party!

  13. BEAUTIFUL! Just beautiful! Those are simply so pretty, I'd drop by if I could.

  14. I don't live very far Diana I could come over for a cup sometime :-)...after shopping at Elkhorn :-)
    What a beautiful set!That was sweet of her to give it to you too!

  15. How pretty! I love the red/white. Oh what fun we all could have over a cup of coffee!

  16. How pretty. And how wonderful that she gave those to you.

  17. Lucky girl! The china is beautiful and I bet your friend loves that you love it. I know I would! I would also love to have coffee with you. Maybe someday we will! (Did I get enough loves in this comment?)

  18. Just gorgeous! I love the red china and the little tablescape you put together.

    Hope you are doing well. We are kneed deep in the audit at work and going to the lake every weekend.

    Talk to you later!

  19. pretty, Diana! Your little table setting is also lovely - would love to come join you IF you buy new rolls :)

    Enjoy your new china. Hugs to you!

  20. I am so jealous, oops I mean happy for you that you got all that red & white china. It is just to die for and your table looks just beautiful! If she has any more hiding away that you don't want Diana, let me know.

  21. I'm so glad you invited me over b/c we're out of coffee over here and I need to hit the grocery store! The Abbey china is beautiful! What a wonderful gift. I would use it all the time.

  22. Oh, Diana, you are so lucky! Your table for one is.... perfect! I have a small set of red transfer pieces but it isn't called English Abbey. And, well, you know, our youngest kiddo is Abbey. :)

  23. How sweet you came home and did that right away - I think it shows the love you have for this gal. It is beautiful too - love the delicate red and white. She loved you a lot. sandie

  24. How beautiful those dishes are! Lucky you! I know you will enjoy them and always think of your friend when you use them.


  25. Those are beautiful. So glad that she is giving you some of her things.
    Guess what, I got a Shirley Temple doll last Friday. I went to a doll auction. I will post a pic of her soon.
    I wish I could stop by.....and maybe I will about next summer.

  26. Ok, I'm jelous! Your red transferware is gorgeous pretty lady, and you are one lucky girl to get all these from a wonderful friend; but I also know you deserve it, too! wish I could find them here, it is so difficult, I only have a complete tea set for 12 and no dinner ware. Big hugs,

  27. What a beautiful gift ... plus you'll have the pleasure of always thinking about Ruth when you use it. Beautiful post Diana...and I LOVED your photographs!

  28. Oh, much coveting going on here. So pretty and you have set your place setting so beautifully. I know your friend will be glad you love them so much. Those cups are sweet!

    I have a stack of plates by Copeland Spode that remind me of the English Abbey. In fact, that's what I call mine as there is no pattern on the back and I've never spotted them on eBay to identify them. There is an old stone English Abbey and greenery and lavender sky, water, etc. Wish I knew the pattern.

  29. Oh Diana..pretty stuff here. I actually have a few pieces of this dinner wear. I use it as often as I it sets such a pretty table.



  30. OOOOh, they are gorgeous. That is a lovely gift.

  31. What is it about transferware that makes us all go totally gaga? This is such a wonderful gift from your friend!

  32. I have a passion love for pretty dishes. I can't stop buying them and try to use them all at one time or another. Yours are so lovely!

  33. What gorgeous china! I'd LOVE to join you for that cup of coffee! One of these days, I may take you up on it.:-) xo Nellie

  34. Oh Diana, I love the dishes. They are so pretty. Lucky you. How nice of Ruth to give those to you. I know you worked so hard there and in the heat also. You are truly a wonderful friend.
    Enjoy your beautiful dishes.
    Have a super weekend.

  35. Especially since I'm an Anglophile, I love those plates - and always loved the red and white ones. Lucky you! :-)

  36. That is beautiful! I love the place setting you created with it too. What a fabulous and generous gift you received.

  37. I have only two red bowls that were a give away in either soap or oat meal, and I love them. You have things that are very special, I know you will enjoy them. Happy Day, Hugs, Mary

  38. What a wonderful friend you are for helping Ruth pack up! So nice she gave you such beautiful dishes, you will think of her every time you use them! Thanks for stopping by, Laura

  39. Oh, you lucky girl!! These are just beautiful! You have a wonderful friend and I know you will think of her each time you look at these pretties. They look perfect on your table...enjoy!!

  40. Oh Diana, just gorgeous. I love transferware. How sweet of Ruth to give it to you. She truly appreciates all you have helped her with. She knows it is in a good home. Love your setting for one. Enjoy!
    Celestina Marie

  41. Oh my gosh I love this!...Its SO pretty and I adore the way you set it up....Im salivating thinking of all the treasures your friend must have...LOL

  42. Oh Diana, how delightful! I love those and how sweet of her to give them to you! Wish I could come go through the stuff that is up for auction!

  43. Very pretty..Wish I were close enough to "pop in"..looks so inviting..

  44. Hi Diana,
    Oh boy this is just beautiful Diana... Suddenly I recall a walk in the streets in Scheveningen Holland 10+ years ago... and there it was the same red and white China.
    I could not purchase it though because we were trying to not move with more than necessary.
    So... seeing this just brought that moment of "want" back.
    I think it is a sign that I just need to come over and have a hot cup of tea/coffee and enjoy your gorgeous Wedgewoods and spill some dirt!

    Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!

  45. So beautiful! I never realized how much I love red and white dishes until I saw this. Lucky you. I wish I could pop by but we're just so far apart. Enjoy your set, lucky girl!

  46. What a wonderful treasure. I would LOVE to have a cup of coffee with you :-)

  47. They are absolutely lovely and each time you use them you'll think of Ruth. What a marvelous treasure :)
    Connie :)

  48. Just so pretty, I'm glad they make you smile and I love how you had a table setting for!

  49. The English Abbey is my favorite too! Although I like it all..
    You don't often see the pretty white scalloped edge in the red and white transfer.

  50. How sweet Ruth was to give you that treasure. These are so pretty. I especially love the cups with the decoration inside the bowl. The edges of the dishes are special as well.
    I will be by soon. I will share the strawberries and the coffee but you can take all the roll. I don't want to be greedy.
    xo Ginger

  51. Ge-oOR-gee-ous!
    you lucky-duck you
    aren't friends the best.
    I think it is so true... to give is to receive and as my mom used to say "All that is not Given is lost"

  52. Oh Diana, this is just beautiful. I love it! Red and white china is delightful, isn't it? How nice of Ruthie to give you such a treasured gift.


  53. You are going to have so much fun playing with table settings with that gorgeous, red transferware! Another lovely gift.

  54. Love, love, love these!
    Will be so pretty at the holidays (or any time)!

  55. My goodness me! I swear I am about to have a fot of the vapors because these are GLORIOUS pieces!!!

  56. red and white is my favorite--love these, diana! happy weekend!!

  57. I sure love your table, the dishes the quilt the lace...just beautiful!

  58. Hello, My Sweet Friend. You've been busy this week! I love transfer ware, especially in red! My youngest will be attending one of the oldest femal colleges (Judson College) in a couple of years, and one think I think is cool about Judson girls is that they have their own china!!! (transferware of buildings around campus). :D

    Enjoy your weekend!


  59. I love the one unmarked cup- have seen that pattern but only in cups and saucers and not many of them. Usually one or two pieces at a time. I think red and white would look good with my King's Crown...maybe I should start looking for some plates to break up the clear and tinted glassware. Hmmmm, now you have started something.

  60. I can see why you got all tears! Those are gorgeous! I think I'm jealous. I just love the Enoch Woods cup - that design inside! The color! Sigh, I'm in love. :)

  61. My hubby is a red kinda guy so he loves the transferware! Oh My Goodness it is all so gorgeous! I wish we were close! I could drink coffee with you and enjoy those rolls and strawberries! Hugs Annie

  62. Oh my, that china is just beautiful and how lovely of your friend to gift it you! It will be such a sweet memory every time you use it.

  63. Beautiful china, Diana. It sounds like you are providing valuable help and moral support to your friend as she prepares to move to Florida.


  64. Diana, I'm late visiting. My sister is in town, so you know how it is. '-)
    Lucky you to be gifted these gorgeous red and white plates. Your tabletop for one is charming. Who need to be eating white bread anyway? I'm happy just to sit in front of these lovely dishes and take in the beauty.

    Didn't leave comments above, but I've enjoyed seeing Ruth's house as you all stage it. Great job!

  65. Hi Diana - your place setting is GORGEOUS!! And you are coffee drinker, too? Me, too! My friends are all tea drinkers. I always feel like the odd man out. I'd feel right at home at your place :) Thanks for visiting my little windowless kitchen and my Madonna (Donna) statues :) Have a wonderful Sunday!... Donna

  66. Wow. How lucky are you? I love this....I can picture lovely dinners on this set!!!

  67. That was lovely of her to pass those to you diana. And i too love the design with the pretty trees! and love the little placemats too! and hey, no one needs to know about the roll! i wont tell anyone!!


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