
Thursday, July 25, 2013

How Much Is That Hutch In The Window?

That title should be sung to the tune of
How Much Is That Doggy In The Window.
Some of you kids are too young to remember that song.
I'm too young, too!  
Okay- I mighta lied about that fact.

Anyway-I promised you more pictures of
things going to the auction house 
from my friends Tom & Ruth's home.
Just a peek at some of their pieces.
These boxes are packed full of
collectibles and labeled inside.
Think of a box of crystal candlesticks
and a box of vintage Halloween items
and a box of Fireking
and maybe a box of collectible dogs 
from years gone by.
There were at least a dozen of these decorative boxes

And totes-
We had totes and boxes full.
Think decorative kitchen ware
and bluebirds 
pottery head vases.
like the one pictured below.
you can click on image to see more of them
And furniture.
Pieces from the 30's and 40's
And curio cabinets
Those are wood church chairs to the left.
There is so much more but I will leave you
with their beautiful 
Chippendale dining room set.
It is a huge china hutch and was full to the brim
of beautiful china and collectible pieces.
Do you LOVE Chippendale?
I told MyHero I was sighing over 
the Chippendales at Ruth's house.
 MyHero's hackles rose.
I told him that these  
Chip'n'Dales are a lot more
MY SPEED these days.
Yeah- Sad but true!
And besides that-
MyHero is squirrely enough for me.
(yes- chipmunks can be squirrely)
Come around tomorrow-
I have some more fun in store
for you!


  1. What a wonderful collection of treasures. You must get constantly distracted as you try to sort through things.

  2. What beautiful things!! My friend collects bluebirds, as we are "Team Bluebird" behind her cancer fight--she is battling melanoma at 34.

  3. What beautiful things!! My friend collects bluebirds, as we are "Team Bluebird" behind her cancer fight--she is battling melanoma at 34.

  4. I would have such a hard time sorting. I'd be playing (and plotting) the whole time. What a wonderful collection of treasures.

  5. You are so funny Diana!! I love that beautiful secretary, I wish I could fit one in my bedroom as a vanity/library duo :) Your friends have some lovely things to sell!!

  6. So sad to have to part with a lifetime of collecting. Love those head vases!

  7. Hi Diana, I'd have a hard time too...."this pile is for me".... Hee hee. What beautiful furniture and collectibles. I especially love that first piece of furniture you showed.


  8. Wow, lots of nice things. You are so funny!

  9. I sold ONE vintage bluebird collectible years ago for something like $45 in my ebay shop. Seriously I hope she gets a ton of money for her stuff. When and where is the aution?

    I have half a mind to rent a trailer and come a callin.

    Their items are awesome - this isn't a garage sale, this is an antique shop's auction!

    And you always crack me up, thanks for the chuckles this early am.


  10. Good Morning, I would have a hard time parting with some of the things even though I know that I have to do it. Your Chip'n'Dales made me chuckle. I enjoy seeing the girls on facebook. Have a great day. Hugs and Prayers from your Missouri Friend.

  11. Some beautiful items, Diana. I'm sure she will do very well with all these things be auctioned off. It must have been fun going through all those boxes and bins and seeing what was in them.

  12. what an exciting adventure you are on and I would think a blessing to this couple!!!

  13. Lots of pretties to see!
    Thanks for the giggles this morning my sweet friend.

  14. Haha! I forgot all about the chippendales! Thanks for the smile this morning...hehe! Anywho, love all that stuff going to auction. I want to go to one so badly around here but don't want to go by myself. The times of the one around here is right around the end of the work day mid week so hubby's out. Maybe one day. I am sure your friends stuff will sell well, she has lots of pretties!

  15. That's just like the set I painted for April, Diana, remember???
    Gorgeous furniture!

  16. Love the sweet bluebirds! Okay, I am too young to know that song, but my mom would always sing it to me in the mornings when she would try to get me out of bed! Oh such "sweet" memories :)

    Hugs to you!

  17. I love chippendale FURNITURE! are too cute!

  18. Your friend had MANY collections! Didn't you say she once had an antique store? The things you have pictured are beautiful! xo Nellie

  19. You're a nut (chipmunk pun intended)! Sounds like she had quite a collection of collections. It must be hard for her to let some of that stuff go, but it will go to someone else who loves it as much as she did.

  20. Great stuff! Looks like you worked really hard. Will you come to my house next? I'll even hire a Chippendale just for you!

  21. Sure wish I could go to their auction! I KNOW I'd buy/bid on a few goodies!

  22. oh Di I helped a friend sort too oh my I could not believe it all she had down in her rec room we started her daughter and I. problem was she wanted to keep everything. Her daughter in-law was so upset.

    I now know what a hoarder is. She was for sure when it comes also to fix nick-nacks as well with crazy clue. Oh that is bad.

    What you have shown us. Beautiful things.

    Oh here though auction sales like things of this loviness does not auction well. Quarter or less they will pay even if it is the best of the best like collectibles, furniture . Silver wear like five dollars a set.

    So I sure hope she does not get it down to lose change out of that Auction . Would be a shame.

    Here old folks either keep it till they die or knowone wants it come high water to pay monies out.

  23. Gosh I'd love to see this in person! Are they moving? This is an amazing amount of goods!

  24. Your last china hutch is almost a duplicate of mine which belonged to my grandmother and it is full of china. It is made of real mahogany and I love and cherish it. I hate to think what will become of it when I pass it down to my daughter.

  25. The head vases sure are beautiful! I would like to see more dolls! heehee! I enjoy drooling! Dollie drooling! Sweet hugs!

  26. You must have been (still) in Heaven if this is only a sample of what she had! WOW! Like Christmas time opening everything up.

  27. Diana,
    Wanted to pop over and see what you have been up to.
    Looks like you are a busy bee!
    Lovely vintage furniture. I have been out looking for hutches lately. I want a small one for my new kitchen. I never knew there were so many styles out there until I started looking.

    P.S. Will say prayers for Beth Marie.

  28. I hope all of these treasures from days gone by "find a good home." I remember the tough job of parting with some sentimental pieces when we downsized. Thankfully, most everything went to someone who was very appreciative.

  29. OMG so many many things. They are all so pretty. I bet she hasn't seen some of the items in years. What a treasure hunt. Hope you get lots of beautiful things......

  30. Oooohhhh I love those boxes!
    And that chippendale hunk... hummmmmmm That is from a time long ago. They were very popular in Europe.
    I went to 3 of their shows! I was so young. No kids. Not married yet...
    Okay, got it.

    Yes, now I will just watch the original chippendale... much safer.

    Hugs to you Diana,


  31. Diana, I love those bluebirds. I think those pottery heads look like Lucy Ball. You are a great friend to help Ruthie so much. Bless your heart.xoxo,Susie

  32. What a sense of humor - I love all 3 Chip and Dales - lol - I had a piece of furniture from Chippendale. And I love the cartoon! A lot of her furniture and pieces remind me of my MIL's items. She had a lot of things! sandie

  33. What beautiful things your friend has! Is it hard for her to give all of this up? I would be in tears I'm afraid.

    Love the Chippendale remark!!


  34. Ruth has so many beautiful treasures! Her style is right up my alley! I know it must be so difficult to go through these things! She's lucky to have you to help and be with her! I'm a Chippendale fan too!!! Whew, I do love them both!!!

  35. Love the that is..Would look great with different fabric on the chairs..

  36. WOW! Beautiful things!! Including the Chippendale- (pieces) Friends like you are hard to come by....Ruthie is blessed...with or without her Chippendale- (pieces)...Blessings~~~Roxie

  37. You have lots of lovely things and it only a problem when you are moving, so much packing.

  38. What beautiful things.
    sorry I haven't been here, the internet kept telling me there was no such place, lol, I argued and as you see I won.

  39. Kinda weird but when I feel overwhelmed with my own packing & out of state move I just check out your blog & realize I don't have it too bad. Still think your friends are very blessed to have your help!


  40. Treasures for sure......still drooling over the Shirley Temple dolls. You are so nice to be such a big help. That dining room set is beautiful. So much stuff.

  41. where did they keep all that stuff? a-they have a big home
    b-they have plenty of storage
    c-all of the above
    Amazing how we can collect things. I am sure those collectibles will find a new home soon

  42. OMG there house was loaded with treasures, those head vases and that curio. They will do very well at auction! Keep the Chippendales for yourself though LOL!


  43. oh i love the vintage blue birds! how do you sort through it all?!
    have a great weekend!

  44. Those little blue birds are just too cute! I am just amazed at all of the treasures your friend has! Wow, it would be so hard not to go home with a car load of stuff! Lots of chipmunks here, too:)

  45. What I would like to know is how much hutch in that window are you taking home with you...laughing. It must be very tempting each day.


  46. This is going to be a tremendous auction! Hugs, Leena

  47. The one with the waggly tail--
    How much is that doggy in the wnidow?
    I do hope that doggy's for sale.

    Oh, you bet I know that song!!

    Beautiful things. I love Chippendale, too, although Chip 'n' Dale are more my speed than "the Chippendales," too!

  48. Hello Diana~

    What beautiful things your friends have, that you are getting ready for auction! I especially love the dark wood secretary~ gorgeous! :)

    I hope you are having a lovely summer so far! :)


  49. Chippendale has always been my favorite dining room style. It's timeless and beautiful. That's a whole lotta collectibles. Wow is all I can say. I hope they all do well at auction.

  50. i do love those little bluebirds and the figure head vase!!! wow! isnt it amazing how much we can accumulate over time! I have been quite good lately at purging my junk!!! hate the idea of a cluttered home, and dont like the idea of having to move home to get a bigger place to house more 'stuff' ... anyway, love the chippendales!... i mean... Chip and Dale!!!!

  51. Now why did it not surprise me to see your Chip'n'Dales at the end of the post? As soon as I saw the Chippendale dining room set? Either I've gotten to know you well or great minds think alike.

    I so much enjoyed lusting after the--bluebirds!

  52. That hutch is so beautiful. I can imagine how pretty it must have been with all her treasures in there. I have a hutch that is made in Italy, and it is something I can never part with. It was an anniversary gift.

    Have a relaxing weekend, Diana, doing something special just for you.


  53. Oh, I remember the song, "How Much Is That Doggy In The Window." Haven't heard that one in awhile.


  54. Thank you Diana for sending so many of your lovely friends over to visit me and say a prayer. I am home as of late last night. I appreciate you and your friends so much and in a few days when I am feeling better I will visit them all. love, Beth


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