
Thursday, March 7, 2013

It Takes A Village To Raise A Fish

If you don't live in the
Frozen Tundra
you might not know about
ice fishing.
After the bay freezes solid
a whole little world
of its own making forms.
It is called an 

When we look out across
the frozen water,
this is what we see.
Do you see them?
There are tents out there 
and often a whole row of ice shanties
Once they set up they have to drill a hole
in the ice.
And then they sit...and wait...and wait...
and sometimes they get one of these....
But sometimes they just sit and drink.
And sometimes when they drink
they get stupid.
See what I mean?
Here for your viewing pleasure
I present one of 
The Village People.
(click on image for source)
You will notice that I 
DID NOT give you a hairy guy
this time~
Aren't you proud of me?
Nice boots, huh?;>)


  1. ":o) He isn't hairy ... but still a little jarring this early in the morning. Gotta love these fishermen. xo geneva

  2. Oh Diana. I love starting my mornings with you! :)


  3. lots of ice fishing out here but I gave never saw anything like that!Have a great day Diana, I'm online more now, I have some visual aides for the computer, good to go!

  4. Well, that started my day off with a laff! Wonder how long your model stayed in that state of undress??

  5. LOL, they don't ice fish in AR, thank goodness.

  6. LOL Did you ever see the Seinfeld Episode about the shrinkage factor? Just wondering......

    Trip went ice fishing! ;P

  7. We have the fisherman and the huts down the road from me. I shall have another look to see if there is one hotty on the lake like this guy. I must of missed this guy. Perhaps he was at your lake first and has wondered over to my lake this morning.

    I mean you cant really miss him can you.

  8. One of these mornings I am going to choke on my coffee and it is going to be all your fault! LOL Great post, Diana!

  9. Oh my! at least he kept the boots on (and the speedo)

  10. bwwaahh-My question is what does it say on his little speedo?

  11. Ewweeee..and omg.. Diana, there is not enough money to make me go out on ice to fish. I used to work with a fellow that would say,"I'd hate to think I was so far behind on my fishing, that I would have to go in winter." I do all my ice fishing right at the meat counter in the grocery. xo,Susie

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Well then...glad I had my cup of coffee. I am grateful you didn't give us the hirsute gentleman this morning. And yes, he is (as they say in my part of the world) "rockin' those boots". We also say other things that would apply, but today I prefer to stay the genteel lady that I try to be...thanks for the giggle.

  14. When it's cold enough here, there is ice fishing on the lake down the block. It always makes me nervous though to see ice fisherman on the ice building a fire. Don't quite understand that one.

    You always make me smile. Never did see a fisherman like that, but nice boots.


  15. Quite the eye catcher he is, Diana! : ) Thanks for making me smile this morning.

  16. Oh, I live in a region where ice fishing happens all the time! But never have I seen the likes of this booted fisherman! YIKES!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you Diana for coming by to visit! Aren't you glad spring is on it's way so these guys can put on their clothes? teeheeAnita

  17. OH!! He is really cute! I meant the fish of course. ;-)

  18. OMG, Thank you for not sharing the hairy guy. Too funny! My husband use to ice fish as well. We have all the equipment stored in the garage.
    That was when my girls where young. Enjoy your day~ Anna

  19. Ahh... we have this around these parts too! I haven't seen the charmer with the hot orange underwear in the boots though! I'm sure he'd make the evening news! It always makes me laugh each year too because some of these guys are too lazy to get their stuff off the ice before it's too late and they lose their shanties into the lake! I guess it's all that drinking... :-)

  20. Indeed a Village! The whole thing is plain crazy to me!

  21. Your posts are always so cute and bring a much needed smile to my face!! Men are so strange!!!
    Smiles, Dottie

  22. I don't think that fisherman's attire is enough to protect him from the elements. Or, from a hook at the end of a drunken cast line. But - whatever he's drinking might warm him up and make him numb, so we have nothing to worry about. Unless he fits through the hole in the ice. Then, he might just stumble in and disappear. LOL

  23. Ha..ha...this is a great post! We have never done this ...we enjoyed the 'hot' summer days in a boat for


    PS love the boots. Lol

  24. Oh yes I know about this.So not for me! I don't understand sitting out on a frozen lake and fishing?Can't you just go out and buy fish in the frozen section of the market?????

  25. You are a real gem. You are so right, gotta love his boots. This is so interesting.

  26. Hey Diana, I linked my Blogger profile to my Google + profile so my instructions must be different because when I clicked on my picture, it took me to my Google + Profile and the instructions you sent me don't seem to match.
    Does this comment show NoBlogger Reply? If so, I'll need to dig deeper.

  27. I don't have the orange box you mentioned. I did manage to find something in my profile that said "who can respond via email" and it was set to EXTENDED CIRCLES which means if you aren't on Google + I would allow it. I changed that setting to EVERYONE. If this doesn't fix it, I'll call for help.

  28. Good grief! He has definitely taken leave of his senses - along with his clothes!:-)

    xo Nellie

  29. Oh my word, you must have a great zoom on your camera. I bet he doesn't even think that someone might be watching or maybe he thinks he is a chick magnet.

  30. You are so hilarious lol!
    Ice fishing terrifies me - absolutely terrifies me - and only you could make it funny!

  31. It's strange to see him half naked and the other guy is all bundled up as he should be in that kind of weather. I can't understand how some people can expose themselves like that to the elements and not even get a cold while I don't ever dare go out without a hat because I know I will get a cold.

  32. I think I did it! Thanks for your help!

  33. Not sure which one is the biggest catch of the sea. Not sure he is a keeper.

  34. Ha! I love Debby's comment above! Where do you find these guys! I'm beginning to wonder......

    Wouldn't mind fixing that fish for supper though.

  35. OMG - I laughed so hard at that goofy guy. Reminded me of that movie Grumpy Old Men when they were ice fishing.
    Too funny. At least you have some entertainment on the lake.

  36. Ugh! We have lots of ice fishermen too but usually they don't set up the tents/boxes. I'm sorry but that photo is just not pretty.
    Hope you are doing well dear friend!

  37. Oh my WORD!! The alcohol keeps him warm?? Or there are parts of him that don't feel the frostbite : )
    My family lives for icefishing, can not wait for the 1st good ice. And they spend TONS of money to catch those itty, bitty fish : )
    Expensive shanty's, expensive snowmobiles, expensive clothes, just for ice fishing, expensive cameras that they put in the hole just to see them before they catch them... : ) As long as I live I will not understand it... BUT husband came back last Sun. afternoon, after spending hrs. out there with the boys & said, "priceless".... ??? : )
    Thanks for the afternoon giggle ..

  38. I am proud of you! Yes, love the boots!

  39. What did George on Seinfeld say about the cold water? I think Mr. Ice Fisherman may have the same issue.

  40. Hello :-) have been reading your blog posts and giggeling! Such fun stories, l am off to bed now with a big smile on my face :-) Pam

  41. Oh my goodness, am I ever embarrased for the Village fellows Mom!!
    Ice fishing is a Number 1 pastime here too. We have regular little cities on ice. It always make me think of the movie, Grumpy Old Men!

  42. I immediately thought of the Seinfeld episode and 'the shrinkage' too! LOL

  43. Ice fishing looks pretty awesome! My husband would love to be able to do this...he loves fishing!!

  44. Where do you come up with these pictures of strange men???? Less hair but too much skin!

    Seriously, is there really ice fishing there on the bay? I find that interesting for some reason!

  45. Oh my! You certainly know how to find them, don't you?

  46. Hi Diana! Well.. this just made my day. Lol! What is he doing looking like that for heaven's sake?!! He's got his beverage and that will help with regards to handling the chilly weather. I've seen ice fishing on television but never do the guys look like this!


  47. John is from Michigan and I have heard him speak of ice fishing! LOL at the last photo!

  48. Diana, you're back to your old laugh out loud posts. "-)
    I'm glad............Sarah

  49. Oh Diana you are TOO funny! I started cracking up and my girls all wanted to know what was so funny! My hubby looked at me and I said 'remember the pics of the hairy guys Nana Diana posted? You gotta see this one!'

  50. Oh Good Lord! He looks like he's drinking motor oil! Love the orange speedo. That way nobody will mistake him for wildlife, right? Let's see him run thru the woods wearing that during deer season! LOL!

  51. Oh wow I think I just peed in my pants laughing!!

  52. Oh my....oh oh my.

    Nuff said.



  53. Ice fishing is so cool, Diana. That's something else when they drill that hole, wow! Have you ever tried this? I've never seen it done before. They must be freezing out there though. Have a good Friday, sweetie.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  54. Ice fishing seems so cold and lonely. But your photo has made me laugh out loud! Love those boots too!

  55. When I lived in Minnesota I have memories of ice fishing with my grandfather...I think it is just a bunch of guys having fun!


  56. Too funny Diana!
    Is that a happy face on his speedo?
    Oh ice fishing, you would have to live around these parts to get it completely...and I still don't.

  57. Oh dear, not pretty!

  58. Was not expecting that this morning! Thanks for the giggles.

  59. Ha..thanks for the laugh..They're nuts...

  60. i'll say it again---you can read a post! happy weekend, diana!

  61. Haha! I have gone ice fishing before! My dad is from MN and we went to visit once during winter. My grandparents had a cabin on the lake so we hauled the shed out there. I was freaked out the whole time that we were going to fall in. An experience I will never forget.

  62. Oh my gosh that photo! Great boots, what a fashion plate he is.. LOL.. Everytime I see those little buildings for ice fishing I can't help but think of Grumpy Old Men Two.. LOL ..


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