
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What? The Bike Isn't Painted? AND....A GIVEAWAY!

Remember yesterday's
little "contest"?
The one where you guessed
what color I was going
to paint 
I have the bike!
I have the paint!
I have the desire?
So, why-oh-why
didn't I paint that bike

Here's a hint!
Can you tell what's happening?
How about now?
Guess what?
You can't spray paint in
And MyHero gets a little
crazy when I spray paint
in the garage.
Ok-I lied about that-
He gets a LOT CRAZY
when I spray paint in 
the garage.

You will have to wait another
day to see the final
BIKE REVEAL. keep you smiling
I have a
A real screwball of a giveaway
because it requires something
besides just signing up.

Here's the thing of it.
I have Mother's Day plates.
Yes. I. Do.
I have 6 Hummel plates left.
They are an 8-1/2" size.
Perfect for hutch or wall.

Some I have given to
friends in the past year.
I had 20 of them to start with.
They range in years
from 1969 to 1986.
Some have boy images
on them and some
have girl images on them.
IF you want one...
you need to be a follower
you need to tell me
was born
and state whether
boy or girl.
That will determine who
gets it.
First come,
first served.
And, Lord love ya,
if you HATE Hummels
don't sign up.
That way they will go
to someone that really loves

I will say that I am
keeping the ones
that represent the
years my own kids
were born.
1969, 1976, 1977, 1979
(those are NOT part of the 6)
I have already given away
several of the set...
I had from 1969 to 1986
when I
I've pared down to 6. got it?
Year (your birthday or your childs)
 & Sex (male or female)

That's it-that's your entry.

I will try to get these
mailed out prior to
Mother's Day.

Good luck!
And I am spray painting
today because it is the
only day of sunshine
we are supposed to have this

I will update this during
the day to let you
know when someone
gets one.

Down to 5 plates.
Laurie -When The Bough Breaks
has 1980-Boy!
 Congrats, Laurie!

Down to 4 plates.
Carolyn-Fab Shabby Roses
has 1984-Girl!  Congrats!

Down to 3 plates.
Congrats to Gretchen
Bird Nest Cottage-

Down to 2 plates.
Congrats to Ele
A Bit Of Pink Heaven.
Boy- 1986


  1. I'm sorry you didn't get to paint your bike, Diana. I hate when the rain interferes with something I want to work on. My hubby hates when I paint in the garage, too. Well, spray painting. So, I wait until he's not home! Then I have the door open so it doesn't smell.

  2. too bad about the rain, maybe tomorrow, what a great give away, I have a boy in 1975 and a girl in 1980, but I live in canada and I know most give aways are for the U.S , so if thats the case its just fine, have a wonderful day , hope the rain subsides, we have sunshine today, I have help with my postings so after saying I was slowing down I now posted twice today, how do you like that! wow, life is full of surprises one of which is the extent family will go to help !

  3. Well Darn! No bike reveal yest eh?! I can understand tho, we're getting rain too! Can't wait to see! I love the Hummel plates! I have three girls 1978, 1984, 1985. What a great give-away! Carolyn

  4. Darn the rain. It's raining here too. I know we need it, but it's annoying when there are things that need to get done.

    What a sweet giveaway! Let's just say my birth year is not within those dates...yes, I was born after 1986....really. Uh huh. You bet. ;D My children were born in 1998 & 2001. Yes, I had my first born when I was 11....really. Uh huh. You bet. ;D

  5. Hi Girl, you don't have one for your year of birth? Hee hee,
    Your followers are about as funny as you, I am thinking....
    Love ya Sis, and I still hope that bike is Green...

  6. I don't think Hummel was even operating when I was born. LOL My two sons were born in 1970 and 1972. This is a honey of a giveaway!


  7. I like the plates, but don't know where I would put one or how I would use it, so I'm going to pass and let someone else win. Good luck to the rest of you!
    And I hope it's nice today so you can paint that bike!

  8. Hi, my daughters Dawn and Faith are 1970 and 1976. Look forward to seeing your bike as it's dry today.
    PS I live in the UK so you are excused if you intended to send me one and now don't want the expense. Joan

  9. I would like to get the last set of shutters painted today, but it's misting out....blah.
    Mr. Lakehouse hates it when I spray paint in the garage too....I have to wait until he goes fishing to do that.
    Have a wonderful day, even tho it's a rainy one.
    Hug to you my sweet friend.

  10. I am sure I would not be allowed to spray paint in the garage if we had one either. Guys are such bummers sometimes!
    I woke up to fog this morning and we are supposed to have more rain today, off and on.
    I hope you can get your bike done today or at least started. Those things take several coats.
    I am hoping, if I can get moving, to pot some more after lunch and get the housework caught up.
    I have laundry to do again. Can you believe that? Just had it done last week, too!

  11. Hi Diana... since I have no children, I will list Moi!... born 1949, yep, I am 63 on Mother's Day this year!... can't wait to see the bike!... xoxo Julie Marie

  12. PS If you have a plate from 1949, keep it, it is certainly considered collectible by now, tee hee hee!!!

  13. Well...I was already a winner at your place. So, I will bow out! Lovely give a way. Just for the record...Girl '83, and boy '84.
    I know...We went with God's will... (no fertility drugs)...he made us wait ten years...then blessed us twice in 16 months.

  14. Diana,
    I'm waiting to enter the newly painted bike give-away LOL. Just kidding. I know what you mean about spray painting...over spray can be a mess. Hope you get time to paint today. I just returned home with some potting soil...many things to do.Smiles, Susie

  15. Fun and worth a shot...I was born in 1982!


  16. I would guess you are going to paint the bike blue.
    I was going to enter your plate contest with my son in 1980 but I will have to choose my first son born in 1967.

  17. What a fun giveaway! I've never collected Hummel's, so I won't enter~but what a great idea!

  18. What a great giveaway! boy-1984, boy 1986, girl 1992, me (girl- 1962). I am also having a giveaway! Please visit me for a chance to win an Annie Sloan book!

  19. What an unusual way to pick a winner.. Boy 1961....girl 1963...girl 1964 all born in Michigan..
    Of course II follow you..

  20. What a fun giveaway...I can't let myself enter since we/I am trying to simplifiy around here, but I know they will go to just the right people!
    Can't wait to see the bike!
    Hugs, GraceinAZ

  21. Oh, Diana... of course, now you are going to know my age... 40, which makes me born in 1971.

    My kids are in the 2000's...

    Love the bike, by the way, hate the rain... go away, rain... I want to see the bike!

  22. It has been pouring here for days. I think the sun is finally starting to peak out. Very un-florida like.

    Can't wait to see the bike!

  23. Diana, I have a boy 1965, a boy 1966, and a girl 1969. I have been anxious to see how you paint your bike. Have run at work. Your Missouri Friend.

  24. o.k. Diana, I usually don't go here with the birthdate, but for you I will. The year I was born is 1960. Hope I win! And you know I already follow the ends of the earth.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  25. I hope you are able to complete that painting job! Aren't you working "on commission?":-)

    Oh, my! A wonderful Hummel plate! It would be fun to have something from 1973, the year our oldest daughter was born.:-)

    Enjoy your day!

    Nellie xoxo

  26. Oh and I was dying to see the bike...but I think we all know you can't paint in the rain! My son 1990, I'm so old I can't remember the year I was born! Enjoy!

  27. Hi there,

    Can't wait to see the bike. We had rain yesterday too. Our lawn needs mowing again already. lol

    My son was born in 1985. I think it would be fun to win one of those plates. They are cute.

    Have a great evening and a fun Wednesday.
    Take care, Janet W ((hugs))

  28. Diana, I know you didn't get to paint your bike, but I will trade you the rain for the 90 degrees we had here today! Horrible! I spray paint in the garage all the time! Specially when he is at work! LOL The other day I sprayed painted some shelves and when I picked up the drop cloth to put it away, there was a white square where the cloth had been!!! I knew I was in so much trouble!!! He gets mad also and asks me what happened to the garage floor. All I say is " I don't know, haven't been out to the garage in days" LOL
    I looove Humnmel's!!! I used to collect the figurines while we were stationed in Germany and I also had two plates my friend had given me as gifts. On our last trip back to the States, they got stolen, together with another box full of crystal. Anyway, I have a daughter born in 1983, a son in 1985 and another son in 1991.
    Thank you for a chance to win!

  29. Can't wait to see:) Any color will be darling!
    Happy May Day!

  30. Hi Diana,

    Didn't see this till now -

    Connie, my daughter was 1970, sons, Albert - 1971, Jeff, 1974.

    Love you, girl, and owe you a big letter, soon

    Have a great time painting!!

  31. I was born in 1957 Oh Man did I just say that ?
    I have a son born 1978 and a boy born 1992 and another son born 1999 and my last son born 2000

    - KAT -
    thanks for your comment and vote on my shopping bag posy !

  32. How fun Diana. Let's see, girl-1973, boy-1975, girl-1979, boy-1981, and girl-1988. Did you notice I had that girl, boy, girl, boy, girl thing going on? lol! Can't wait to see the bike. Rained last nite. Sunny all day. Raining again right now. I don't mind it at all. Makes the garden so fresh and green.

  33. Hi sweetie, My oldest daughter was born in 1979, so please enter me.
    You are just such a dear and I'm so glad you are here in blogland.
    Hugs, Noreen


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