
Sunday, November 11, 2012

God Bless Our Veterans-A Poem By Diana

God Bless Our Veterans

God bless our veterans,
Each and every one.
God bless our men and boys
That march and hold a gun.

God bless our veterans,
Our sons, our wives, our dad,
God watch over the families
Of those that feel so sad.

God protect the women,
That carry our country's fate.
Leaving  their homes and families
To protect us from other's hate.

Oh! Let us remember our troops,
And thank them heartily,
For without their sacrifice,
We would not be free.

Take a moment when you can
And bow your head and pray.
Pray for peace and pray and hope
That they all come home someday.
©Diana Kosmoski 2012

As for me and my family we
are most grateful for all
our service people.
The next time you see someone
in uniform take just a minute,
step up to them and say
Thank You!
You'll be glad you did.

I will pop by to visit you
tomorrow-I have family here
today for an early
Welcome to Crazy Land!


  1. Excellent poem, Diana.
    We owe so much to our service men and women.

  2. Diana, I loved your poem. I appreciate everyone who has served our country. Smiles, Susie

  3. I pray for them every day!
    Beautifully written, Sweet D!

  4. Thank you for such a lovely reminder of our veterans and what they've given over the years, to keep us safe.

  5. Hello sweetheart!
    I spent a little morning break here all caught up on my "Sweetcheeks adventures, Halloween and all.
    Sorted through all your Christmas!
    read about the monkeys and about your family.
    When do you sleep?'ve got more irons in the fire!
    I like monkeys too...and your hair!
    I always laugh here...
    xo, Kathy.

  6. Diana that was just beautiful, you are such a talented word smith, thankyou so much for sharing this beautiful work with us today!

  7. Always grateful for their service, Diana!

    Sending wishes for a wonderful day for you!

    xo Nellie

  8. Beautiful, thoughtful words, Diana. There are many veterans in our family, my husband included. We feel most appreciative of and for our men and women who serve our country. Thank you for sharing this!

  9. Thank you so much for posting your beautiful poem this Veterans Day dear Diana... it really touched my heart so... my daddy was a Colonel in the US Army and WWII vet... I know he is reading your poem from Heaven and thanking you as well... we are totally snowed in again today, had about another foot in the night, but I WILL get out and get to the cemetery to place a flag on his grave... I have also "adopted" a soldier from WWI whose grave is nearby my daddy's... in all of the years I have been going to the cemetery, 30 now since my mama passed away, not once has anyone taken a flag, or flowers or anything to this lone solider who fought for all of our freedom... it made me so sad... so I "adopted" him... and take him flags and flowers too... he seemed so alone there... I like to think today he too will be smiling down at his little flag and know just how much his sacrifices mean to us all... I salute all of our Veterans, those no longer with us, those still with us and the brave men and women currently serving in our Armed Forces... God bless you Diana for your heartfelt poem... xoxo Julie Marie

  10. I did just that. A few weeks ago in Culvers I approached to service men in uniform and stopped to thank them for their service.

    Your poem is lovely!!

  11. Beautiful written, Diana! Thanks for sharing. xo

  12. This is what I will be grateful for today!! It will be in my Gratitude book today for sure! Awesome poem too!

  13. Yes! When we see any member of our troops we automatically thank them for their service...we owe...
    thank you for the poem.

  14. I love your poems but especially this one-it's beyond touching.
    OH and Happy Thanksgiving!

  15. Beautiful, Diana. Thanks so much! I hope you have a wonderful family day!


  16. What a touching and beautiful poem! Your poem brought a tear to my eye! Bless your heat, Diana!!!!
    Happy Veteran's Day!

  17. Beautiful poem. Joining with you in heartfelt thanks to all our veterans.

  18. I did not know that you wrote poetry. This is wonderful and thank you for sharing it with all of us.
    God bless all those who serve our country.
    Connie :)

  19. What a sweet way to say thank you to those who keep us all safe at such great personal cost! ~ Maureen

  20. Beautiful poem, Diana. A perfect reminder of the sacrifices our service peopl make for us. They are all truly heroes.

  21. That is such a great poem. It got me all misty-eyed.

    As I was reading Julie Marie's comment about her daddy being in WWII. A thought came to me...

    Some of us wouldn't be here if some of our soldiers didn't come home. I have several ancestors who fought in past wars on both sides of my family. My grandpa, my mothers father was in WWI in France. If he hadn't been protected and brought home safely there would be no Joy (his daughter & my mom)and no me and my sister.

    Thank you Heavenly Father for bringing him and others home safely. Please continue to watch over them.

    Take care all....Janet W

  22. Thank you, Diana! My dad was in the Air Force for over 20 years and served in Vietnam...

  23. Beautiful poem. All my family veterans are gone, but I'll never stop thanking every veteran that I do meet for their sacrifices. Lovely post.

  24. Beautiful Poem, Diana! Thanks for sharing!

  25. Very nice--thank you for sharing. My husband and Granddad were Marines and I've always been so proud of their service.


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