
Saturday, September 15, 2012

No Flour Pumpkin Pancakes

Somewhere around Blogland
I saw a recipe for 
pumpkin pancakes.
I meant to earmark it
but didn'
I decided to create my own.
I don't do flour or sugar
but sometimes I want a "treat".
This comes close to being
sinful for me!;>)
It's an easy, peasy recipe.
 I made two kinds
and will include adaptation
for 2nd ones.

Pumpkin Pancakes

1 cup canned pumpkin
4 eggs-slightly beaten
1 tsp. Pumpkin Pie Spice
1-1/2 tsp. pure vanilla
flavorganics organic vanilla extract
1 tsp. Stevia (I use Truvia)

(or more to taste)
Beat together.
Spoon or pour into preheated
greased non-stick pan.
Cook until air bubbles come through
then flip and continue cooking until done.
Shake pan during cooking to keep them
loose and easier to flip.
These have a souffle consistency.

If you want a denser pancake add:
1/2 cup of oatmeal to batter
These are heavier and flip easier
and have the "heft" of real pancakes.

I put a pat of butter on mine
and sprinkle a little more stevia
on them.
You could use honey or maple syrup-
which would be even better.
Oh yeah...
Don't flip them too soon.
Ummmmm... FAIL........
Looks like Pumpkin Scramble, huh?


  1. Diana, That sounds okay. Did it taste good to you? I don't know how you can give up sugar and flour. I just talked with someone yesterday,she eats glutin free..I will pass this recipe to her. Smiles, xo, Susie

  2. that's not a fail! It's a Pumpkin Scramble! Yum!

  3. Sounds delicious, I love pumpkin pie.

  4. hmmm, now this one IS different. I am trying to decide if I should make them this morning.....I have pumpkin and all the spices. And then again, I remember your awesome Chocolate gravy...maybe I'll make THAT. It's 6;52 and I am about to have my first cup of coffee...I'll decide while I am having it. :))
    xo bj

  5. Oooh these look delicious, I'm hungry now! Will have to give these a go xx

  6. They sound yummy Diana! I'd even eat the one that fell apart LOL!

  7. hmm that's a nice variation that for me looks yummy! For my kids I don't know, maybe not!

  8. I think John would like these very much. Hope you enjoy your Saturday.

  9. I don't think I will try this. Stever's pancakes are the best in the world, and I only do them a few times a year now.
    Try Apriva from Kroger. Its cheaper than most and really, really good. No after taste at all.

  10. Mmmmmmm pumpkin... I love pumpkin anything. These have me dying to roast some pumpkin and bake things!!!

  11. Interesting........will give this a try. ;-0

  12. I had no idea that you didn't do flour, can I ask why? I love this but would definitely add Oatmeal.
    I'm going to copy this. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Pumpkin does seem decadent, doesn't it? The good thing about your fail is that it will still taste good.

  14. Oh my! That looks so good. I miss having pancakes and waffles! I need to try this soon. I would eat the crumbles, too!

  15. They sound delicious; I don't like the taste of Stevia but I found that I really like agave nectar which is on the lower glycemic index. It's not zero calories but it is a lot less than honey.

  16. Oh boy I love anything pumpkin. I'd eat that messed up one anytime.

  17. Pumpkin is one of my favorite flavors. I wait all year for pumpkin pancakes at IHOP. Yours look de-delish, Diana!

  18. Hi Diana, this seems like a good weight watchers recipe, one to pass along to my Mom! Hope you had a great summer, I can't believe its Sept. already. So glad you came by to say hi ;) XO Christie

  19. Yum pumpkin!! I love the maple syrup idea!

  20. I can live without sugar, but no flour? One daughter goes gluten free, so I'll pass this on to her. The scramble is kind of interesting. ~ Maureen

  21. Diana, this recipe looks really yummy! I am going to show this one to my sister for sure! She and two of her children eat gluten free, and this will make their day, I think! :) Thank you so much for sharing your recipe!

    I hope you are having a fun weekend so far! :)


  22. Hi Diana,

    I'm back, I'm back. It think. lol

    I saved your page. Love the pancake idea. My fav pie is pumpkin. :)

    Was it you that told me about DebbieDoo's Newbie link parties? I still don't get how to do it. Sunday is the day she does them right? What do I click on to join the party. I hope it was you that told me. lol

    Have a great Sunday my friend.
    Take care, Janet W

  23. I'm going to give these a try this morning with real maple syrup.

  24. What a smart adaptation to have that pancake "fix!" It's taste that matters!:)

    xo Nellie

  25. Thanks for this recipe! I love pumpkin but can't have the flour either. Can't wait to try it, just need the pumpkin.

  26. Dear Diana,
    Those pumpkin pancakes look delicious. Thank you for sharing the recipe!

  27. Yep, I don't do flour or sugar, so this perfect for me sweet lady. I wasn't around either, that's why I'm late looking at your posts and many others too. Thanks for it sweetie. Have fun.

  28. Missed seeing you in blog land, hope all is well? Hugs Anu


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