
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Please Pray For Beth Marie

Somehow Beth Marie and I found each
other in blogland.
Her blog is 
She is just the sweetest woman.
She lives alone but never seems lonely.
she had surgery for 
CANCER to be followed immediately
by a radiation treatment.
Cancer, that dreaded disease
that hides and jumps out
and lays claim to our lives.

This is the only picture of her
that I could find posted.
I know she is scared and worried.
I am sure she is in pain this morning.
We need to pray her smile back.
We need to pray that her pain is not in vain.
We need to pray for a healing for her.
And, after you are done praying,
could you please pop over here
and wish her well.
Thanks- You know I love how you 
always come through with prayers and love.
Y'all are THE BEST!

ps. Tomorrow I will pick up where I left of
and show you some of what is going to


  1. I always taught my children to not use the word hate. But I HATE cancer!

  2. Will know within a few weeks if my mother's cancer is gone, will know within a few weeks. Truly a scary thing, praying for Beth Marie and heading over to pay her a visit!

  3. May God be merciful and kind in His Glorious way of healing.

    Thanks for the opportunity to pray for a dear fellow blogging sister.

    We are all a big family here and it is important we stick together in good times and bad.

    I agree - HATE CANCER, it has claimed entirely too many loved ones and we absolutely must find a CURE!

  4. I have been keeping Beth Marie in my prayers, she is such a sweet heart,

  5. Prayers and healing energy to Beth..

    one day soon we will find a cure and today wouldnt be too soon..


  6. I love her...she is, indeed, a really nice lady.
    I am praying.

  7. I have prayed for her, Diana! I do hope things work out. We know the Lord answers prayers and healings and miracles do happen. I always strive to pray with hope since hope is what keeps me praying.

  8. Beth has been in my thoughts and prayers for sometime now, and especially now as she faces treatment and recovery time.

    xo Nellie

  9. Prayers for a cancer free Beth Marie!

  10. Diana, I love Beth Marie, I will continue to pray for her. I knew she was having this done and have been worried about her.Thanks for the up date. xoxo,Susie

  11. I am hoping over to leave Beth Marie a prayer and good wishes.

  12. Done! Sending warm and healing thoughts to Beth!

  13. I will pray! And I'll be happy to go visit, too.

    PS I also pray for a cure for this dreadful disease!

  14. So sorry to hear this Diana.Hoping over to pay a visit.I will keep her in my prayers.

  15. I wrote in yesterday to her blog and of course pray as others do.

    Oh I do love blog land. Especiallly all the girls and guys who God has put in my path. And you are one fine lady for sure. Oh yes Beth is always for us to comment on our blogs faithfuly. I do hers.

    Oh she is a real cutie button of a gal you have put up of her.

    Yes cancer is a dirty word but with God in control. He knows best. To pray and never give up on anyone. Let go and let God be in charge.

    Thanks for caring for others and posting as you do when people are in need to have prayers.

    How is your dear friend making out since her operation.

    I think it was her I posted too couple of days ago.

    She has a store and she is coming along slow but sure and she did thank everyone for prayers. Her name has slipped. I read she had fallen and she is redoing her store or home. Hubby has been her legs for now.

    She is a real close friend to you. I think you even see each other in person.

    Perhaps you had an update of her. I had missed it.

    Enjoy your day. Your smile is addictive girl.

  16. I sure will. I am headed that way right now. Bless you for posting.

  17. Thanks, Diana for being so faithful to roundup prayers for everybody who needs. Cancer is truly a hated word.

  18. I just hate that word cancer...but luckily, it works out well for so many people. I'll say some prayers and pop in for a visit.

  19. How scary for her. Hope she's feeling OK today. I'll pop on over that way!

  20. Praying she makes a speedy recovery.

  21. I hope she beats cancer and makes a full recovery.

  22. I am a friend of hers and have been praying. I think she lives near her daughter - but she is still one heck of a strong woman. I pray that she kicks cancer's butt. How nice of you to ask for prayers. sandie

  23. Beth and I crossed paths about a year ago, here in blogland. She is a dear sweet lady and is on my pray list. I love that through blogging prayer chains can be started and circle the globe. When all you hear in the news is bad news, it's so good to come here and see all of these lovely dedicated Christian ladies going to battle through prayer.
    It makes my heart sing for joy :)

  24. Dear Diana, I am so sorry to hear of this and I will go right over and visit.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  25. She is sweet and I am praying.

  26. Diana, I'm going to visit her blog-thanks for sharing.

  27. I am praying for Beth....for by his stripes, she is healed! Cancer is defeated in the name of Jesus! Thank you for telling us of this precious lady Beth......Roxie

  28. Count me in on the prayer chain for Beth. I'm sending light and love her way!

  29. I sure will pray for her, thanks for spreading the word!

  30. Praying praying for this sweet lady


  31. I commented prayers and healing thoughts on her blog and will keep her in my daily ones. Hugs, Leena

  32. I will lift her up in prayer, Much love,

  33. Done Diana - you're an angel.........

  34. Bless you, Diana..I'll pop over to visit..Judy

  35. Prayers said. She must be so scared and in so much pain. Both physically and mentally.

  36. un mot qui fait toujours peur
    et que nous même , nous pourrons
    être touché , par ce vilain "crabe"
    il y a tellement de gens de
    touché par cette maladie
    je penserais à elle
    et tous les autres qui sont dans
    l'inquiétude et la douleur
    milles pensées affectueuses à tous
    edith (iris) France

  37. Thank you for sharing this, Diana. Prayers for Beth Marie!

  38. Yes, prayers for quick healing.

  39. The most awful dreaded disease of all time. I watched my mama die a painful death with an aggressive kind of breast cancer that grew outside of her body. Horrid and Hateful. My mama was a lovely brave woman who never complained and even when doing a biopsy awake because she couldn't be put to sleep, she did not cry out, only winced a little. Will pray for your friend.

  40. I will definitely hold her up in prayer. So sweet of you to share this.

  41. Thanks Diana. I somehow missed this the first time. I will pray for her peace and healing. I will add her to my Prayer Request page with a link to her site.
    Hugs, Ginger


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