
Saturday, March 23, 2013

These Things Are Multiplying Like Rabbits

I was gone all day yesterday
and had company until
11pm last night-
so bear with me while I
catch up on your blogs today.

Well, last week I showed you
a few of my bunnies.
I find that they are multiplying
whilst I sleep.
Here is the threesome
that is on my dining room mantle.
As you can see, I startled them so....
they are running away.
Then Miss Rosie Rabbit 
made her way up the steps
and tried to hide under the plants 
in the corner.
I call her Miss Rosy cuz of the sweet little blush
on her cheeks.
She came to life on my sewing machine
in 1988.
She had about 100 brothers and sisters
and they were all adopted out except
Rosie and her brother, Rex.
Rex is still sleeping but Rosie is
moving around....
As she got braver she moved to
her favorite chair in the family room window.
Hmmmm...these bunnies look like
they have had
They heard their cousins were
coming to visit.
Why is that so scary?
Well...this is all they have left for lunch....
Kind of like inviting my two 
son-in-laws over when I only have
ONE Key Lime Pie.  Scary...


  1. I Love bunnies. I use to have a cloth one but cant find her anywhere:( Hopefully I can find a pattern online to make another.

    enjoy every bunny moment you can~!

  2. your bunnies are adorable, diana! the hair raisers--too cute!

  3. I made a few of those cloth bunnies,too. They were all the rage back then and are still adorable!

  4. You can never have enough Easter bunnies this time of year. Happy Saturday and Easter hugs!

  5. Diana, the porcelain bunnies are just sooo pretty! i looove them! I did have a few rabbits over time but they are a LOT of work i found! my little chickens are so much easier to look after!
    xxxlaura xx

  6. Never too many bunnies. I love the porcelain one on the mantle. xo

  7. They are so sweet and fun! I hope my bunnies multiply this weekend! I need to do some decorating NOW!!!

  8. No such thing as too many bunnies. :) I could actually use some in our new house but I'm not going to go through my seasonal boxes until we move to our permanent home. You've tempted me to at least buy a couple. Too cute.
    Have a beautiful Saturday, friend.

  9. I need some bunny decor in my house...I have one bunny bowl, but it's lonely. Haha.

  10. Those bunnies are so darn cute-if your house alarm goes off in the middle of the night, just ignore it 'kay. ;-) I've got to find me some bunnies.

  11. Diana, I remember working with a fellow that his wife collected floppy eared bunnies. He said if he saw another he would go stark raving mad. LOL...dang how many did she have? Kid sure love them. I do not want to see that many bunnies around her, after all we have an army of sqiurrels. Stay warm , we are in for snow the next two days. Well then again, by Friday the temperature will be near 50...Yahoo. xoxo,Susie

  12. I love your bunnies and especially Miss Rosie. I used to make stuffed toys for the kids when they were young.

  13. I love your porcelain bunnies - don't let them run too far!!!

  14. Love your bunnies. Cute post. Foot up~

  15. One bunny leads to another, Diana! Miss Rosie is really nice! What talent you have! Do you still make them?

    Enjoy your Saturday!

    xo Nellie

  16. Awwww!!! I love your bunnies!! They are my favorite animal, they make me feel so happy :) I hope you are feeling better soon and that your sweet little granddaughters are all better too!!
    Big hugs,

  17. reminded me of a sweet little picture my late sister-in-law had in her home . . . you may have seen one like it . . .
    "beware. this house is protected
    by killer dust bunnies"
    my darling mother hand made a rabbit for me once a little similar to miss rosy. i loved her more than anything. xo
    and the rabbit too!

  18. Haha-too funny! All our bunnies finally escaped from the attic yesterday as well. At this moment, there are probably 20 of them on the floor in the living room. :)

  19. Very nice. My husband's aunt used to make rabbits like your Miss Rosie. I imagine there must be one in our attic somewhere.

  20. Oh, I'm laughing picturing the scrambling to feed the SIL's! Too, funny! Love your little bunnies and especially Rosy - so sweet! I hope your weekend is nice, with no snow!
    Hugs xoxo

  21. Too Funny Diana. I follow my Rule# 1. I always have two of everything when I expect the sons and the son in law! Well generally there is three of everything. LOL They all live out of the area, so I have time to plan! Lord only knows what would happen if they lived close enough to just drop by. LOL

  22. You once made a hundred of those rabbits? Good grief! Did you ever get over it?

    Those on your dining room mantel are the loveliest things!

  23. You're so funny! I love Easter and today needs to be the day I get out all of my decor, for heaven't sake! I came into my office specifically to do a blog post (my grandson's first birthday - it was hard to choose which photos to use of the 200 I took ... come see!) and now it's off to my own house to get some Easter-On! Thanks for the inspiration.

  24. Hmmmmm...I think you better start separating the men from the women!

    Love you snow pictures from the first day of spring. We are supposed to get 7" of snow tomorrow. Nice...

    You know me, I don't like winter!

  25. You makes a double in a large pan, and
    it mark a line down the middle./

  26. Dianna,

    Another darling post!! I adore Miss rosey!! She is so cute!!

    Thanks so much for always dropping by!!


  27. Miss Rosie looks so familiar. I may have had one of her cousins way back in the day. Hope you're not getting walloped with more snow this weekend. We're getting 3-6 inches on Monday. Just a light dusting.

  28. I love those crackled bunnies. Very pretty, and Rosie is looking very chipper too. I'm glad someone is decorating for Easter. I haven't done a thing.

  29. Don't you just love bunnies? I'm especially fond of Miss Rosy:) xoxo

  30. My Girlfriend and her mother made tons and tons of Rosie's in the 80's too!!! All wearing different outfits - some with glasses - they were too adorable - and they actually were selling them!
    Looks like your bunnies have multiplied like your christmas decorations - what goes on in that basement anyway lol?
    Their beautiful - must look very festive at Nana Diana!

  31. Make more pie!
    I'll need one of my own, too.
    Love your wabbits.
    xo, T.

  32. I'm not sure if it is more fun to start my day with a laugh from you or end my day with one. Either way, I love it.

  33. Those last bunnies look real..So cute..

  34. I love all your bunnies. The real ones are the cutest!!!

  35. Oh I LOVE your sweet bunnies!Especially Miss Rosie!

  36. All so sweet Diana...except for the scary photo which kinda freaked me out! Lol!

  37. Diana - Enjoyed all of your bunnies. Easter is just around the corner.


  38. you remind me that uh, maybe, I should do some Easter decorating. At this rate I'll have to call it Spring decorating...I still have some Christmas things around, shhhhhh!

  39. Oh, your bunnies are so sweet! What is it about those wonderful creatures!
    Just stopping by to say hello.

  40. I love your trio of bunnies, and Miss Rosy is adorable!
    I'm learning fast how much sons in law can eat~you do need more than one pie!

  41. Your blog always makes me smile :)

  42. Hi Diana! OH, what a cute little story! Now I am truly coveting your trio of running bunnies. I love those. I have a little bunny that looks a lot like yours. She came from my sewing machine too.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  43. Love your mantel bunnies! I don't have many rabbits...think I might need to find a few!

  44. Oh Miss Rosie is adorable! I can't believe you made 100...Holy cow, talk about multiplying!


  45. Love those bunnies but Miss Rosie is a real doll! I wish I had sewing talent cause I would make myself a sweet bunny like her! Thanks for sharing! Hugs Anne

  46. Those bunnies are a great choice for your mantle - I mean, why WOULDN'T you want to showcase them?


  47. Love all your bunnies, especially the ones racing across the mantel, but I won't be satisfied until I hear you have one in your bathtub!

  48. The bunnies are so cute! No wonder they multiply... I need to start my collection.

  49. I had the same problem with bunnies all over the place. I must have made 100 of those also. One was a bride and groom and all sorts of other rabbits.
    Sold most of them but one that stays on my bed. Was fun wasn't it? Making all those bunnies. Love the bunnies on your mantle.

  50. Cute bunnies, and I'm feeling I should have "adopted" some for Easter. I saw a lot of bunnies at the antique/decor Spring event, but didn't buy a one. What was I thinking?

  51. My dog's name was Rex and my hubs favorite pie is key lime! Isn't is amazing how you can close your eyes and wake up to even more bunnies!

  52. Diana,
    I love, LOVE, L O V E your bunnies!!! Those on the mantle are adorable!!! We use to have a MoMa and her babies every Spring in the backyard. Roaming neighborhood cats have caused rabbits to be scarce. I so miss the rabbits!!!
    Thanks for your sweet comments and visits!!!
    Have a blessed Holy Week and upcoming Easter!!!

  53. Diana,
    I am lovin' those bunnies on your dining room mantel! I don't have too much Easter decor. I think I used to have more when the kids were little. Seeing all your bunnies makes me want to decorate!!
    Happy Sunday, Diana.
    ~Love, Sheri

  54. It's a bunny time of year for sure! Isn't it fun to see how the bunnies multiply all over blogland? Those are some cuties over at your house.


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