
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Some of us PLAY and some of us WORK

Last weekend the kids came to visit.
What do little boys like to do?
They like to play, don't they?
Age four is a fun age.
An age to learn a brand new trick.
Do you remember the first time you
Flung a Frisbee?

I was a teenager but this boy
is starting early.
 Whoo Hoooo!
Meanwhile, while Big Brother E is playing
Charles In Charge is sweeping....
AND mopping,
Listen up here, buddy.
Look at Nana!
You MISSED a spot!
Where are you going?
Guess I'll have to sweep my own drive
from now on.


  1. Diana, Those are the cutest boys. I can not believe Charles is that big already. I loved the look on Big Bother E's face. You had fun too. xoxo,Susie

  2. That will teach you! They are both gorgeous. Big Boy E's enthusiasm shines out of him.

  3. Just precious. Emma used to paint our driveway with a bucket of water and paint brush.

  4. Soooo cute lol - those faces!!!!!!!
    Now you just have to get a broom and mop in John's hands - he could learn a thing or two from his grandsons LMHO

  5. Shhhhhhhhhh, don't tell him he missed a spot, just wait until he is through, and clean that spot yourself. He might have gone back and got it, now you'll never know.

  6. that's what it looks are on your own sweeping that driveway. They are both such handsome boys

  7. Such beautiful boys. I had 2 daughters so am finding the grandson is much more a bundle of energy. Looks like you had a great day with the boys!

  8. LOL... So cute! It's fun to see how different each child's personality is, isn't it. I think I like that little worker. There is work to be done at my house - could you please send him my way?

  9. oh your story with each picture is a true interest with love from Grandma you.

    Boys are the gems are they not. Well not gems that is a girl term.

    Frisbee and Sweepers. they are boys for sure.

    Oh I thought you were going to say. Oh no my window.

  10. They are too cute, Diana! It's always fun to watch a child learn to do something for the first time. The excitement and pride they feel in something we may find so simple is heart warming.

  11. Precious pictures! They are both so very, very cute!! Looks like everyone had fun!!

  12. What gorgeous children. I do think its a bit much you making them do housework when they come to visit. After all their generous hard work ....what do you do? Find fault. I think I'd better have a word with youngster and tell him what grandmothers are supposed to do with their beautiful and play!! Joan

  13. Sure looks like some summer time fun at your house! I still like to play frisbee! Sweet hugs!

  14. Those boys are growing so fast. You don't post enough about them! Too cute.

  15. You have such sweet grandchildren, Diana! I love the landscaping around your house. At the moment, all my blinds and windows are closed. There is drilling going around my balcony and across the street, they are drilling through cement to put in pipelines. On my building, the are breaking the cement balconies to install new ones. Very noisy! I am wearing ear muffs. That's life, I guess!

  16. so cute.
    Out of 10, I have only 1 left that likes to "work" and that's Deeds.
    She loves washing dishes, cooking and watering the garden. :))

  17. Cute and so helpful. Boys can be a lot different than girls for sure.

  18. Those are the cutest little boys! I was/am athletically challenged LOL but I could play Frisbee with the best of them. Although I did get clocked in the head pretty often. The little one could stop by my house, I need some mopping done.

  19. Alright I need to remind you about the child labor laws in this country? LOL! They are so adorable. I know you must love spending time with them.

  20. The boys are adorable! I love your photos of them having fun. I'll bet he can throw a frisbee better than I ever could!

  21. He's looking for his paycheck! C'mon, D, look at that face! Any cookies in the jar?

  22. Hi Diana! It looks like you had a lot of fun with your little grandsons. And they had fun with you too!

    Family is what it's about. Thanks for sharing yours :)

    Peace in Christ,

  23. Hi Diana! Oh, what precious little boys! I know you had a ball with them.
    Send your little helper on over to my house! ;)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  24. All of your grandchildren are so gorgeous! Lucky Lady!

  25. Diana, they are darling little boys. All of your grandchildren are very good looking.
    Have a great week.

  26. Diana, they are adorable! I raised 4 boys and I miss that stage.

  27. they are beautiful children and helpful too! Wow they are getting big!

  28. Very precious! I played basketball with my grandsons last night!
    Hey have you seen those fabric style frisbees? I was afraid you were gonna show us a broken window LOL
    Blessings, Roxy

  29. These photo are so much fun. I had to laugh at his rubber boots. My daughter and granddaughters where here last week. The seven year old was wearing sandals, but our five year old was wearing rubber boots. The temperature was in the high 90's the whole time they were here, but she loves her boots :)

  30. He's so proud of that first throw! Thankfully the baby has taken over the chores so the big boys can play. Are the girls inside scrubbing floors? Oops, I forgot they have full time jobs. lol

  31. They are both at great ages everything is new and they are discovering all the time...

  32. Diana, The boys are absolutely adorable! You are a lucky grandma.

  33. What precious little boys! I am sure it was a week-end of fun with everyone around! xo Nellie

  34. What precious grandsons you have - both of them. And blue eyes!

  35. Little cuties! I wanted to reach through my screen and give them both a hug!

  36. What handsome models on your blog today! Not that they aren't the cutest grandkids in town whichever ones are present on it. They keep the sparkle in your eyes, don't they?

  37. wouldn't it be great if they thought sweeping and dusting were 'fun' when they grow up! Your little frisbee boy has perfect form...I don't think I've ever thrown one the proper way or in the right direction. gah.

  38. Oh I love it when the little ones do the work for ya! And no, I don't believe in child labor. lol! That kids going to be a Frisbee King before you know it!

  39. What lovely little boys, appreciate the time, it goes so fast!

  40. One thing I like about you is that you know how to laugh with these kids, and how to cherish their messiness, their loudness, their childish behavior. NOT every grandparent is like that. {Trust me.} You don't take things too seriously, and your children and grandchildren are probably grateful for that. :)


  41. You are the best Nana ever. Really! Love that little Packers fan too!

  42. sweet sweet boys! they do stay busy, don't they?!?

  43. So cute!! I bet you all have so much fun together!!!~~Angela

  44. Oh boy little boys sure do love to play.I do remember the first time I flung a frisbee and still can't get the hang of it...well, I can but I will nail you in the head. Ethan is just too cute.

  45. Diana,
    I remember when my son was that age. Boys are the funniest little people. They surprise us at least once a day. Yes, I remember the Frisbee! I think I was in grade school when I threw one of them. Your grandkids are sweet, Diana.



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