
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Seeking Serenity-Taking A Break

Sundays are usually quiet
around here.
MyHero is on call a couple
of weekends a month so
we lay low on these weekends.

Last night's sunset looked
like this.

Quiet and serene.
I need a little serenity.

I started this blog as a way to
Pretty obvious from my blog name, huh?
Right now
I need to take a break
from blogging for a while.

If you think on me at all
think of me somewhere
laughing my fool head off
at something said by
or said by anyone of these
crazy people I call family.
Love to all of you and
I hope I have left you smiling.


  1. So why do I have a lump in my throat reading this?
    Have a good break Nana Diana
    Big hugs,XOX too

  2. Enjoy your time to gather sweet nothings in your soul. Do what needs to be done and refresh the heart.

    We're not going anywhere, just as I was busier than a bee getting ready for winter, you too need to do what needs to be done.

    warm hugs and kisses

    Cotton Peony

  3. I will certainly miss you very much, and your family too. You have provided us with many laughs, and you really are very much appreciated. Enjoy your break, and I do hope you come back.

  4. Take a little break, rest, laugh, take a nap, whatever but do hurry back please. You will be missed

  5. I had the computer break down the other day so i was with out fr a day or two, I'm trying to adjust to a new key board which is proving a challenge. I hope you are well and i will think of you always smiling,

  6. Ahhhh you will be greatly missed so hurry back soon! I enjoy reading your blog! Take Care of YOU!

  7. Bless your heart. I hope you find that serenity. Thank you for all your kind words in your posts.

  8. Oh how I will miss you..
    Hope everything is well. Nothing better than being with family and laughing.

  9. While I will miss your humor and the grandkids, I totally understand the need to take a break occasionally.
    Hugs, See you when you get back.

  10. Diana, You have become my friend through our blogs. Please don't be gone long, I will miss you. xoxoxo, Susie

  11. I will miss you and your daily dose of "smile." I look forward to your return. Enjoy your break.

  12. I hope along with everyone that you aren't gone long and that everything is okay.
    I LOVE coming to your blog, it never fails to make me smile and laugh.
    Take care Friend.

  13. Dear Diana... I have been seeking that serenity too... let me know if you find it... lately sometimes I think blogging is a bit stressful and time consuming... a break helps often... enjoy your time with your dear family and I will see you soon!... xoxo Julie Marie

  14. You know I love you and you do whatever you need to do for you. Life is about being happy and family. Bless your heart for all the time you have given to us and may all the smiles you gave away come back to you. Big hugs!

  15. You are one sweetest bloggers out there. How could we think of you as anything but smiling. I hope you enjoy your break, rest and return when you feel like it. I completely understand!

  16. I don't ever remember you taking a break before, so ENJOY yourself and try not to laugh too hard with the grandkids (laughing causes wrinkles).

  17. Don't leave us here in blogland for too long. Have a nice break. xoxo

  18. Diana, you will be missed! I completely understand needing a blogging break though. You have a wonderful family and adorable grandchildren! Enjoy your time with them and know how special you are to your blogging friends! XO, Betsy

  19. My day just won't feel right without Diana in it! Enjoy the sunsets and have a good rest. ~ Maureen

  20. We love you, too. Have a wonderful break, and remember that we will be here when you return.

  21. I'll miss your sweetness...Enjoy your break..I hope you'll be back soon..Pretty sunset..I guess I won't know when you're back since I just check in hit and miss...

  22. I just saw your "follow by email" we're good..Is that new??

  23. Diana, no, no, no!!! You can not stop blogging!!! I do look forward so much every day to reading your daily post! I pray all is well, my friend. Will miss you dearly! Big, big hug!

  24. Diana, take care of yourself while on you little break. I know you will be laughing somewhere!!! See you when you return.



  25. Have a wonderful break Diana, I'll be here friend when you come back to make me smile:)

  26. BLESS YOU. May God give you peace and rest and joy!

  27. I understand, D.
    Sending a big enveloping hug to you and love across the miles.
    Enjoy those beautiful sunsets and the giggles.
    xxx, Tina

  28. Oh...I hate to hear you need a I always love reading your blog! But I understand here's hoping you will miss us s much as we'll miss you and you'll soon be back blogging real soon!


  29. I hope you are okay. It would break my heart if you weren't. Yes, take a break and take your time but don't go away forever. XO

  30. Enjoy your break, Diana. Not sure what I'll do for my daily chuckle though. Can you send Sweet Cheeks my way for a visit?
    Will be thinking of you. Hope all is well.......sarah

  31. You always leave me smiling Diana! We all need a break every now and then. Enjoy yours with your beautiful family!

  32. enjoy your goes by fast and I am glad you are taking time to spend with your family

  33. Oh, my! How I will miss smiling with you each morning! Take care, Diana, and you can be sure I will certainly be thinking of you and that sweet family of yours!

    xo Nellie

  34. ENJOY, Diana! Everyone needs to rest and replenish sometimes!

  35. After entertaining us from A through Z so wonderfully you deserve a break! Enjoy!!!

  36. Enjoy your break :) I hope you're not gone for good. I've found that just blogging once in awhile has worked best for me and my family.

    You have definitely kept me smiling.

  37. Enjoy your break! I will miss you....but just think of all the stories, moments you will have to share when you come back!!

  38. I will miss you. But to everything there is a season. See you again, Friend. Come back soon.

  39. I hope you enjoy your break. Your posts are always beautiful, and your presence will be missed.

  40. I always get a laugh or smile when visiting you through your blog. I have enjoyed the silly, happy and sometimes more serious posts that you have written. I hope you have a peaceful break from the blog and I will see you when you get back.


  41. Enjoy your break. I hope you laugh often!

  42. I so understand, but don't be gone for too long. I will miss you. Take care. xo

  43. you always make me smile dear one, always. Keeping good thoughts for you and hoping your rest is just what you need. If you need to vent or otherwise you know where I am...take care sweetpea.

  44. Oh Diana, I have to sat that makes me sad! I always count on you for positive thoughts and great big smiles. But I know you are a wise woman, so I'm sure you are making the right decision for you. Enjoy your time away from the blog and I hope you'll return when the time is right. Great big hugs to you my dear friend!

  45. Ok.....I suppose we can give you a LITTLE blog break. But you best be back here soon, girl! Gonna miss your crazy funny posts and comments. :) Have a great break, sweetie pie! I'll miss you ALOT!!!!

    (but I WILL be checking in on you whether you like it or not...) lol!

    xoxo laurie

  46. I'm going to miss you Diana! Take that well deserve brake and we'll be waiting right here for you!

  47. I'll miss you! And I will think of you. :) Take care, Diana, and be happy!

  48. I suppose we can let you take a break, just so long as you promise to come back to us. I think we all need a break at one time or another. Enjoy your time away and yes, I will be thinking of you often.

  49. Diana, I thought I would pop in a minute before calling it a day. I was a little surprised, but I know everybody needs a break sometime. I hope all is well with you and your family. You will be missed and I will miss your granddaughters. Enjoy the break doing whatever you want to do. Everybody will be here when you decide to come back. Take care of yourself. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

  50. Have a sweet little vacation. Oh I loooove this pic!!! Wow!
    I wanted to say hi and tell you about my new party on Fridays. It's. "what inspires me" party link and I think it will be very uplifting. I will also share the things that inspired me this week. Hope to see you there and maybe you could tell your friends too?
    Have a great week.

  51. Hi Diana,

    I will miss you. Do enjoy your break. We will all be here when you get back.

    Take care, Janet W ox

  52. Everyone will miss your witty posts. I hope you really are taking care of yourself. Thinking of you. We will all be here when you are ready to return. Hugs.

  53. Enjoy your break. We will be here when you return.

  54. Diana,
    What a beautiful photo! I hope you have just as beautiful time away. Hope all is well.

  55. A Monday morning without Sweet D?
    OK...I'll live.
    I wish you a peaceful break. You will be missed, because you are such a wonderful blog friend to so many!

  56. Life is for living, right? Go enjoy. You will of course be missed!

  57. Diana, you will be missed for sure. Hope you return soon and that it is nothing serious with you or your family.

  58. Gorgeous sunset photo! I hope you enjoy your break and will stop by for a visit when you return :-)

  59. Enjoy your blogging break and the time with your beautiful family! We'll miss you ... so, please don't be gone for *too* long!

  60. Lovely sunset. Enjoy your break. I will be looking forward to your return.

  61. enjoy your break...I will miss your posts!! blog land will be here waiting.
    chill is sometimes wonderful...

  62. Great picture of sunset! We all need a break sometimes and I'm sure you deserve yours. I'll be right here waiting for you to come back.

  63. So many days had gone by since I came to visit you. So I went back to see all your amazing posts. We have been so busy working on our Loft that blogging has been kinda on the back burner.
    We all need a real brake sometimes and I will miss you this much................................................keep going........! I will be waiting and longing for your return. Love, Mary

  64. Oh man! I am sure going to miss you, but I understand completely. And, I am sure you will be laughing while we are here waiting for your return.
    Enjoy your beautiful family.

  65. You are such a sweetie! Enjoy your break, but please don't forget to come back! We will miss you!

  66. I hear ya, it's hard to keep up sometimes! For me, working full time and being a mom and being on church committees and now looking for anew home on top of all that... I'm exhausted. I'm so behind on emailing people back.

  67. You are so loved, Diana! It is no doubt that kindness is your gift and it is showered right back on you. We will be here waiting when you are rested up.

  68. You are a blessing to your family and to us all, my friend. Enjoy some time to enjoy your life! Sweet hugs, Diane

  69. I'm actually a little teary. I will miss you. I have never once opened your blog and not chuckled or smiled. Bless you and your family. I hope you come back...

  70. Hi sweet Diana, I know we all need a break now and again. I am taking a break from blogging myself and just posted about it.
    Bob and I are having some health problems. I hope your break is for relaxation only. Enjoy and kiss the girls often.
    Love to you, Ginger

  71. NOOOO. Now I have tears in my eyes. Come back. Beautiful photos.

  72. Boy do I understand.
    Writing you an email right now.


  73. Enjoy your break and laugh as much as possible.

  74. I had the kids last week and didn't check e-mail or blogs much and then this week, I missed you. So - I went to your last blog post to see what was up and now I know. So, enjoy your little break. Go by Starbucks a time or two and think about all of your blogger friends. You know we love you and miss you - but, we also care about you and wouldn't want you to stress over blogging. So, by all means take a well deserved break. We'll catch up when you get back.


  75. Enjoy your break, hope you will come back soon. Your posts are always fun and your comments funny. Laura

  76. I will miss you so much, but I hope you enjoy your time with your family. We all need a break sometimes, but remember that we love you.


  77. Hi Di,
    I love you and am proud to call you my friend. I am here if you need anything!

  78. Just a little note to say I am thinking of you..................alot! Love, Mary

  79. MeOwerrrrrrrrrrrrrrwl! I am missing you already but I totally understand. I do hope that you find laughter and sunbeams. But don't find a cat, I would hate to be replaced ;) Purrs and hugs....

    Romeo and "her"

  80. I hope you are well. Miss reading your posts.

  81. Enjoy your break my friend. It was my 500 emails that gotcha right:) Enjoy your family and make sure you document all the funnies from sweet cheeks. XO

  82. Dear Diana,
    May His peace and joy surround you, and may your soul be refresh with His spirit.
    Have a blessed time!

  83. Have a break for sure Di.

  84. Miss you girl! You always make me laugh - I hope you're having a wonderful break and laughing a lot yourself,

  85. Oh Diana,
    I could use a break right about now. Nel's wedding was beautiful, and it was such a nice day for us all. With all the festivities, I need rest now. We all need a break every now and then, but just know that you will be missed, and be sure to tell SweetCheeks hello from Sheri during this time away. I will miss your sweet face on my blog. Your friendship is dear to me.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  86. Hi Diana.....we all need a break...I have not blogged since July and realized how much I missed all my blog friends and being able to vent to complete strangers who feel like family..So I just came back to writing the other night......I hope you take a short break and come back soon....I think you will miss it too....I will miss Sweet Cheeks.....Hugs, Sue

  87. Missing you Diana!
    Come back my Wisconsin blogging buddy, fellow cheesehead and all that good stuff!

  88. Hello dear Diana, enjoy your break and take care's so important. We'll be here when you're back.

    xo, abby

  89. YOu know.. I've been busy for the past few weeks and just started catching up on blog reading.. and realized when I read Kurt (Krippled Warrior)post today, the first in a loooong time... he mentioned you and I and I realized.. Hey, I haven't read a blog post from Diana in a while... so I came looking!

    Sure hope all is OK and you just want time away from the computer... thinking of you - K

  90. Hi Diana again ..thinking of you and feeling like blogging is missing my sweet Diana comments ...hope your keeping well are loved!

  91. Diana, I am just getting back from taking a month long blogging break and saw that you are also taking a break. I'm going to miss reading about Sweet Cheeks and the rest of your sweet family. Enjoy your time off from blogging. Take care! Sharla

  92. i just found out you're on "break"...we all need time to regroup and recharge from time to time...hope you enjoy your time away...come back soon!

  93. Diana, i have missed you so, i knew you were taking a break but wasnt sure how long... i hope you come back feeling wonderful and refreshed ... been thinking of you! sending lots of love and hugs, look forward to your returning ! enjoy your family time!
    laura xxx

  94. Dear Diana, I sure hope you are enjoying your "Break" I must shamefully admit, I am just reading about it ~ I seem to hardly ever have the time to sit & read, let alone post~ Life goes on & we keep busy.... Wishing you many beautiful sunsets & Family Love ~ see you when you return

  95. Hope you're having a good time beautiful lady! I had a couple of bad weeks and almost a month with daughter sick.. so I'm posting very slowly, myself. I'm now at my other daughter's with grands, as my daughter Alexandra is moving to be close to her sister Sofia and so hubs and me are here to greet her when she comes, tomorrow Monday. Sending you big hugs and have a lovely and rested time. Miss ya!

  96. Enjoy your blogging break and the time with your beautiful family! We'll miss you! I am just reading your post as I haven't blogged much since we had to put our furry princess to rest last week. We miss her sweet companionship, but are getting better.

  97. I sure hope you are enjoying your break. I miss you!!

  98. Hi Diana, It has been almost a month now and I've got to say I'm pretty worried about you-so what is happening with you girl? Life does take us in different directions quite often and that is fine as long as you are alright. Please feel free to email with any prayer needs you might have-I have missed your crazy sense of humor. Sending love your way today.

  99. Hi, Diana. Just wanted to say hello and let you know you've been missed. I definitely understand and applaud you taking a break. Love on those grandbabies and your sweet family. Hope you're having a wonderful Fall.

  100. I hope all is well with you, and your family. I hope you're somewhere relaxing like in the south of France,(or somewhere equally romantic) with that man of yours! Reflecting on the fabulous life you've made together! Where ever you are Diana, enjoy and know how much enjoyment you've given all of us out here in blogger land. We love your stories, and the sweet antics of your Grandbabies!!! Big Hugs, Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs

  101. Praying for you this morning -- and hoping your blog break is rejuvenating your spirit...

  102. Miss You bunches..
    Find peace on your break Diana..
    you have been such a joy in my life and I thank you for that.

  103. My sweet friend I surely miss you. Sometimes we all need a little time for ourselves and family. Just know that I will think of you often. Love how you always had me in stitches!
    Big hugs to you!

  104. Jann & I are thinking a like here.. so yes, you are missed and we long to see you're posts again. Very warm hugs and yes I'm selfish here.. but darnit.. I want you back now (did you see me stomping my feet?)

    Cotton Peony

  105. Missing You !
    Hope you are having loads of giggles

  106. We all a break sometimes. Enjoy - and I hope you will come back refreshed.

  107. Ok, my sweet, crazy can come back now!!! We all miss you SOOOOO much! ♥

    xoxo laurie

  108. Just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you. Hope your laughing your fool head off and enjoying life!

  109. Diana
    I was just thinking of you today and wanted to let you know you are missed! You always brought sunshine with your post.
    I understand the whole break thing-I have seriously been thinking of taking one myself. When you begin to feel posting is an obligation and not fun maybe it time to set it aside for a while.
    I hope this finds you and your family all well!
    Take care my friend-Kimberly

  110. Ooookay.. now you've got me nervous for you. Really... everything OK??...

    THinking of you...

  111. enough now...break is way your family could take you for five straight weeks, ha! miss you much.

  112. Hope all is well and happy, xx missing you Diana xx

  113. Hey Diana...thinking of you again...miss you lots...hope all is well...hugs to the girls...xo

  114. I am just having the hardest time getting around but I adore visiting you! You remind me of myself in so many ways! I understand the need to step back!


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