
Monday, November 19, 2012

Pumpkin Pie Fairy

MyHero and family all
love Pumpkin Pie.
I love it, too,
although I don't eat
it anymore...except
for the special
sugar free kind I make.

However, I especially love
my very own Mark Robert's
Pumpkin Pie Fairy.

He hangs over the stairwell
and the "hidey holes"
where the fairies hide 
little treats for the 
Isn't he sweet?
He is big-about 18" tall
from head to toe.

I look forward to bringing
him out of hiding every year.
Soon, he will go back to
the closet and another 
fairy will replace him!;>)
But-just for today-
I will keep him out 
and enjoy him.
Why is he still out?
 I think he's got his
NAUGHTY on and I am 
afraid he might HEX me.
I could end up in 
and he could be enjoying
Gluten-Free Pie Crust with LIBBY’S® Famous Pumpkin Pie Filling
If you click on the picture
it will take you to a gluten-free
pumpkin pie recipe.


  1. What a fun tradition for your grandchildren. Happy "almost" Thanksgiving!

  2. I have never met a pumpkin pie fairy, I should have know he lived at your house, lol,

  3. Diana, I know SC knows about that treats fairy. It will be cute when the boys start finding him. I know you will get their pictures. It's going to get busy here , so in case I run out of play time...I truly want to wish you a blessed Thanksgiving.xoxo, Susie

  4. He is adorable ~ and less calories, too, Diana! : ) I got a couple of Mark Roberts Christmas fairies last year for Christmas and I'm looking forward to taking them out this year.

  5. Love your pumpkin pie fairy Diana... my little one isn't holding a pie, and that is why I wanted one!... xoxo Julie Marie

  6. Those fairies are cute. I had not seen them or heard of them until a couple of years ago. They can get quite pricey. Yes, keep him out. Don't want you hexxed.

  7. I love your pumpkin pie fairy....FUN!!

  8. He looks like a sneaky ole fellow. I bet that pie will be gone before Thursday.

  9. He looks like he could pack away a few pies,so you better watch out! I love all the trimmings on his outfit.

  10. Yum, looks good, and the PP Fairy is cute. I don't think he will HEX you as long as YOU behave, sweet sis.

  11. Very cool fairy-I don't think he'll hex you though-I think he
    looks and listens from his hidden spot all year and he knows better than to try it-LOL

  12. Oh! I'd love a Pumpkin Pie Fairy! Where did you find such a creation?

    Have a wonderful Monday, Diana! xoNellie

  13. I love Mark Robert's fairies, I want to start collecting a few of his Christmas ones! He's a cutie!

  14. Oh, is he cute or what?! The kiddies must love him! Your pie looks delicious and I want to say how impressed I am that you can still say no to sugar. I am doing fairly well as long as I keep the sweets out of my house. But yesterday I made cupcakes and well, you know...


  15. He's adorable...I have one similar.
    they always make me smile. Save some of that pumpkin pie... Cute post!

  16. Diana, so cute. I think I remember him hiding in a cubby hole last year and you had to get him out?? I love traditions like this! Enjoy your pie. It looks good. Hope you have a beautiful holiday.

  17. I love your Pumpkin Pie Fairy Diana. What a cutie! It's a great tradition for your family to look forward to every year : )
    I think that pie recipe sounds so goood! Something new to try!
    Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  18. do pumpkin pie fairies make you pumpking pie?...if so, I need one!

  19. Still think the fairy knows who he is dealing with and is pretending he doesn't. LOL

  20. Only you would have a pumpkin pie fairy . . . he is adorable :)
    Happy Thanksgiving :)

  21. He's quite handsome! I forgot about your hidey holes. I always loved that idea!

  22. What a great fairy, and I appreciate that recipe for the pumpkin pie. I usually make a regular one for the family and a sugar free on that I can eat. My daughter will appreciate the gluten-free.

    Wishing you a beautiful Thanksgiving.


  23. That is a tradition I have never heard of before. What fun!

  24. I do love Mark Roberts' fairies. So whimsical indeed. I have never seen Pumpkin Pie Fairy.

  25. I love Mark Roberts fact I have many of them and use them at Christmastime. Usually I buy them on sale after the holiday....and THAT makes them even more special.



  26. The pumpkin pie fairy is so cute.

  27. Wonderful tradition...I think I'm opting for Pumpkin Crisp this year and not pie. Do you think the Thanksgiving Fairies will strike me down? lol. Enjoy your evening!

  28. Hi Diana. I Looooove pumpkin pie, warm, with ice cream. Love pumpkin pie cheesecake even more. I hope you have a very blessed Thanksgiving with your family! Gobble, gobble!

  29. I love pumpkin pie too. It is such a nice tradition to have one at Thanksgiving isn't it? Love your cute little fairy too. I bet your grandkids will give it lots of attention during their visit.

  30. MMM-MMM. Can't wait to have some pumpkin pie!

  31. He is adorable and well my favourite pie is PUMPKIN and I only eat it at Thanksgiving...yum...Happy American Thanksgiving to you.xoxo

  32. And the point of a crustless pie is what? The crust is the best part!!! That gluten free recipe does look yummy though.

  33. I bet your little ones love him! I may just have to make that pie for my gf daughter-in law. I read Blondie's comment and just have to ask, "No sugar? How long have you been able to do it?" go you!

  34. Mmmmmmmm I LOVE pumpkin pie. It is almost the only kind I eat. And I can eat it all year 'round. :)

    Cute fairy.

    Have a wonderful evening and a great Tuesday.

    Take care, Janet W

  35. Oh those fairies are clever and mischievous (and super cute too). You are wise to let him have a good time before he heads back to the box.


  36. Oh hope you don't get hexed!! Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for your sweet well wishes on my sons wedding. Happy Thanksgiving my friend!


  37. oh...looks really scrummy. We used to have American friends who lived locally and would make it for us. Do you deliver...(She thinks hopefully)?!
    Ah well...back to the real day...enjoy

  38. You can just keep that little fairy over at you house. He might be cute, but I don;t want him stealing my pie. Thanks for the link. I am planning my gluten free menu today :)


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