
Monday, September 10, 2012

Alphabet Laughs- W Is For Weekend And What And Who

Hello Ladies..
and whoever else is crazy
enough to be here.
Yes...W is for Weekend.
Guess What
I did this Weekend?
I played Nana.
According to bj over at
Sweet Nothings 
yesterday was grandparent's day.
I guess THIS was MY gift!
Well, I saw 
This one...
snuggled up with
this one...
Wrapped in a Warm 
Snuggled down...
Sleepy and Doo-doo head SweetCheeks.
Notice they all have their
Packer clothes on.
It was Packer Sunday here,
football frenzy has descended.

After lunch we went for a little
Did they want to go to the park?
They wanted to go to their
You gotta be kidding me...
You're there all week and 
you want to go there on Sunday-
but what do I know
I am only the Nana. we went...
Lulu on the monkey bars.
And speaking of monkeys...
Yep- SweetCheeks -doing what she
does best- hanging around.
So, now you know
What happened to my
And the
WHO do you suppose
got ahold of MY camera?
Any guesses?  Anyone? anyone......


  1. Doesn't that just figure, your grandgirls would want to go back to their school on their day "off". That's totally something Josie would request. Happy belated Grandparents day! You certainly had a busy weekend.

  2. Looks like a good weekend to me. Love the last photo, maybe you should let her have the camera more often.

  3. Someone should have photographed you on those monkey bars!
    Confession time: My Mom had to remind me this weekend that it was Grandparent's Day. I know, I'm a bad boy.

  4. Gun! Yes, I heard it was grandparents day...not sure when that all happened, but I missed it. Happy Grandparents day to a very good Nana indeed!~

  5. Looks like lots of fun Diana. Cute the girls wearing the Packer shirts. I am thinking it was sweetcheeks with the camera:):)xo, Susie

  6. Well Happy Grandparents Day! Looks like you got to enjoy yours with your granddaughters.

  7. Hi Diana, I enjoyed your post this morning before I go out the door to work. Hubby is still asleep and I will leave him that way. He didn't sleep during the night. I think Sweetcheeks possibly got hold of the camera because it looks like what my one grandson would do. Have a wonderful day. Hugs Your Missouri Friend.

  8. Isn't it funny, Diana! My 9yo boy wanted to go to his school playground anytime during summer and then by the end of his first week of school he wanted to stay home one day! I'm glad you had a good grandparents day!

  9. You were blessed too on Grandparents Day! Love those little "monkeys".

  10. I'm so glad you had a happy grandparents day, hanging around with the monkeys.

    I was blessed with a visit from Skylar, who helped me with the new baby.

  11. You are having too much fun over there! LOL I am so glad you get to have all this time with your grandbabies! It is wonderful and a time that they will never forget!

  12. This is the first year that I've noticed anyone making a big deal out of Grandparents Day. It was a big deal for the schools, here. They had Grandparents come in and share in the classroom and at most schools they got to have lunch with their grandkids. The local newspaper had several articles about it, too. I always just thought it was one of those holidays made up by Hallmark to sell more cards. But it never hurts to let your granparents know you appreciate them!

  13. such pretty little toes, Sweet cheeks I would imagine, sounds like a wonderful weekend to me!

  14. What a wonderful day everyone had! You are a very good Nana, Diana!

    Was someone proud of her pedicure?!

    Have a great Monday!

    xo Nellie

  15. You've gone through the alphabet faster than I did when I did it but I was also in the my first year of blogging.

  16. Sounds like a great way to spend Grandparents day. Sorry the Packers lost..

  17. Go Pack Go!! Bummer they lost. We had a big party for grandparents day here. Oh wait, it wasn't for that, it was for football. Oh well, looks like you have a great day!
    take care

  18. Happy Grandparents day, looks like you had a wonderful day. Woohooo for football!

  19. Diana, I've got to say that aside from me, I think you are the best nana out there. What a wonderful giving activity to take them to their school. Hope you have a great Monday my friend.
    Hugs, Noreen

  20. Your grandparents day sounds wonderful. Your grands are so cute!

  21. oh man! I forgot...that's what happen when I don't go to Target (...and see the ads selling granparents day's cards!)

  22. Haha! I think the lack of crowds on a Sunday might be the draw!!! Looks like fun to me! :)

  23. Looks like a wonderful day. Love the toenails. My guess is Swwetcheeks :)

  24. Loving those toes...what a fun weekend. xoxo Hugs

  25. Diana, I know you well enough to know that you loved your "W"eekend. Love the pink toes.
    Love to you, Ginger

  26. hello diana!!!

    your little sweeties are such lucky little sweeties to have a nana as fun as you!

    thanks for popping by my blog!


  27. Can't think of a better way to spend the day than with those two beautiful girls!

  28. Great weekend Diana! I will be doing that Wednesday, their school has breakfast for them and the grandparents. Stush and I always get the saugage and egg muffin!

  29. Sounds like a great Grandparents Day!
    The school playground is the best place to be when there isn't anyone there to compete for he equipment. :)

  30. What a busy but very fun day. My son has been a Packers fan since he was a little boy. He lives in Chicago and tries to get to at least one game a season. Love the toes. :o)

  31. I'm guessing Sweet Cheeks, has those pretty toes...Sounds like you all had a great weekend!


  32. looks like a fun weekend! I'm so impressed that you always seem to be able to fill your time, especially time with those sweet babies...a little jealous too!

  33. What a blessing, a glorious weekend with your grand babies. They are aweet! Lovw the little foot with the nail polish, precious.


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