
Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Have you ever made popovers?
Do you know they are one of
the easiest things you can
ever make?
The only TRICK to them
You HAVE to eat them hot.
They are NOT GOOD cold.
They take exactly 40 minutes
from oven to mouth!
AND ~ They only take
2 eggs
1 cup milk
1 cup all purpose flour
1/2 tsp. salt.
That's it!
(recipe follows)
I use the oversized muffin tin
and I prepare them with this.
If you have never used this
product  you will not believe 
how good it works- 
it is oil and flour
in a can...and one can lasts
Now I don't know if these are
supposed to have a hole in
the top but my own 
always do!
They come out looking 
all lopsided and wonky...
but they sure taste good!
Yep - 40 minutes and then you
can treat yourself to this...
They are good with butter
and Raspberry Jam.
My Hero is a good taste tester...
We eat in a set up like this 
every day......
And, if you believe that-
I have some swampland in 
Florida to sell you.

Can you tell MyHero and I
are "friends" again?
yeah...the fastest way to 
a man's heart is through
the kitchen.
       1 cup flour

1 cup milk
2 eggs
½ teaspoon salt

Preheat oven to 450 degrees F (230 degrees C). Grease and flour six 6-ounce custard cups or one of those jumbo muffin tins (that's what I use)
In a medium bowl beat eggs slightly, Beat in flour, milk and salt until just smooth; being careful not to overbeat. Fill custard cups 1/2 full.
Bake at 450 degrees F (230 degrees C) for 20 minutes. Decrease oven temperature to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) and bake for 20 minutes more. Immediately remove from cups and serve piping hot.


  1. I make them quite often ( but call them yorkshire pudding ) the only difference is the drippings I use.
    I've never had them this way - must try it ( as a sweet )
    Glad you're over the icy patch lol

  2. Looks YUMMY!!! I'm gonna have to try this, thanks so much for sharing.

  3. Never made them but they sure look yummy!

  4. Oh boy! Those look delicious. Beautiful presentation too. Most mornings, John eats at the counter on a papertowel!!!!!!

  5. Hi Diana! Popovers are something I've always wanted to make, but never got around to. Yours look divine! I'll have to give them a try. How fast do you think you could get them over here? ;) Have a great day!


  6. well guess i am making popovers today lol

  7. they looks so gooood.. I havent had flour in a year and wont ever again- allergic to it but I sure like looking at what you made.

  8. Got to try this! Such an easy recipe. Thank you for sharing. Diana!

  9. Diana,
    Looks yummy!!

    Wishing you a very happy and Healthy New Year!!


  10. May give them a try when all the grands are here in a week.MLK day they will be out of school.
    They look yummy, wouldn't those be nice over a cuppa with a few friends.

  11. Look at you cooking and sharing. I have never made those and didn't realize there is only four ingredients. Not sure they are on my diet though.

  12. I was going to ask it you had kissed and made up but this is even better. Popovers AND a kiss! Enjoy your day!

  13. Yep, now I'm hungry for sure. Was just about to do breakfast. Should have known coming here would lead me to eating half a twinkie this morning.
    I suppose MH is still grumbling as the crumbs fall to floor. At least with something in his mouth he can't say a whole lot more about the rink. Hope you got a good night's sleep last night.

  14. Come on, Diana! You very well know you prepared him a breakfast tray fit for a king. You just won't admit it. Hehehe!

  15. Oh yum! How is that I've never had a popover?

  16. Those look and sound delish Diana... wish I had some right now with my coffee... glad you and your Hero made up!... he DID make an ice rink, you know!... now, tell me more about that land in Florida... xoxo Julie Marie

  17. These look and sound delicious. Thank you for sharing the recipe/

  18. Diana, Your hero is your best friend again. :):) I will say those popovers do look good. xo, Susie

  19. LOL... glad there's been a truce :-) My grandmother made awesome popovers, I didn't know the recipe. I believe you have it right here. Thanks!

  20. Diana they look scrumpcious!!

  21. I have never made or even eaten popovers before. They look good though. May need to give those a try! Glad that you and your husband have moved past the argument now. I've been married over 25 yrs now, so YES I can relate to those myself! Remember, men are from Mars and women are from Venus! These things are bound to happen. LOL

  22. Hi Diana! No, I've never made any popovers and was always intimidated by them! I'm glad to know I can make some now. Thanks for the recipe and popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  23. I love popovers and used to make them as a teenager for my Mom's dinners. I haven't made them since!! I even bought a popover pan at a garage sale. Thanks for this post...I might be making them soon for my fam-damily! I love your fancy set up. So pretty. I haven't eaten them jam, just gravy. Looks good!

  24. How special and delicious! Lovely presentation, Diana :)

  25. You're not helping my diet today Diana! Those look delicious.

  26. They sound like a fun item to make. When my daughter's family gets back to Utah (supposed to be next month), I'll have to try them out on my grandkids.

  27. Hi Diana, I have never had them but it looks so yummy. I'm going to have to try and make it.

  28. Those DO look so yummy.
    I'll be trying them....I love simple and tasty treats too.

  29. I sed to make them back in the 1960s and the picture of yours has made me crave them again. Must try soon. I love your breakfast setting! I love swampland!

    I told you so!

  30. Ha! Funny! Those look soooo yummy!


  31. yum! I can almost smell it! I am getting hungry just about now. Great way to for love!

  32. Yes, I have made popovers, but not in quite awhile. Yours look just like mine, too, so we both must be doing the right thing.:-) xo Nellie

  33. Good Evening Diana, I have never made popovers, but looking at the ingredients, they remind me of what we call Yorkshire puddings. These we eat with Roast Beef for Sunday lunch. I have never tasted them with a sweet filling. This is something I will try. Have a lovely evening. Best Wishes Daphne

  34. Those look scrumptious! We (the hubby) is on a diet so those will have to wait for a little while!

    Okay, I'm going to your previous post to see what the world happened with your Hero and you!!

  35. Oh, yum! I adore popovers. Made biscuits here this morning, but I like this idea.

  36. yum!!! thanks for this cold generic cereal anyway!!

  37. Those look wonderful!

    Hope you are doing well.

  38. Mmmmmm those sure do look yummy. Thanks for the recipe.

    Writing you from the library. :(
    It would be better if I were home.

    Take care miss you.

    Janet W

  39. I actually believed you there for a second, Diana! Oooh, I should have known better:)! They look yummy! Love your chalkboard, and the pretty silver tray!!

  40. Those look delicious, Diana.
    Why weren't you two dining out by the rink? Would have made for a lovely picnic. LOL
    Glad you made up.
    xo, Tina

  41. I'm pinning this for when I figure out how to use my oven again :)

  42. Oh my gosh,those look good, and a recipe also. My hubs loves them, so one day I will make him some.


    And so glad that the thaw has happened.


  43. Ooooohhh....this looks soooo gooood. There goes my diet....

  44. I never heard of Popovers before! I am going to have to make me a dozen ha!
    Thanks for sharing!

  45. they look so your chalkboard..Glad you and hubs are back on track..

  46. These look so good Diana and can't even recall the last time I made these. I do recall that (all!) must be eaten hot out of the oven.

    Thanks for sharing your recipe! I'll try it this weekend. I think I'm having a brunch at my house and these will be perfect.


  47. Oh boy Diana those popovers do look wonderful! I have never made them or even tried them before! But the recipe looks so easy! Thanks for sharing it!!


  48. I'm sure these are the low calorie version, right? Who knew they were so easy. Thanks, Diana, for posting the recipe.

  49. Sounds like a pretty easy recipe .... I will have to give this a try,


  50. What an amazing recipe! I can't believe there are only four ingredients!

    Have a blessed and wonderful day!

  51. I love items I can bake or cook with five items or less. Honestly if it's more than that I probably won't do it b/c I won't have everything and it takes too long to run out to the store! I love things like this in the morning...always makes me feel better about going to work ;)

  52. Yummmm these look so good!!!
    How are ya?
    Just wanted to pop in to say hello

    Suzann ~xoxo~

  53. am I going to stick to my resolution this year if you keep sharing such delish posts!!

  54. Yummy!! Now I am hungry for a sweet treat. Thank you for sharing this recipe Diana. I have never made popovers and they sound so easy with ingrediant we have on hand. I will have to look for the cooking spray. Thanks for the tip.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie


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