
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Romantic Homes Blogs To Make You Swoon

Don''t you LOVE this 
Romantic Homes
The name says it all.
I let most of my subscriptions lapse,
but this is one I can't bear to lose.
Guess what?
This month in the very front of
the magazine are blogs that I
follow and love!
Because I am a contrary person,
I am going to list them backwards
from the way they are listed in
Romantic Homes.
Okay mainly because that is the way 
they loaded and I am too lazy
to go back and redo them.
Thus-without further ado
we have Donna @
We have been friends since
we both started blogging 
about the same time.
I just love this girl...AND...
she goes to Paris regularly...
the brat
Next we have my sweet friend,
Julie Marie @Idyllhours.
She is just a wonderful person that
surrounds herself with beauty.
Next we have busy, talented Debi@
I found her just a couple off months
ago and really enjoy her blog.
And last, but certainly  not least
is the talented shop owner, 
You will find many beautiful things 
visiting her.
If you DON'T already know these gals,
go visit them.
You'll be glad you did.

Meanwhile, if you want some
more eye candy you can enjoy

And you have a nice day now,
you hear?


  1. Diana, you're too funny! Holy cow how'd you like to crawl into bed with that? Eek! Anyway, I have to say I haven't had the pleasure of visiting any of your friends' blogs yet, but bully for them that they are in a magazine! Yay! I'll be visiting them soon and will tell them my friend Diana sent me. :) Have a great week. I'm so glad you're feeling better!


  2. I was doing good until the last photo! That guy needs to have his hair mowed!! Lol!! That's great to see these bloggers featured!

  3. Awww - he's a real life furry Valentine's day Teddy bear.........
    Excuse me while I go vomit - lol

  4. Eweee Diana, I am just not into hair shirts. They don't look good on anyone.
    I love that magazine though.:):) I like Donna blog a lot. She's nice too.
    Hope you are feeling much better..cause you are starting to act like your oldself.Which we all love. xoxo,Susie

  5. Wow, how nice for them! t's nice to see so many I know doing so well. Proud of them:-)

  6. Wow, Diana....from eye candy to I-think-I-just-threw-up-in-my-mouth.... ;P

    I'd never heard of any of these blogs, so I'll go check them out! Thanks for the heads-up.


  7. Wow, just wow lol! You really know how to end a post! I should have seen that coming....

  8. Enjoyed the first part of this blog post. HA!!!
    Have a beautiful day.

  9. Saw these features in the magazine. Very happy for all the bloggers. So well deserved! I can tell you are feeling better! I will never be able to think of Valentine's day again without thinking of that "furry bear" LOL Too funny!

  10. LOL! Diana, you're a hoot! Now all those pretty pictures are all fuzzed up in my head after seeing that hunk! :) Well, not really! He needs one of those No Nos! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  11. So excited for them!! I saw their articles!
    Sorry I think I'll pass on the last one LOL LOL!!

  12. I'll have to check out the lovely blogs.

  13. What a fun post....well, except for that last part! I'll go visit some of these sweet ladies! Thanks! And thanks for the birthday wishes. I sure hope you are feeling much much better now! Hugs!

  14. I really enjoyed the beauty in this post - right til the very last photo. lol

  15. Haven't gotten my February issue yet, Diana, but I'm looking forward to seeing some of my bloggy friends in it. Thanks for that stomach lurching picture at the end. I've got to go poke out my third eye now. : )

  16. Hi Diana... thank you so much for my little special feature on your post... I am still so flattered over being in the magazine... I always say mine is just a little "home town blog", you know, I live in Small Town USA, so I was truly honored... and I loved meeting the other ladies featured too... hope you are feeling much better now, love to you, xoxo Julie Marie

  17. Great highlights Diana, I'll have to check out that magazine!
    Such a hunk, so glad you shared him with us! LOL!!!
    Happy Tuesday...

  18. Aaaw, thanks so much for giving me and my blog a nod, Diana! (even though you and I know we both are brats!). You are the best!! I was just about to eat my breakfast, but after seeing your hairy Valentine, I suddenly am not so hungry! Hope you are feeling better! Love ya!

  19. Ha ha! Glad to see you are back in action. What a handsome only a mother could love!!! How wonderful for those that magazine! Jane

  20. I could have gone all day without seeing that. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that one.

  21. Yep, you always surprise me. I am never expecting it. I would say that you are returning back to normal. Hope you are feeling better.
    I wish I had that magazine to look at today. So cold out today. I hope that you are resting.

  22. LOL!! That is one valentine that you can keep for yourself!

    I hope you are feeling lots better.

  23. The whacky woman is back and you have been missed. I will go check out the other 2 blogs today. Already know the glitter chick.
    Love a hairy man, but that just might be too much, but he might snuggle good in this freezing weather. Like sleeping with an old bear.
    My grandpa was hairy, but not quite like that- almost, though.

  24. Now I will follow them as well, how cool is it to even be mentioned in a magazine?!?!
    I love the Valentine... Mr. Hairy... woohoo... lol
    Oh and I'm not sure what color to paint my new set, I'm thinking green, and that was my daughters idea, as she said it would be perfect for the garden...

  25. it was all going great until the last photo, yikes!!!!

  26. Oh gross! Bigfoot! :-)
    I do love that magazine, I drove 35 minutes to the nearest Wal-Mart yesterday to get a copy! And the first thing I look at is the blogs they have featured.

  27. I guess even Sasquatch needs a Valentine - I nominate Nana Diana for the job as repayment for getting us all cozy and romanticized with those lovely blogs and then... you know I am going be singing "I'm just wild about hairy" the rest o the day!

  28. LOL...I think I'll keep my own Valentine's..heheheheeeyou cracked me up!!!!!! YIKES, THE HEARY MAN!!!
    I was having a great time reading your fun post..UNTIL!!! LOL LOL LOL
    Thanks for your sweet comments, my dear friend! You always make my day.

  29. How sweet of you to give these bloggers a nice shout out! I follow all of them and it makes me happy to see them in a great magazine. Yay!

    Very ugly man!


  30. You're back alright! LOL
    Congrats to all the girls being featured! I follow Donna and Pamela, but will check out the other talented ladies.
    The sasquatch will be ignored.
    Hugs, Tina

  31. Well, you sort of ruined my romantic and rosey mood with the hairy monster at the end! It is a beautiful magazine and I will have to check out your bloggers.

  32. I haven't looked at my magazine yet. Thanks for the preview.

  33. I love Romantic Homes magazine. I love to drool. Mr. N will only go a far as traditional in decorating. So I can only drool at all the beautiful Romantic Homes in that magazine.

  34. What a hunk...of fur!!!! Just got back from JulieMarie's to let her know I saw her feature here...thanks for sharing! Hugs, Penny

  35. I was enjoying this post and then Bam...ewww!! how will I ever get this out of my mind!

  36. How funny, Diana!

    No, I haven't visited the blogs you mention. It sounds like I'm really missing something lovely!

    Stay warm!

    xo Nellie

  37. Now that I'm going to be re-decorating my house I'll need some new inspiration. I like shabby chic and frilly sometimes. Now just might be that time. Thanks and thanks (not) for that image being burned upon my retinas.

  38. Well, you definitely wouldn't have to have a blanket!! YUCK!

    I love Romantic Homes too!!


  39. I heard about Pamela's feature in RH but have not picked up a copy yet. I am definitely going to though...I am so glad you are feeling somewhat better. You are sounding just like your old self. :o)

  40. Great post and pics and, Wow, what a Valentine!

  41. I'm still pinching myself for them! :)These bloggers are wonderful and so deserving of the shout out! I'm so happy you're back and feeling better! You were missed!

  42. I love love love that magazine! That is my favorite one - have been reading since they started. I will be checking out the blogs you recommended. Glad your feeling better.

  43. Oh Diana, I've just read the previous post also...girl you take good care of yourself..what a horrible ordeal.

    And thank you for showing us some more wonderful bloggers to follow.


  44. Ha! Wouldn't you just LOVE to haul out the hot wax for that boy....???? lolol! What fun we could have! hehehe!

    Can hardly wait to get my RH in the mail! I adore all of those bloggers featured there! :)

    Are you feeling better, sweets?

    xoxo laurie

  45. Oh, you slay me! You're going to have to share with us girls where you find these hunks!

    I love this magazine too and put some paperclips by the blogs to check them out and then forgot it. I will go back now on your recommendation and visit all of them! So great that you're back!

    I can't wait to see who the calendar boy will be on Feb. 14, if these are any sign of the quality.

  46. Great issue, Diana. Funny Valentine card, too! LOL

    Thank you for letting me know about the double word verification on my blog! Can you return to my blog and let me know if I was successful in removing it? Thanks, so much!!!


  47. Lol! Jungle man needs a wax job!!
    Thanks for the intro to the other bloggers and Romantic Magazine lives up to it's name. I'm sure the February issue is filled with Valentine inspiration.


  48. Thanks so much from me and other bloggers who visit me! Yay!

  49. Well, I can see you are feeling better. LOL LOL

    Love this month's RH with our precious friends and their fabulous blogs. I have been friends with our Julie Marie it seems like forever and she is such a dearheart and wonderful lady inside and out. So talented and a wonderful writer.
    And, I met sweet Donna last year and she is just precious too and so very talented with her designs. She is a kindred spirit for sure.

    Everyone in this issue is special and so talented. I am so happy for all these ladies and their site seeing feature.
    So sweet of you to post about this too. But, it is just like you to do something so nice for others.

    So happy you are feeling better my friend. Stay well and take good care.
    hugs, Celestina Marie

  50. So glad you are doing better! And I see your sense of humor remained intact through it all ;) Romeo wants me to tell you not to put anymore pictures up like the last one. He's in a state of horror thinking that purrhaps this man-thing has more fur than he does. You'll need to comfort the Romeo on this one.....

    Hugs and purrs,

    "her" and Romeo

  51. I picked up a copy last week. Fun to see some of our favorite blogs spotlighted.

  52. How fun to see your friends in Romantic Homes! I love it when I know the people in there! And you are just too funny with that last photo! Where is the wax when you need it?!

  53. Is my picture posted on the internet somewhere? Where did you find it :)
    Just kidding, you have some beautiful photos posted.

  54. I love these blogs too! Yikes! That guy came with his own sweater! LOL Hugs, Leena

  55. Oh my gosh...what an ending! LOL! I always look forward to seeing the blogs in Romantic Homes, too!

  56. Are you feelin all better??? Nothing worse then head pain....being a hypochondriac that I am a simple headache for me becomes a brain tumor...if I have one more MRI or CT scan of the head it's going to glow...
    Glad to see Sweet Cheeks trying to re-configure her cheeks in the last post.....Wish your New Year started on a better note but hope you'll have a better rest of the year....
    and that man.....well he's just gross....are there men out there that really look like that?.....oh I don't want to know.

  57. Dianna,
    LOL!! Now you made me smile this morning!!

    I just restarted my subscription for Romantic homes as I think it is going back to it's prior Greatness. I also subscibe to Romantic Country.

    Thanks so much for your visit and your very kinds words.....

    They made my day!!


  58. You could have warned me...haven't had my coffee yet!

    All kidding aside, this was a great collection of blogs for Valentine's Day!

  59. You crack me up! No wonder sweet cheeks and the other grandkids love it at your house!

  60. I need to go wash my eyeballs now. All I can see in hair!!!

  61. It was going along so sweetly until the hairy guy! So many bloggers' have ads now and the NONO hair remover is one I see frequently...he needs to order a few!


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