
Friday, November 16, 2012


I have been following 
for quite a while and
she is warm and welcoming
and working hard to 
beat cancer.
Here is the sad news I
got yesterday.

I am copying this over from
Marty' blog

Calling All Bloggers To Unite _ Elves for CK

elves 036-003

The best part of blogging is the friends you make,
 and I am so fortunate that I have met some of 
the most precious friends and 
they are such a blessing to my life.   
 One of those precious friends is a 
lovely lady named Ceekay and she has 
a blog called Thinkin' of Home.  
We all call her just CK, 
so much fun and so full of life. 
 We met 3 years ago through a 
bloggers lunch and since then 
have been great friends.  
I love her cheerful nature and her zest for life.  
She has been fighting a battle with 
Ovarian Cancer for over 7 years 
and never lets that define who she is 
or what she wants to do.  
However, right now she is in the hospital
 and very ill, she is fighting hard, 
 Chemo has her in such a weakened condition
 that fighting an infection is a real battle. 
We are all hoping she will beat this thing 
and be home soon.

If you don't know her, here are a few pictures
 that show her zest for life and her loving 
and outgoing personality.

Visiting a farm
 Having a fabulous time with a fellow blogger (Mary's Meanderings).
 Loving time with another friend - Karen
Her first time at the ocean
This was taken right before she got sick at our last gals lunch.

Ok, now why I called you all together.  
One of the things on CK's Wish and 
Bucket list is to be able to take her family 
(Son, Daughter, SIL, 2 Grands 
and she and her husband) to Disneyland. 
 She mentioned this at a recent luncheon 
and this really struck the heart of 
Laura @ Decor to Adore

So, Laura has decided to donate 
all the proceeds from the Elves
 that she makes and sells in her 
Etsy shop to a fund for Ck 
so she can fulfill her dream.  
She is calling it 
elves 036-004

Please go to her blog - Decor to Adore - 
and see the post she has explaining 
how you can help. 
 I would also love it if you would
 spread the word.  
I know there is nothing that 
we can't do as bloggers, 
and if we all work together, 
we can make this happen.

If you go to Marty's Blog  she has a
link on her sidebar.

Thank you so much.
Bloggers are just like family,
aren't  they?
We bless each other.


  1. To know Ceekay is to love her. I too have followed her for a long time and marveled at how strong she has been throughout her treatments. I would like to have one ounce of her strength and fortitude. She is indeed very special and I pray for her recovery.

    This is a wonderful thing that the bloggers are doing and I'll head over there.


  2. Diana, We never know the suffering of others some times. Breaks my heart. Thanks for sharing this with all your followers. xo, Susie

  3. oh my gosh, it seems every week another blogging friend becomes stricken with this beast of a disease!I will keep she and her family in my prayers and will visit the site right now!You are such an sweet heart,

  4. Keeping her in my prayers <3

  5. Praying for CK today and for a cure for cancer. Or a prevention or a vaccination or something! It just effects way too many lives and families.

  6. Ceekay is really a sweetheart...sending good thoughts and prayers...

  7. I'm blogging friends with Ceekay and was wondering how she was as she hasn't blogged lately. I'm so sad. I hope she gets better.

  8. Prayers for CK and her family.

    Thank you for letting us know about this, Diana.

    xo Nellie

  9. Diana, thank you for sharing this information. CK will be in my thoughts and prayers! How precious that people will be praying all around the world for her because of bloggers like you, Marty and Laura!

  10. hugs and prayers to sweet ceekay:) thanks to you, marty and laura, too!

  11. thanks for sharing. Cancer is no fun. Praying for strenght and healing over CK

  12. I am so sorry to read this. Prayers for her!

  13. Hi sweetie, I too have followed CK since I first found her, through Marty. My sister fought that same battle and this drew me close to CK. I will be going to Marty's blog and Laura's blog as well. Thank you for alerting us to the recent setback our dear friend has had.
    Hugs, Noreen

  14. I do not know your friend, but I will pray for her. Cancer stinks.

  15. It is very kind of you to spread the word about Ceekay and her illness. I am praying she pulls through this. I am expecting my little elf soon!



  16. She sure sounds like a wonderful gal. Such a difficult time for her-I will add my prayers for continued strength and love.

  17. What a lovely post. I'm heading over to Marty's to see what's up. I am so behind on blog reading...I'm very glad I opened this and saw it. Happy Weekend Diana ~ Ann

  18. Bloggers are like the fire brigade. On my way to Marty's blog to learn more. I think Disneyland should be on everyone's bucket list. God bless you, Diana, for caring so much.

  19. Oh Diana, I love Ck! I had not heard that she was in the hospital. I will be praying for her! She is such a sweetheart. The elves are so sweet and I will hop over and find out more.

  20. Oh, that just breaks my heart... I LOVE Ceekay... what a wonderful woman she is. She is always so upbeat and cheery... I'll be praying like mad for her...


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