
Saturday, December 1, 2012

All Alone In The Dark

all alone in the dark.
Do you ever wake up late
at night-or in the wee
hours of the early morning-
and feel like you are 
all alone?
I do that often.
I get up and walk to the
family room and look out
the window towards 
The Bay.
It is winter here now.
Cold and the bay is freezing.
There is still open water though.
When I got up the other
night-this is what greeted me.
Is that beautiful, or what?
I don't know what the streak of light
is up to the left.
A guardian angel streaking down, perhaps?
I walk on into the dining room
and look out at the deck we 
don't use in the winter.
The table there holds
a thrown together arrangement
of greens, winter berries and
sparkling lights.
The sweet little angel has
followed me from home to home to home.
I smile at her plaster patched
wing that I have reattached
She is imperfectly perfect.
Just like all of us.

I get a drink of water
and head back to bed,
hoping I can fall back asleep
but comforted that I am
never really alone.
God watches over me
and my family,
near and far,
while we sleep.

Wait!  What is this?
I MUST be dreaming.
It's MyHero under
a waterfall....
waiting for me.
"Step into my web",
said the spider to the fly.

I am NOT going
back to bed!


  1. LOL- I think that's the same reason I stay up! My old man is farting a lively tune in there right now. I was headed back that way, but guess I can blog up a bit more. The photos of outside are beautiful. Hope you have a good day, its day one of distribution for us, so say a prayer I can make it all the way.

  2. What a beautiful sight you have outside your window! I woke up this morning at 4am, after having fallen asleep early yesterday evening ... couldn't force myself to sleep any longer, so I got up and made coffee and decided to read for a while. The house is quiet, with only the dogs and cats for company at that hour. The full moon made lovely light in the house, and it has been cozy ... sitting here wrapped in a down throw. I love early mornings when no one else is awake.

  3. Diana, I love that first photo. I do think that is an angel streaking across the sky. She was watching over you in the lonely night. I hate the middle of the night and often get up to see what is going on out there in the world. I hope you sleep tight, my friend.


  4. I love the imperfectly perfect angel. So pretty. And that night sky! How beautiful! The Christmas decor at night is my favorite. Have a great Saturday :)

  5. Is it only women who wake up in the wee hours and can't go back to sleep? The bright side, we get to see the beauty in the wee hours of dawn. What a great view, thanks for sharing.

  6. LOL you re a nut! Love the view- the moon was spectacular the other night! I like your table on the deck with the arrangement and the sweet angel. I knocked one of my angels over and her poor head came off!

  7. Beautiful view! Yes, I am also up every day before the sun comes up. I have to tell you, I love this time of day, the house is so peaceful and it is truly the only time of day I have to myself. I enjoy it, very, very much! LOL Have a great weekend!

  8. What a beautiful sight!! I do think the middle of the night wanderings is a lady thing, maybe leftover from walking babies way back when. I am soooo going to copy you patio arrangment it is beautiful!! Your spider is lucky he didn't get squashed!! Ha

  9. such a beautiful post, do you think that was an Aurora Borealis? It looks a bit green!Your poor hero, he's gonna clobber you! lol,

  10. Diana, I look out at night whenever I wake up. You are dreaming of your Hero, how sweet. Tete's comment made me laugh too. You girls.:):) xo, Susie

  11. I do the same thing when I wake up at night. I look outside at all the quietness. It's been a full moon several nights lately which has awoken me. I really get a good view then! Beautiful post, all around!

  12. I love your photo of the night sky.
    And yes, I think God was letting you know that you are NEVER alone.
    And you always have to leave us with a laugh, don't you! ;-)

  13. If I had a view like that, it would be worth getting up in the wee hours just to take it all in and enjoy!

  14. Ahhhh! This is so sweet! Your view is breathtaking and worth waking up to see, for sure.

  15. LOL! I hate waking up in the middle of the night, because then I'm up for at least an hour before I fall back to sleep. Forget going back to bed at those times. The snoring alone would have me running from the room again!

  16. Your view is stunning. I can always count on a laugh from my Diana! xo

  17. Hi Diana, The view is breath taking and so pretty. The house is quiet except for the tv. I miss the tv on at night when I wake up to know that my other half is having problems sleeping. It is really foggy this morning, but it is warm 55 already with the possbilites of rain. My hubby got a roommate yesterday. He is one that he eats with and they like each other. I like your Christmas decorations. Hugs from Your Missouri Friend

  18. When I get up I look out the bathroom looks out onto the street.I just look around to see if I see anything. I get some mornings at
    4am and watch for the ritual of my neighbor leaving to take his dog for a I am not alone!

  19. I love this post. the photos are great, especially the last one with your hero in it.

  20. That is so funny. You always keep me reading to see where you are going. Your hubby looks like he is loving life in that photo. I hate not being able to sleep but enjoy quiet moments with sparkly Christmas lights.

  21. What a gorgeous shot of the moonlight over the water, Diana! It was worth getting up for, I bet! I still miss the sight of the moon on the Puget Sound, it was amazing! Love your lit arrangement too. And leave it to you to leave us laughing at the end:)!!

  22. Girl, you have a much nicer time in the middle of the night then I When I wake up, it's because I think that I heard a strange noise.

    And that was a angel, they do their best work at night.


  23. I think you are having nightmares myself..
    My little black dog decides he wants company in the early morning hours, and we snuggle while the dawn arrives.

  24. Don't you feel so very lucky to have such a beautiful view? Your angel is a perfect guardian to follow you through so many moves!

  25. I love it: first we think it is a sleepyhead with a guardian angel reminding you that God is near, the beauty of your perfectly imperfect angel on the deck, and then you remind us that life, at its best, is FUN!

  26. What a beautiful view you have, Diana! I'm not awake during the night too often, as I usually go back to sleep rather quickly after I have had to be up.

    That's a funny picture of your Hero!:)

    xo Nellie

  27. What a beautiful photos of your restless night.
    I didn't expect your Hero in the water after talk of freezing water! LOL

  28. you are just too funny Diane! Your late night photo is gorgeous! I stay up late anyway, I have always made a better vampire than a human. LOLL

  29. I wasn't able to see the northern lights very much here but I bet they are awesome out there. I love that idea and think I'm going to assume those northern lights are angels lighting our world.
    The patio tablescape is gorgeous-
    I'm glad you are able to repair your angel-Ben used to love that one.

  30. You're too funny..I'd be afraid to go back to sleep..

  31. What a beautiful post! I love getting up during the night when all is quiet. Well, I'd rather sleep through the night like I used to, but that doesn't seem to be an option any more for some reason! Love the arrangement on your deck table and the view of the bay is spectacular! And, who could resist a Hero in a waterfall? So cute! Hugs, Leena

  32. I loe Laurie's post. You are a hoot. I do love that first picture. Just stunning. Your poor hubby, ha ha keep me in stitiches.

  33. WOW...what a night! Sometimes the moon is so beautiful that I cannot go to sleep, I just want to watch it instead. :)

  34. I love that little angel with the bunny. I'm pretty sure I have the same one. She sits in my angel garden wuth two other cherubs!

  35. I think this must be my favorite of all your posts!

    Flora Doora

  36. I agree with Jane, I just love this post. The first photo is beautiful, I would like to do a painting based on it. I love the arrangement with the lights. Since I took early retirement, mornings are few and far between for me to get up before 6:00. Hubby and I are more likely to stay up until 4:00 watching old movies. Fun picture of you Hero, too. Have a great rest of the weekend.

  37. You are so funny!
    Scared of a little hug, are ya?
    Your place is so beautiful at night
    I stay up late and always look out upon the water before going to bed.
    It is magical!

  38. You were being so serious, Diana! I just knew there was something coming. A punch line somewhere. I agree that it's quiet when we wake up at night. I don't have your view, though. But, perhaps I could visualize it next time I look out my window in the middle of the night. I agree that we're never alone. Our dear Lord is always with us who love Him! Take care. You're precious!

  39. That veiw out your window at night is so peaceful and beautiful. I don't wake up at night too often (unless the dog needs to go out) but I know what you mean about that feeling of everything being quiet and you feel alone. I think of it as a good time for reflection. It's the lack of noise that I love the most about that time. Your lights on your back patio are beautiful too.

  40. Beautiful, peaceful nightime photos!

  41. Oh Diana, That first photo is breathtaking. I love it.

    Your arrangement on the deck table is lovely.

    And what an interesting pic of your hero. :) Beware of those scary dreams my dear. I don't like spiders. lol He does have a sweet smile. :)

    Take care, Janet W xo

  42. LOL, Diana. You are so funny!

    Love the arrangement on the deck. How nice to have something beautiful to look at when you glance out the window.

  43. You have some lovely views out your windows! I often am up during the night and walk to the different's funny cause the cats all follow me!
    Cute photo of your Hero!
    Have a good week, Diana.

  44. I am playing catch up...
    I have all my Home Tour posts done and my 19 trees post done so now I can visit!!

    Love the night pics outside and chuckled at the end of the post!!

    How cute the 2 of you are!!



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