
Friday, August 17, 2012

The Party's Over And I Ain't Dead Yet

Wondering what I did with
that table, are you?
Well~Yesterday we had
 a French themed party
here for Little Lulu's 
10th Birthday.
How DID she get to be 10?
I am doing a short post
this morning because I
am too tired to do more!
My daughter made these
"flags" for banners on
her computer.
Do you love them?
She got all choked up and 
teary-eyed when she walked
Her babysitter took her 
for the day to spend some
special time with her and got
her all dressed up.
Then she brought her here
under the guise of 
"showing Nana 
how cute you look".

In the entry hall she was
met with this.
There's my table and I
will show you more of that
another day.

A banner across the opening
into the dining room read
And one across the family room
fireplace said
There were roses on two tables.
Where paper plates were
married to white plates
from my everyday set.
 16 friends came to celebrate..
here are the first few arrivals.
We had a beautiful
three tiered cake.
The color is hot pink but
doesn't show up that way here.
And pink malted milk balls
on a tray from my friend,
Is that the perfect tray, or what?
I am too tired to post more 
right now but 
while waiting for her sister.
She got her hair cut.
Don't you love her new do?
Sooo...while I would
LIKE to stay and CHAT
I am off for my coffee..
cuz if I don't get my 
coffee- it ain't purty..
and that is all I'm gonna
say 'bout that! 
Day FIVE of the
Giveaway will 


  1. Oooo la la! C'est magnifique! Love the banner flags! What a fun party. Happy Friday. xo

  2. 'what a day' .. or was it? I'm sure you'll have memories from this forever! Love all that effort you did Diana as it shows in every photo. It tooks days to plan and it turned out beautiful.

    Warm hugs for today as I know you're beat!

    Cotton Peony

  3. Wow - what a lucky girl! Beautiful Diana - she must have been overwhelmed!
    Go enjoy your java - you earned it!

  4. Congrats on a successful party! And by the way, it appears at hot pink to me so you must be crazy or something! But my bet's on Crazy.
    Now, I need to know how you prepped that table for painting. Get back to me,quick!

  5. What a special birthday. Your Parisian-themed party was absolutely lovely. Darling pictures of your sweet grand girls.

  6. your daughter has inherited your talent thats for sure, so much love and creativity went into Lulu's special day, she really is a beauty and sweet cheeks looks adorable in her new do! your table looks wonderful!!!

  7. So glad she felt well enough to enjoy her party. Adorable theme for a 10 year old.
    Sweetcheeks new haircut looks a lot like Sky's new cut, but Sky's has a purple feather attached....

  8. Oh, I would love to have come to Lulu's party myself. The decorations, including your table, are beautiful and that cake looks fantastic. She looks so pretty, all dressed up for her party. So does Sweet Cheeks. Rest up today.

  9. Oh what a fun and lovely and creative party Diana!
    She looks like she was having a blast with all her buddies invited!
    And I love the little one's new do, it's spunky and cute just like her!
    Hugs friend,
    p.s. my hubby mowed for the 1st time in over a month...we got some green grass!

  10. Lulu looks beautiful! And what a wonderful party! What a great way to make a girl feel special and loved!

  11. What a fabulous party! Love those banners and pretty cake!! Such a happy time! Happy Birthday to Little Lulu :)

  12. What a fun looking party! And I love the cake. The table looks great, too!

  13. What a wonderful surprise, Diana! I hope she was feeling better. That cake looks fantastic and I love the peek at your table.

  14. Looks as if you had a wonderful time and Lulu's face must have been a picture. The party theme and banners were lovely too. You are tired but it's a 'good' tired isn't it? Have a restful deserve it! Joan

  15. Looks like a delightful party and a fabulous cake! Get some rest!

  16. How exciting. Looks like such a fun party. Hugs, Marty

  17. Looks like a beautiful party. What a special surprise.

  18. What a nice surprise for Lulu! I love the banners, the cake, and the table! I'm happy you all had a great time time!

  19. Awwww! What a special day for sweet Lulu! I am so happy for her! Love the banner, your daughter did a tres magnifique job! And pink malted milk balls? Didn't know there was such a thing, yum. So honored that my tray was part of your special day! Everything looked perfect, I was thinking about you guys yesterday! Now go off and take a well deserved nap!!

  20. What a wonderful surprise party and all of the girls look so pretty!... I hope your little birthday girl is feeling much better, xoxo Julie Marie

  21. That's what I call a big celebration. Lulu is beautiful and so is her sister. Glad you had such a wonderful birthday party.

  22. What an elegant celebration for such a fine young lady! It looks like a memorable day for her that she'll appreciate always! Happy birthday to her!

  23. Now that is what I would call a REAL GIRL party!!! Everything is beautiful, perfect for the sweet birthday girl

  24. How pretty it all was, love the cake!
    And Lulu's excited face!

  25. I'm so glad to see Lulu was better in time for her party.
    What a unique theme-is Lulu going to become a modern day Sabrina?
    blessings to her on her B'Day!!

  26. What a tease you are..Talk about "sneak peeks"!!
    Super cake..Everything looked wonderful...of course...Have a nice weekend..

  27. Oh everything looks so GIRLY PERFECT!!!! Hope you can get some good rest today.. :) Oh that cake looked Beautiful...

  28. This must of been so much fun for gorgeous Lulu. Love the picture with her friends and of course Sweet Cheeks always is a cutie (especially with her new do). Your table is beautiful Diana. Everything from the decorations, cake and flowers was Oooh la la!


  29. Surprise parties are the best and you do them so well.

  30. You have got to be the worlds best Nana, you sure beat me out. Love the entire theme and all the decorations-kuddos to you. Love your table and can't wait to see it closer. Have a delightful weekend, get a nap. I didn't sleep much last night so I'll be taking one too.
    Hugs, Noreen

  31. Love everything! What a great surprise for her.

  32. Wow! Her birthday party looked amazing. I'm so impressed with that tiered cake and all of the matching decorations. I'm sure she will remember this birthday for a long time.

  33. What a lovely surprise for your beautiful granddaughter.

  34. Oh my goodness! What an adorable Birthday party! She looks quite happy and will be on cloud 9 (10!) for a long time! xox

  35. Super beautiful and very lovely party! Extra special-ness everywhere!

  36. What a perfect party! She looks beautiful and so happy! I am so glad she is feeling better. Everything looks gorgeous and your table looks fabulous! You better hurry up and show it to us! :) Have a great weekend!

  37. I'm absolutely sure she had a wonderful birthday! You are such a wonderful grandma, Diana!


  38. What an amazing surprise and a beautiful way for any young lady to spend a birthday...gorgeous party!!

    You are one awesome Grandmother!!

  39. Looks like she was surprised and glad that she got to feeling better for it. Looks like we have the same every day dishes and compotes...wonder how that happened.
    Love SC new hair cut.

  40. How marvelous! I can see how delighted she was - what a fantastic theme and so very well done~ I'm with you - a girl's gotta have her coffee!

  41. I got teary eyed reading this post. What a perfect party! How lucky is LuLu! Glad she is feeling better.

  42. Every detail was just perfect! I'm sure LuLu will never forget her birthday party at NaNa's house! Hugs, Penny

  43. That is so sweet, Diana and look how beautiful the birthday girl looks. Time for you to rest now :)


  44. HOW CUTE IS THAT!!! Now I want my daughter to have a Frenchy party! What WILL you put in my head next, Diana?

  45. Hi Diana! Oh, what a wonderful birthday party and what a pretty little birthday girl! That is one darling cake and the banner is adorable.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  46. What a fun party for a sweet girl! (I hope she's feeling better) I love her pretty cake!

    Sweet Cheeks' hair looks adorable!

  47. I can't believe how quickly your girls are growing up, Diana! What a sweet idea for a birthday party! You're the best, you know that...?? :)

    xoxo laurie

  48. I'm almost 60 and I never had a party or a cake like that!!!! Maybe you could adopt me...?? love you nana

  49. Wow Diana, She looked so grown up and sweetcheeks looked pretty as well. Your party look a huge success. We had a cookout at work for mine. Cheeseburgers and Hot dogs. Plus we had a birthday cake. Happy birthday to LuLu. You can tell by the smile on her face that she loved every bit of her surprise. How you managed for the kids to keep a surprise, Just shows they can if they want to. Have a great weekend. Hugs Your Missouri Friend.

  50. Oh what fun! Girlfriend you just don't stop do you, always something fun happening at your house...Happy Birthday


  51. I hope Lulu is feeling better. It looks like a wonderful party for that sweet little girl!

  52. What a sweet party for your lovely granddaughter! It looks like it was a wonderful time! I love all the pink, I never tire of it!

  53. Aww...such a sweet party...and your lovely granddaughter looked thrilled!

  54. Happy Birthday Lulu...! I can't imagine she could have had a more special day and what a FUN age!!! Get some rest Diana... you deserve it. ":o)

  55. This is the cutest idea for a party. Love the girls in their berets. Lulu looks precious! Hope she felt good enough to enjoy this celebration in her honor.
    Happy Birthday, Lulu!

  56. I LOVE the new "do" That child would be adorable bald!
    I don't have to do things like that anymore...the daughters (now becoming grandma's themselves) it all. Everything looked lovely!

  57. Awww.. such a sweet party! I love the theme. I have one turning 10 within the month! Boo....they grow up too fast!
    @ Creatively Living

  58. Looks like a terrific party and one that all will not forget!!


  59. What a fabulous party!! Lulu and Sweet Cheeks look so beautiful.
    The decorations are so beautiul. The banners are so neat. You are so clever and the cake is wonderful.
    I look forward to seeing the rest of the pics.
    Hope you slept late. Hugs, Ginger

  60. Wow what a beautiful party. Love that Pretzy dress up Birthday girl. La,la.

    I love that hot pink cake. She is growing up fast.

    Happy belated Birthday pretty girl.

    Pictures are fab and the Party deco's. All so hot!

  61. What a beautiful party!! Love your table and your granddaughters are just too adorable!!! You are blessed +: )

  62. Such a darling tenth birthday party. I'm glad you guys surprised her and no one let it slip (not going to mention names, but I've heard she's not good with secrets).

  63. oh, how fabulous! love the cake, dressform and banner---oh, and sweet cheeks new do and dress! lulu looks adorable all dressed up!

  64. Wow, that's the height of girly! I'd love those decorations for my next party and the cake is so ooh la la! ~ Maureen

  65. That birthday girl has THE sweetest smile...happy belated to her!!
    What a great idea for a party, it all looked so pretty!
    And speaking of pretty...SC new haircut is too!

  66. What a marvelous party! One of our daughters would LOVE a french-themed party! She was a French major in college and spent a few weeks there one summer volunteering in a center for the physically handicapped.

    Wonderful party, and I am really glad that Lulu is recovering well.

    xo Nellie

  67. This made me smile from my head to my toes. YES, my toes smile!
    Love her birthday celebration; what a special young lady!

  68. Such a pretty grown up little lady and I love the party! You are a darling!

  69. You have such panache! My most recent post is about a party too. And as we know, it didn't come easy to post. If you can believe it I'm out $75 just for my computer guru to make it possible to post the pics on it. I think from now on I may just visit your blog to get my party-on.

  70. What a fabulous party! No wonder you were pooped out this weekend. Your home is gorgeous! I love the table setting, the pink malt balls and the photo of all the gals dressed up for the party. I bet those gals chatted up a storm. The banners are lovely too. Ooh la, la. It looked like a blast having a themed party.


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