
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Happy Happy Birthday SweetCheeks

Warning- Picture heavy post.
Get your coffee and a donut!
You're SIX?
You were born a tad early.
You were no bigger than
a minute.
You weighed in at right
around 5 pounds and
were whisked to the
Neonatal Intensive Care.
You stayed there for 15 days.
I visited you and
put your sweet little
head right against the
bare skin below my neck.
one of the best things
for a newborn.
Then you came home.
When you were three 
you started patting just 
below my neck and saying
Thisss isss my favrut spoht, Nana.
You still do that 
from time to time 
and it always 
makes my heart smile
because I know that 
God gave you that special
spot close to my heart.

Here you are with your
wonderful Mommy.
All smiles.

Can you guess how you 
got your nickname?
Look at those 

Your Mom thought it was cute
to dress you as a chicken.
You were/are the apple
of your Daddy's Eye.
We loved you when you
were dressed as a 
and we loved you 
when you were a
When you were three you
loved going with Nana for a
STARBUCKS smoothie.
Oh! You were my kinda girl.
And still loved them at age four!
You have always been a 
You had a Barbie Doll cake
for your 4th birthday.

And were delighted with it.
We thought it was pretty funny
when you licked the icing 
off her butt.

I loved it when you went to the 
with your family.
You had a little misadventure
leaving the farm when you-
were held hostage
by a bush!
I laugh every time I see that picture.
You also saw Santa that day and told
him what you wanted.
You saw Santa AGAIN the next day
and when he asked you what you 
wanted you said.
I  jusssht telled yohu yesturrday
did yohu forgit allreaddy?
You make me smile even
when you are pouty.
And I smile when I 
watch you dance...
gotta love 
A Mouse!

Now I am smiling because
you are
"almost famous"
as the baby face
of Broadway.
And someday, Lord willing, I will see
you as a beautiful bride
with this kind of expression
on your sweet face.
You are growing up fast...
But~no matter how big 
you get you will always
be my wee slip of a girl-
My Little Princess.
Happy Birthday!
Nana loves you,


  1. Happy Birthday Sweet Cheeks! What a beautiful, sweet, charming funny girl! Have a beautiful day with your grandaughter!

  2. Beautiful Post Diana - plant a big one on one of Sweet Cheeks from me ( just explain to her that there's a stranger in Montreal who loves her almost as much as her Nana does )

  3. Happy Birthday Sweet Cheeks!!!

  4. What a heartwarming post Diana (actually the tears are running down my face, I am a very sentimental lady!)... Happy Birthday Sweet Cheeks!... I hope ALL of your birthday wishes come true little Princess... xoxo Julie Marie

  5. Great Pics. Happy Birthday Sweet Cheeks!

  6. Happy birthday to that little doll!
    And I LOVE your story of the "skin to skin" when you first held her in your arms. Wonderful.

  7. Happy Birthday to Sweetcheeks. She is a wonderful little girl. They do grow too fast. Hug them and squeeze them while they are ours. Don't cry Diana, SC knows you have that special place for her.:):) xoxo, Susie

  8. Oh, you made me tear up. So sweet. Happy Birthday, Sweet Cheeks!!

  9. Hi Diana, Happy Birthday to Sweetcheeks. She is growing up so very fast and it does make you tear up, but to be able to watch them grow is awesome. They continue to surprise us with what they do, what they tell us, plus just being them. I chuckle with her comment to Santa claus. My youngest grandson who is 7 says Santa is just a myth. Have a wonderful day. Hugs Your Missouri Friend.

  10. What a beautiful young lady she is!! "Sweet Cheeks" is a perfect name for her! Happy...Happy Birthday! to a precious young lady!


  11. Happy Birthday Princess SweetCheeks, may all your important dreams come true.

  12. I think she just gets sweeter and cuter all the time, Diana. Happy sixth birthday to SweetCheeks.

  13. Awww...gosh that was sweet looking at all her pictures. Happy Birthday Sweet cheeks!

  14. What a sweetie she is! My grandaughters are getting so big now (all in high school) but I have so many pics to give me those wonderful memories of when they were young like this! Enjoy passes so quickly!

  15. that made me tear up, it was such a beautiful tribute to such a sweet heart!
    Happy Birthday to sweet cheeks!

  16. Awww! She is growing up fast, isn't she! Loved all the great shots. The one of her in the jean jacket with her Starbucks is priceless. Give her a big hug for me, ok?

  17. Well, Happy Happy Birthday Sweet Cheeks!!!
    You are truly my favorite person out there in blogland. I love when your Nana posts about you & your sisters. And I LOVE your pouty face as well as your smiley face.
    I am trusting for you, a really, really great Birthday. Enjoy 6!!
    (& I hope to see pics of you with your 6 cake : )

  18. What a beautiful tribute!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET CHEEKS! May you be blessed beyond measure!

  19. Happy, happy Birthday Sweet Cheeks! You are so lucky to have a grammy's love:)

  20. Happy Birthday to sweet little SweetCheeks! Beautiful girl, beautiful photos and beautiful memories, Diana!

  21. Oh, Diana! This brought tears to my eyes! SweetCheeks!! Happy 6th birthday! I'm sure she knows how much she is loved! xo Nellie

  22. Oh Sweet D! What a precious post!
    Can you believe that I met you before I became a grandmother? I watched and read your joy and humor as my day of grandmother hood neared!

    Happy Birthday, Sweet Cheeks! You light our world through your grandmother's eyes!

  23. Such a sweet birthday post for a sweet girl! Happy Birthday!!


  24. Happy Birthday Precious Sweet Cheeks! Enjoy your special day! Such a sweet post from a wonderful and loving grandmother, love it! :)

  25. bwaaaaa....this made me tear up because I can FEEL the love you have for her...I experience it first hand, every single day. :))
    She is a beauty and I wish her such a Happy Happy Birthday.
    xo bj

  26. Such a wonderful post to celebrate the birthday of a beautiful little girl! Happy Birthday to your sweet granddaughter!


  27. Oh what a heartwarming and lovely post Diana!
    She is a dolly with a personality to boot!
    And now little Miss Green Bay, you must be so proud!
    Did she audition for it?
    Happy Birthday to her!

  28. Nice to know I'm not the only one that has to go re-do her eye make up. What a sweet post.

  29. such a sweet post! happy birthday sweet cheeks

  30. Happy, happy birthday, SweetCheeks! I hope you have the most wonderful day! You are such a sweetie and I so enjoy all of your adventures! Make sure your Nana gives you a hug and a kiss from me. Love you princess girl!

  31. Oh, Diana. She is so precious. No wonder you call her Sweet Cheeks!!

    They grow so fast, don't they? But I know you're savoring every moment!

  32. I loved every picture.... Happy Birthday hugs for Sweet Cheeks, Penny

  33. Happy Happy Birthday Sweet Cheeks!! I loved every picture Diana!

  34. Happy Birthday to SweetCheeks. I hope she has the best day. I really enjoyed all of the pictures. Even as a newborn she looks as if she might have had something to say, if she could only have worked out how!

  35. She is DARLING! Sweet cheeks is the perfect name for her - esp when she licks icing off Barbie's buns!

  36. Oh my goodness, this post actually brought a tear to my eye. I feel like I know SweetCheeks. You really bring her to life through your blog Diana. What a joy to watch from afar. Happiest birthday wishes to SweetCheeks!

  37. Happy Birthday!!! Hope it's very special! Six is a great number to be!

  38. Oh what a beautiful, beautiful princess!!! I hope you have the most wonderful birthday ever!! I have a six-year-old little boy who would think you are the cutest:-)

  39. Happy Birthday, Sweet Cheeks! What a lovely post about your little sweetie.
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  40. Happy Birthday to Sweet Cheeks from all of us at Sweet Chaos!! You are such a beautiful little girl, and you have a great Nana. Have fun being 6 :)

  41. What a wonderful birthday tribute to your grand daughter. She is such a beautiful girl. I think "Sweet Cheeks" is the perfect nickname for her. I love her picture wearing the bridal gown! I can just picture her grown and walking down the aisle......many years from now though. LOL!

  42. Happy birthday, dear SweetCheeks!!

    I hope you have had a wonderful day. Being six is a really big deal.

  43. Oh my goodness! I've been away from blogging for awhile and just happened to take a peek today! I'm so glad I didn't miss SweetCheeks day! Happy Birthday beautiful girl!! Julie

  44. She is adorable! Happy birthday, sweet girl, and many, many more!

  45. Happy, happy Birthday to you Sweetcheeks. I hope your day is wonderful!!! Six is a very special age to be, so enjoy every day of it.

    sending big hugs to you and your Nana!

  46. Oh my gosh, Diana. You made me cry. They just grow up so fast. Happy Birthday Sweet Cheeks...Nana has made you an INTERNET SENSATION! Seriously, you are our little SUPERSTAR!
    Hugs and Kisses from Michigan.

  47. Diana, what a precious post! You brought tears to my eyes! Now, I know where she got her name- those adorable sweet baby cheeks! Happy Birthday, Sweet Cheeks!

  48. What a beautiful not-so-little girl, soon to be a young lady.
    Where does the time go?

  49. Oh My Goodness!!! You just made this new Momma of 6 just about cry... How very Sweet is this tribute and what a wonderful relationship you share together.. Sweet Cheeks you are beyond Blessed to have so much LOVE in your life, not only by your immediate family but your Adorable and So In Love with you Nana... Happy Happy Happy Birthday to you!!!
    Oh I have to say that being held hostage by the bush was what stopped the tears from flowing... I was cracking up at that picture :)

  50. Happy Birthday Sweet Cheeks!!! I can't believe all of the fun things you get to do! Oh, I always wanted a Barbie cake...You are the luckiest girl in the whole world!!!


  51. Happy birthday to Sweet Cheeks! What great photos, I'm glad you shared them with us!

  52. Hi Diana,


    Take care, Janet W

  53. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETHEART! you make me smile each and every time your nana shares a photo of you or some of the funny things you say....! I hope you get LOTS of cake and your most favourite flavour of ice cream...xoxoox

  54. Hi, I really enjoyed looking at all the beautiful pictures...Connie

  55. Hi there Sweet Cheeks. Happy Birthday. I have three grandchildren that are 6 years old, just like you. Your Nana loves you so much. I love the story she wrote about you here. YOu looked like a doll baby in that picture of you with your sisters when you came home from the hospital. I hear that you are famous now.....way to go Sweet Cheeks.

  56. I loved this! What a cutie. Here's to many, many more!

  57. A sweet birthday post for sweet cheeks! Loved all the pics and I'm sure you all had a wonderful time celebrating this special girl!

  58. Diana, it's almost one AM here and I'm tired and going to bed but scrolling through my sidebar, I saw the Birthday girl and couldn't leave without telling her Happy Birthday, Sweet Cheeks..Happy Friday..Judy

  59. Oh Diana what a wonderful post. Your grand is a little darling. Happy Birthday to Sweet Cheeks.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  60. Sweet Cheeks is a star in my book!
    I'll be laughing at what she said to Santa all day! LOL I just love her spirit and sass...kinda reminds me of someone else around here....hmmm.
    xo, T.

  61. Happy birthday to sweet, little YOU! May you always love your Nana. She is a very special Nana. Have a wonderful time celebrating your birthday.
    Love to you.

  62. Happy Belated Birthday Sweetcheeks!

  63. This is such a sweet post! Thanks for making my mascara gooey. :)
    LOVE the magazine cover.

  64. Happy birthday Sweet Cheeks! You are a beautiful lady!

  65. Happy Birthday SweetCheeks! Oh, there are so many pictures on here that I like, but I have to say my favorite was the wedding dress, as Nel just got married. She is becoming such a sweet child.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  66. What great memories, Diana. What a beautiful child. She's a true princess.

  67. She really is such a beautiful girl, Diana!

  68. Diana, I'm late arriving to offer Sweet Cheeks birthday wishes. What a darling post for this little princess. You are a special Nana!

  69. Diana, I am always a day late and a dollar short.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET CHEEKS! I adore you from afar.

    Since your birthday is mid week I am making a Savannah Granny decree. Sweet Cheek;s birthday shall be celebrated as a festival. We shall celebrate through Sunday, December 2nd.

    I will be celebrating here, let me know how it goes up north.

    Love to all, Ginger

  70. Diana, Please don't tell Sweet Cheeks that I can't type. Hugs,

  71. Diana, sprry I missed this post! Happy Birthday Sweet Cheeks! She is so pretty! And you are so blessed to have her in your life! The pictures are so pretty!

  72. Beautiful birthday tribute and I absolutely adore the photos! Happy Birthday, Sweet Cheeks! Hugs, Leena

  73. Love, love, love this post! Happy belated Birthday to one of the sweetest girls I almost know!

  74. Love this Diana...she is just so sweet! Wish her a Happy (belated) Birthday for me!

  75. She is adorable and I love how you love her! Happy birthday, Sweet Cheeks!


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