
Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Piano Recital

A few years ago when
my daughter and family
moved into their first real home,
we gave them our grand piano.
It belonged to 
MyHero's grandmother.
She was a concert pianist
and it seems that some
of the girls have inherited
a bit of her talent.

Lulu & SweetCheeks
both take lessons and the
teacher comes right to their home.
How great is that?!

Lessons are suspended for
Summertime so there is
a recital for parents
and friends at the end of
the teaching year.
This showcases 
what the kids have
learned over the year.

Guess WHO was the
first one up?
Loud stage whisper: 
NANA- I'm furst!
Nana- I'm furst and 
Lulu is sechont!
Okay- Here we go...
Little Miss Determined...
Next up-Sister Lulu
Lulu usually plays the assigned piece
 and then an original piece
that she writes herself.

Another year of lessons has
come to an end.
And...what happens
AFTER the recital?
I'll give you three guesses.
Good for everyone ~ BUT
It looks like 
SOMEONE would rather have
Ummmm...would that be
Sweets For The Sweet?
That would be
Cotton Candy
for the 
Hot Mess in the family.


  1. Diana, Didn't you just love the girls playing? Sweetcheeks eating cotton candy made me's nothing but sweet sugary air. LOL. Hope you got her washed up. Smiles, Susie

  2. What lucky girls and one lucky Nana too!
    Ha, gotta have one girl that likes to get messy...reminds me of me and my sister, and you know I was the messy one!

  3. Cotton candy and piano recitals who else but Nanadiana!

  4. Your girls are just adorable Diana... and so talented too!... xoxo Julie Marie

  5. Love it, wish I could see her eating cotton candy, though I don't like the stuff, it's fun to watch kids eat it. I noticed one of the restaurants is advertising it.

  6. What an enviable talent to have! I tried many times to master the piano, but it was not to be.

  7. Music is something that no one cane ever take away from them. Cool that the teacher comes to them.
    Cotton candy. I'm surprised it wasn't melted before she got it.
    Steve is working 1/2 a day today and should be home at noon. The cold front moves through at midnight. Staying in until then!

  8. I have always wished I could play the piano. The girls are lucky to be learning at such a young age.

  9. Hi Di,
    I love the serious looks on their faces, rare. I thought you were going to go to Starbucks after. haha
    Have a great weekend. Are you home from your awesome, (Im so jelous) trip.

  10. I think it's wonderful your granddaughter's are playing a grand piano the belonged to their great, great grandmother! And, Lulu is already composing? Oh my goodness!

    Hugs to the pianists, Nana!


  11. Oh Diana! I loved to go to those recitals when my kids were playing the piano! But piano was not their favorite instrument! Now they're playing flute and clarinet! I also enjoy those performances! but I guess it was my dream for them to play the piano!
    How great that Lulu is writing her own pieces, wow!!
    Sweet Cheeks, well so sweet!

  12. How wonderful that the the girls get to learn piano on a family heirloom. I know you all were bursting with pride,brings back sweet memories of my girls recitals

  13. Diana that's wonderful that they are learning to play the piano at such a young age! They are little cuties!

  14. Now you know I am loving the fact that they play on their great great grandmothers piano! How GRAND!

  15. Piano and sugar sweets after. For sure.
    When I was that age. I oved cotton Candy.

    Love the pictures.

    My son sent me a video of my Grandson playing. He has played since your G.childrens age. So now he played this time a song from the Beatles.he is still sticking to piano and he is going to highschool. So if it is in them. They will continue. Nice she can write her own music or songs. Our famiy is musical.
    That is one thing University Status likes. The more musical instruments the more credits. In Canada they would prefer six. My Granddaughter missed by two. To teach in being a music teacher as well in class to add to her soon to be a teacher after. She never knew that it was prefered till she was already in University. Bummer. Other wise she is so musical inclined. Not sure if your daughter knows that. Before your daughter would go to University. It starts now is best. To get other five instruments going.

  16. Good Morning sweet friend, This reminds me of when our daughters had their recitals but I can't remember what we did afterwards. They took lessons through high school and now one of the girls has the piano and two of her five are taking lessons. Such a wonderful skill to learn.
    Happy Saturday Diana.
    xxxoooo Noreen

  17. Where would we be if we didn't all have at least one hot mess in our family? You gotta love them. They keep us entertained.

  18. What fun!! It's lovely listening to your grandchildren performing isn't it?! I bet you had cotton candy too?? Would love to have seen your face after! Joan

  19. These kinds of moments are so fun !
    What else would be appropriate for SC besides cotton candy???
    Little fingers on the piano keys make my heart smile.

  20. You must have been so proud of them. They both look so sweet sitting at the piano. Amazing that Lulu is composing. Very clever! SweetCheeks seems to be enjoying her cotton candy treat. As a child, I was always amazed at how fast it would melt in my mouth.

  21. I'd rather have the ice cream. Cotton candy seems like a treat for when you go to the fair.

  22. What a beautiful time. I remember those days. My kids hated to pratice! UGH..but I made them finish out the year.
    Cotton Candy..sticky, but oh so fun to eat. Have a wonderful weekend,

  23. What a great talent writing her own songs. I would love to have seen them.
    Of course you need ice cream and cotton candy. I love me some cotton candy.

  24. Wow! What a great heritage, having had a great pianist in the family. The two budding pianist look adorable and like they enjoyed performing, and with ice cream and cotton family to follow, who could blame them?! I'm wondering if you would buy for me if I played Chop Sticks for you????

  25. This brings back memories of many piano recitals! Our oldest had lessons for nine years!

    I'd definitely choose ice cream over cotton candy.:-)

    xo Nellie

  26. ahh so sweet! I bet you are so proud! My grandson took lessons for about 10 years. Music is a great thing for kids to learn!

  27. Aww how sweet is that?? :)

    Bet they were excited. I want to learn to play before I kick the bucket. I just know a little of a few songs.

    Yummmmmmm ice cream...chocolate would be my choice. Or chocolate chip cookies dough. :)

    Have a great rest of the day. Enjoy Sunday.
    Take care, Janet W

  28. Lovely for the grands to have such a special piano. I was pianist at church during my college years and made so many friends through music. Precious pics of the girls!

  29. I miss my girls taking lessons.
    How wonderful the girls have such a cherished piece to learn to play on, Diana.
    What a blessing.

  30. such a sweet post...literally!

  31. Hi Diana, what talented little grandies you have. Especially to be playing an original piece at such a young age. Proud grandma I am sure!

  32. Diana, how wonderful you can be there for their special moments! You capture each one with such love and humor! It's nice for those of us who don't have grandchildren to share in these special times! Sweet Cheeks is my kind of girl- yum, Cotton Candy! They look adorable and I know they did a great job!

  33. We used to take our kids for ice cream after their elementary choral performances. What great memories the girls will have of their recital.

  34. Oh, I do hope SweetCheeks and Lulu will continue their piano lessons. I had lessons when I was very young, and I never followed through with it. I can only play a few songs, and I will forever wish that I stuck with my lessons. I love the piano. This one is beautiful.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  35. Mmm, cotton candy. Haven't had that in yeaaaars!
    How wonderful to have the grand piano and be able to pass it on. Do you mind my asking what the concert pianists name was? I grew up with 6 brothers and a sister and we all played at least two instruments. My Dad took us to the opera, symphony, theater and to see about every pianist that came within an hour of our home. I have a few professional musicians in my family as well and had aspirations to be a concert pianist or violinist for a while. I wish I'd instilled more appreciation for classical music in my own kids minds...but...oh well! lol Anyway, I love that you have such a beautiful and wonderful treasure in your family to share with those precious little ones! I always enjoy reading about your adventures with the kiddos!


  36. Congrats on the recital! So neat to have musicians in the family.
    We also gave our baby grand to our older daughter when she got a home large enough. It never inspired the boys though!
    The grand in Nashville is a musician and I studing music at Belmont University in Nashville. Should have given him the piano. Oh well.
    Hugs, Ginger

  37. the girls are adorable, diana! how cool lulu writes her own stuff!


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