
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Family Baptismal Gown

In 1975, when I was expecting
our first daughter,
I made a baptismal gown.
Something that would endure
and be an heirloom. 
As I stitched I hoped it 
would be used someday
for my grandchildren.
My wish came true!

It was made from an
old Vogue pattern.
I wish these pictures were clearer.
This is the top of the gown.
It is tucked and embroidered.
Another picture of the top,
embroidered and edged with
Irish lace from my grandmother's
sewing box.
The lace is thick and heavy.
This is the bottom of the gown.
It is all embroidered with satin stitch~
as is the coat that goes over the gown
I am sorry these are such 
poor pictures.

On the bottom of the gown
there are three rows that
are tucked.  
On there I have hand embroidered
the name and birth date of each child
that was baptized in the gown.
CharlesInCharge is number 14!
You can see them here.
There are no dots on this material..
it looks that way because I enlarged
the photo.
I don't know why that appears is even.

Here is a close up of the edge of 
the sleeve on the coat.
And here is the dear little 
onesie that goes underneath it all.

It is pressed and ready to go.
There is a slip underneath the
gown and everything is 
French seamed.
 Enough pictures for one day?
okay..1 more....

Pop back by tomorrow
and I will have a few family
pictures of the actual baptism. 

"in charge"
of someone else...
It was quite a circus~

MyHero was home sick-
in bed sick-
The main service was how the
world has gone from G-rated in the 50's
to X-rated today.
Now, lest you think kids don't listen,
halfway through the service
SweetCheeks turned to me and asked~
"Does Papa knohw all that Jeesuhs
stuff that guy iss talhking about
up there?"
I assured her he did.
He does?
Yeah..but doehs that guy up there
 efven knohw that it goes
all the wahy to Z and nott just X?
Hmmmm...not you got 
ME wondering~

Now tomorrow, if you promise not to
put a bracelet on the pet pig,
I will show you pictures of
IN the gown!


  1. That is a beautiful gown and tradition! I love that you've hand embroidered the names! That is truly priceless...

  2. Such a treasured gown and what intricate work. I look forward to more photos.

  3. That is a gorgeous baptism gown Diana. What a wonderful family tradition you created.

  4. I can't believe you made that precious gown. It is beautiful. I wonder what she meant by that? Never sure about a child's mind.

  5. Diana, Your baptismal gown is a true treasure. The French seams, the embroidery,the care of this little's so touching.
    Yes, SC never misses much :):) I know you had to tell your hero that story. Smiles, xo, Susie

  6. Amazing Diane, you talented seem-stress you!
    It's just gorgeous, all the lace and intricate work!
    You should have entered it in the Wisconsin State Fair!
    What a family treasure!

  7. Love it- and you know its going to be used by sweetcheeks and her kids, too.

  8. what a beautiful tradition and such a lovely gown. You are a multi talented lady.

  9. Oh Diana, that little gown is precious and truly exquisite! You are one wonderful seamstress, your work is amazing. I can't wait to see CharlesInCharge in the gown! An angel, for sure! Ahh, that sweetcheeks is one smart cookie!


  10. Beautiful, Diana! I love when you show us things you've sewn. This is absolutely gorgeous and obviously a lot of love went into making it.

  11. What an lovely gown to hand down to your family! I can just picture the hours of work and the tiny stitches as you first made this gown. It is beautiful.


  12. I loooove this heirloom. How nice that it is getting used over and over again.

  13. beautiful! what a family tradition you started...there is something about this that makes it so very special...good for you!!
    hope you hero is hero today.

  14. Diana, this is wonderful. I think it is so special that you have embroidered all of the names into it. And it has got to be lucky with that Irish lace on it!

  15. Oooh Diana, that is so beautiful!... and how priceless that you have put all of the names of the little ones on it as well... truly a beautiful family heirloom and so many precious memories for you... xoxo Julie Marie PS Now you KNOW I can't promise not to put a bracelet on your pet pig... you should know better than that!...

  16. what a beautiful job you did, wow, its wonderful.

  17. I get such a kick out of the way you copy Sweet Cheeks speech... *giggle*
    I can almost hear her. I wish you had a movie of her with sound..would LOVE it.
    The names on the gown...what a wonderful, wonderful idea. I can't wait to see Charles in Charge in it.

  18. Sniff...I love it! I really do. What a beautiful family heirloom my friend. I made Adrienne's gown, too. One of my nieces wore it but that is all. I did make my sister's daughter (another niece) one of her own about 15 years ago and by then my sewing skills had improved. Our Miss J's gown was and is so much better than Adrie's I'm sad to say! Still made with LOVE tho!

    I can't wait to see more pics. Just LOVELY!


  19. I made my wedding dress with bones in it no lessl but alas I did not make a christening dress (called a blessing dress in my church) for my daughter nor for my son. Such a wonderful treasure to have made an amazing christening dress and to have used it that many times. It is priceless!

  20. Oh, Diana. What a priceless heirloom. How wonderful that you've seen it used through children and now grandchildren! Beautiful!

    P.S. How I laughed about how the Jesus stuff goes all the way to Z instead of just X!!

  21. The gown is beautiful. So sweet that it is a family tradition. My daughter's husband's family has one like that. I think it has been used for four generations now.
    My DIL had a beautiful gown made from her wedding dress for my granddaughter. It was so beautiful as well.
    Sweet Cheeks.......that girl makes me laugh. She is beyond her years.

  22. Hi Diana, The gown is beautiful and I know it holds so many memories for your family. Such a wonderful keepsake.
    xo, Sherry

  23. Oh, Diana, How very special and beautiful!!!

  24. I think Sweet Cheeks might be on to something there. The world has gone right past the x and is all the way to z! Hopefully that means it can't get any worse! There are no more letters after z!

  25. For all the right reasons, this is beautiful. A family treasure made by your loving hands. It will be a very special day. Keep breathing:) hugs, Mary

  26. Just so pretty Diana! I love how you used your grandmothers lace on it...just priceless!

  27. What a beautiful family heirloom! I hope your family cherishes every stitch. The lace and the names....amazing!

  28. Oh, Diana, this is just a treasure! How beautiful! Just to think of all the memories in that little gown! I know you can't wait for your next grand-baby!

  29. HI sweetie, So sorry your honey is sick. I love your baptismal gown; we have one that my brother & sister and I wore and my girl's both wore. It hangs in our laundry room with another antique dress.
    Great heirloom.
    Hugs, Noreen

  30. What a precious, wonderful tradition! I love that you've embroidered each baby's name. So very special!

  31. That gown is such a beautiful family heirloom! You did an excellent job and just when I thought it couldn't get any better, you showed the embroidered names. Oh I just love that's so sweet!
    And Sweet Cheeks, how I love that kid! lol

  32. Oh Diana, what a beautiful baptismal dress! It is an awesome family heirloom, I am sure will be treasured long after you and I are gone from this world. I am going to try to make a Christening gown soon. The little dress I made this weekend was my first attempt at a child's dress. I usually just do home decor.

  33. Absolutely beautiful gown and tradition, Diana. You created quite an heirloom there!

    xoxo Nellie

  34. What a precious and beautiful gown. Such a beautiful tradition to pass down through the family. My mother did the same thing for my Emma. It has been share with her two cousins. I only wished Josie could have been little enough to enjoy it when she came into our family. I can't wait for my own girls to enjoy it someday.

  35. What an amazing tradition you have created for your family! You are amazing Diana!

    I wish I could sew like this.
    Can't wait to see the new baby in it!


  36. Oh I would love to make one for a grandbaby someday to be passed down though the generations...It is gorgeous, can't wait o see Charles wearing it!!


  37. Diana, What an heirloom you have created. Each name added so lovingly to the gown. I am thrilled that you shared this piece of art and family history.

    May God bless all who wear this gown and the hands that made it. Amen!
    Blessings on Charles' special day!

  38. Hi Diana, Your Sweet Cheeks gives me a chuckle when I need them most. Isn't it wonderful when we have the memories and still have the baptismal gown to still be used by another family member. I know where there is one in the Cedar Chest. Have a great day. I need to get to bed as it is getting late, but I am trying to catch up with some of my friends. Take care. Your Missouri Friend.

  39. What a great family tradition. I bet CharlesinCharge will one day use it for his child.

  40. What an amazing treasure your hands created! I love that your Grandmother's lace was used! Fourteen little ones - so far - blessed to wear it ... and blessed to have their Nana!

  41. You did a wonderful is beautiful! We also have a family Christening gown that my mother bought and her four grandgirls each wore it. The first of which is the one getting married in 3 weeks. Hopefully, another generation will be wearing it soon!

  42. Diana, What a priceless work of art you created for your family! The gown is so beautiful and the names stitched in the hem so special. Your little Charles in Charge looks like a precious angel wearing it. Thank you so much for visiting me! I'm following back and look forward to seeing more of your delightful blog. :-) Have a wonderful night!

  43. What a beautiful gown Diana and I love how you are putting the names in!

  44. Absolutely beautiful! You really created a work of art and I'm so glad that all are using it. Precious memories ~


  45. Absolutely beautiful! You really created a work of art and I'm so glad that all are using it. Precious memories ~


  46. That is a beautiful baptismal gown. You are very talented. I'm happy that others were willing to wear it. (I say that because my aunt made my daughter's gown, and it was as gorgeous as yours. When my granddaughter was baptized, my daughter wouldn't use hers. I was truly heartbroken.)

  47. I have been busy getting ready for Bella's Birthday...we may have 50 people.
    What a wonderful day and the grown is pretty. Loved this post. Hugs, Mary

  48. I just happen to stumble on your blog while attempting to find this pattern for sale.

    I made this gown for my daughter to wear at her Baptism in 1970...and love the outfit. Sadly I lost the pattern in a house fire a few years later and would love to have it once again.

    You did a fantastic job. Thanks for sharing.


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