
Friday, November 23, 2012

The Date Was
November 23,1979

The day after Thanksgiving.
I was so tired from cooking all day
that when I woke up Friday
morning and my back ached,
I didn't think much about it.
Even though it was my
due date,
I wasn't sure I was in labor.
I still wasn't sure when I went to the hospital
even though you were my 4th baby
and you were due.
I'm in labor?
Alrighty then~
You were an easy baby
and got a 10 right off the bat.
Your Dad was so proud to have
another son after having two little girls.
You were an easy baby-
easy-going, happy, sweet.
At one year old you loved
your little rocking horse.
It got left behind when
we moved to Florida.
You were crushed!
You loved the swimming pool
when we lived in Florida.
You were SO sad when we told you
that you were too big for
a sink bath.
One day we turned around
and you were five.
At six you loved playing ball.
And although you played soccer
for ELEVEN years..
(yes I was a soccer Mom..
I never missed a match)
I could not find a single
picture of you in your soccer uniform.
You were a rabbit
for so many years that I lost track
of how many bunny costumes I made.
The years flew by.
Soon you were a young teen.
A kind young teen.
You were kind to your family,
to kids you didn't know,
to animals,
to your elders..
 just a kind young man.

Then you were driving.
I think this is the Saturn..
you know the one..
the one that Saturn replaced
the motor in twice..
and you had bought it
gently used.
After the 2nd motor was replaced you
sold it and made more on it
than what you had paid.
(because it had a new engine in it)
However, my favorite car story..
entails you taking a Fiero
(that looked no where near as nice
as the one pictured here)
AND you decided
in December..
that you wanted a convertible took a SawzAll and cut
the top off...Yes you did..
And you drove it all winter..
then sold it to some
poor sucker that was
even crazier than you were.

We had some wonderful times
in the house on Quincy..
this was taken one Mother's Day..
Boy! Wish I were 52 again!!
I also wish my eyes were open!
We were over the moon
when you married
the girl we all love. your sisters had
children you became a
wonderful Uncle..
because you still have a lot of
'KID' in you.
But the biggest blessing 
in your life 
(besides marrying your sweet wife)
is that you have a precious
little son of your own...
Now I know
that you are looking forward
to owning THIS someday..
You even give SweetCheeks a ride in it
sometimes just so you can enjoy it...
But-It's not gonna be your birthday present
this year cuz...
I might be OLD but
I ain't dead yet!
Happy Birthday, Son!
You are loved!
(But not enough to get my car)


  1. Has it been another year already? Happy Birthday, Mamasboy. Nana Diana, I hope you baked him a cake after that post.

  2. beautiful post, Happy Birthday to the handsome fella!

  3. Happy birthday to your son. Hope it's a great one. He looks sweet in the photos. Enjoy yourselves today. Left-overs here:):) xo, Susie

  4. What a darling post Diana... Happy Birthday to your adorable son!... love your car!... xoxo Julie Marie

  5. Happy Birthday to MamasBoy. What a lovely tribute. Btw, love the girls in their curlers by the pool!

  6. What a sweet post and a sweet son. Happy Birthday to him (and to you!) xoxo

  7. What! You are not giving him your car?, mean mom, that is what my kids would say!
    Happy Birthday to you, Enjoy it to the fullest.

  8. What a lovely birthday tribute to your son!! Happy Birthday to him!!

  9. I can see the faces of your grandbabies in the images of your son's infancy and youth! Such a lovely tribute, Sweet D! I know that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, because you are blessed like me!

    Happy labor day to you and birthday to your son!

  10. What a beautiful post! Why does the time go by so fast????? Happy birthday to you son!

  11. Such precious memories of your dear son! Sending Happy Birthday wishes :)

  12. about the! It made me laugh

  13. We celebrated our daughters birthday the day before Thanksgiving! What a beautiful post! Hugs, Penny

  14. Beautiful post Diana! They grow so fast! Happy birthday to your handsome boy!

  15. Happy birthday to MamasBoy! What a good looking guy! You cooked Thanksgiving dinner the day before you gave birth? Wow, you ARE wonder woman! I'm still shaking my head over his turning the car into a convertible. In winter. Oh, and that's your car in the last photo? Love it!!!

  16. Sweet post, that pool photo! Happy Birthday to your son!

  17. Happy Birthday to your boy! If you ever go missing, I'll know it was the car that was the motive. Let him know we will be on to him! ~ Maureen

  18. Happy Birthday to your handsome son. Such an adorable story. Love that car.

  19. Happy Birthday to your handsome son! What is it with boys and their cars?! ha!

  20. Happy Birthday to that wonderful son, Diana! Love, love, love this post!

    xo Nellie

  21. What a beautiful post as usual.

    I slipped over to your post now.

    Been baking for Christmas to freeze.

    Now will go back and ice some more things.

    I put up a poster of me in the kitchen.Well hubby took them.


    Happy Thanksgiving Di

    Loves to your beautiful big,big FAMILY.

  22. That was just about the best birthday tribute to a son that I have ever seen. I hope he had a grand birthday.

  23. Hi Diana,
    Wouldn't if be wonderful if we could just stop time right now and keep them just the way they are....what a sweet way to say Happy Birthday.
    He's a cutie too.


  24. Happy Birthday to that handsome guy. Cute photos, Diana. ;-)

  25. I loved this story! This is a great gift for your son, even without your car! And I know it must have taken some time to put together but how worth it! Thanksgiving each year must have special meaning for you. Darling pictures, and boy, do I wish I were 52 again too!

  26. What a great birthday post! Happy Birthday to your son! I hope you had a nice thanksgiving with your family and friends. I am pooped from two days of cooking, 2 days of company and a day full of decorating that isnt getting finished while I sit here on the computer! It will take me all of tomorrow still.. and then maybe sunday I'll get a little shopping in!
    have a great weekend!

  27. I loved this. What a cutie you have. Oh, I meant your son not your car :)

  28. I just love your stories. I have a kind son too. Seems he was just born that way...we are both very blessed!

  29. What a great post, Diana. You have such a lovely family. A great look back. I think you should have a giveaway for the car, ;) No???

  30. hahaha, I bet he knows that, about the car. Sounds like a happy, crazy, normal nice. Happy Birthday to him..;j

  31. That is the cutest thing I have every read! I have never met anyone like you Diana, and your children are so blessed to have such a wonderful and fun momma :)
    xo, Andrea

  32. Love this post. What a handsome young man .I hope you and he had a great day.

    Sweet Cheeks looks awesome in a convertible

  33. Nothing like a naked sink bath photo to say Happy Birthday!

  34. I love this! What a nice birthday tribute! LOL Momma needs her car, sorry kiddo! LOL! Hugs, Leena


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