
Monday, May 21, 2012

Run For The Roses Or Make A Call

Well, you know that I
promised you roses
if you didn't shave the
neighbor's dog, right?

Are  you wondering
what kind of roses?
Here's a picture!
Any guesses?
She's a beauty, isn't she?
Sadly, she is 
She is the picture that I
found on the web site
of the rose I ordered.

She is a New Dawn.
Don't you love that name?
Everyday when I wake up
I am excited for the
New Dawn
of the
New Day.

At one of our old houses
I had a 
New Dawn that I planted
that scrambled right up over
the neighbor's 
uglier than diaper rash
on a baby's butt
I would have liked to 
plant some to cover our neighbor
too, but we won't talk
about that here.

It looked amazing and it 
covered the whole side
of the garage in
2 seasons.
Now, sadly, that was BB
(before blogging)
and I don't have a picture
but it looked a lot like this.
They are thorny but beautiful.
 I thought I would like to
have another one
at this house for our fence line.
I started looking last year.
No Rose-No Where- No How!
I can't find a New Dawn rose anywhere?
None of the local nurseries carry them.
The online stores were OUT of them.
Same thing this year.
I finally asked Connie @ Hartwood Roses
for help in finding one.
She was my FIRST choice
but she didn't have any to sell.
She directed me online.

Did you ever hear of 
Well, not only did they have 
New Dawn Roses,
they were reasonably priced.
I was expecting bare roots
plants for the price.

You can imagine my surprise
when I got this box 
within 3 days of my order
being placed.
HEY-I made a shadow picture
there-it looks just like someone 
with a camera- cool!
I shoulda made the dog shadow instead.

Look what great, healthy plants
I received!
One for the front fence as
you come down into our yard,
(if you look carefully you can
see the little white tag about
halfway along the fence)
and one for the back fence
as you look towards the bay.
(It's planted by the 2nd post
from the end)
I can't wait until my own
New Dawn Roses
look like this!
Until then, I am just going
to keep watering these babies
and pray for quick growth.
Have a great Monday-
The first day of the
New Week-


  1. Beautiful rose. Love the name. Have a beautiful week ahead!

  2. Beautiful...actually planted heirloom roses in my old house and they were amazing, kept coming up roses, lol. SO many blooms, a very worthy small investment that paid off the entire summer! Happy planting.

  3. Beautiful...actually planted heirloom roses in my old house and they were amazing, kept coming up roses, lol. SO many blooms, a very worthy small investment that paid off the entire summer! Happy planting.

  4. wow, beautiful aren't they, they sure look healthy!

  5. I have one of these. I cut it right back this year so that husband could get to fence panels to replace them, and now that has been postponed until autumn! Never mind it is growing away vigorously again and sending up lots of lovely new shoots. So the ugly fence panels should be partially concealed!
    I really enjoy Connie's blog, and she is always so helpful.

  6. Nice name for a pretty flower. And when they lose their bloom and start to die back, you can call them Dawn of the Dead.
    Happy Monday!

  7. That is a beautiful rose, Diana. I love the color!

  8. Those will be so pretty on the fence. Love your gorgeous green grass.

  9. Love the rose and the name and they will be beautiful on the fenceline.

  10. Hi Diana, I love your New Dawn roses and the name of them... too funny you wanted to cover your neighbors in them... wow!... you have a lot of property, how much do you have?... I love your lush green lawn and how fabulous you have a view of the bay... I do have pretty views of our mountains to the east of me and the Great Salt Lake to the west...I'll bet you have some gorgeous sunsets there!... I love old~fashioned roses... I can't wait to see yours clamboring all over the place!... more of my red ones from my "secret spot" are blooming today... wishing you a beautiful day with your sweet roses... xoxo Julie Marie

  11. Oh, they are going to look gorgeous in your garden. I love roses, and New Dawn roses look lovely.

    Have a beautiful Monday.


  12. Is it horrible that I miss my gardens more than my house? I had some beautiful roses and several hydrangea bushes, Diana, that I just loved. It never failed that seeing those first rose buds would get me excited to know that I would soon have bursts of color. This is a beautiful rose and it will be fun to watch its growth.

  13. New Dawn is a lovely name. I hear that Heirloom Roses is on the of the best out there.

  14. Lovely roses but I have a hard time dealing with the thorns.


  15. I love roses! They're beautiful! But when I moved here I decided not to plant any due to the thorns. I used to have scratches all over my arms every spring due to my constand rose pruning and dead heading. Now, I don't. But - I do miss my roses. I had Queen Elizabeth roses and Climbing Oklahoma rose bushes in red. Now we have one little ugly knockout rosebush - that the landscapers put in when the house was built. And flowers of all kinds - just nothing thorny.

  16. Oh just beautiful. I can hardly stay indoors this time of year. Roses are so fragrant when they all first bloom.

  17. They're going to be beautiful! I only have one rose bush. It's ancient, and not as pretty as that.
    My dad loves heirloom roses, and his grow like crazy, too. They smell wonderful!

  18. I love new dawn roses!
    Always a pleaser! I am so glad you were able to locate a couple! I understand they are very resistant to diseases.
    Have a great week

  19. New Dawn is a real will be so big and stunning in no time. Hugs, Mary

  20. Thanks for the shout out, Diana. It's great to see that you had such a good experience with Heirloom. Pretty much the only way to get a good selection of roses these days is to (1) live near a specialty nursery, or (2) use mail order. Roses ship really well, and those little baby New Dawns will grow up into BIG New Dawns before you know it!

  21. Dear Diana,

    Beautiful rose, wonderful name! Love Heirloom Roses. My father in law use to order from them and they were fabulous. He would get mad at them because he'd want a certain rose, and being in Monterey, they wouldn't ship something they knew wouldn't make it - that's a great company! (Weather and soil conditions) But, they helped him find one.

    Your roses look beautiful and so healthy! I bet with your care and prayers, they'll take over the area you want to cover in no time at all!!

    Have a wonderful new week, my friend!

    Gentle hugs,

  22. Hi!
    How fortunate you were able to find the rose you were looking for! What did we ever do before online? Lovely. I bet you can't until its all growed up and flowering like the pictures.

    I'm having a GIVEAWAY...come by and visit.

    have a wonderful day

  23. Love pink roses. I have a rose bush that has done amazing already. Little tiny pink roses. I don't think it was supposed to be minature but it is.

  24. Hi Diana: I know I've heard of New Dawn rose. It certainly is beautiful. When we lived in Santa Cruz there was a nursery that I thought was called Heirloom Roses in Watsonville, CA, just about 20 miles away from us and I bought the Cecil Brunner rose that I posted about awhile ago there and then transplanted it here. I love it. Funny if it was the same place..Happy Monday..Judy

  25. Beautiful! I never grew that one. It sounds great! We have ordered from Heirloom Roses. They have great service, prices and shipping. I just can't get over your yard! So pretty and open.

  26. Wishing you good luck with those roses, Diana! Isn't it wonderful how the Internet will solve your problems?:) xo Nellie

  27. Diana, first I had to laugh, we all have neighbors like that! Good luck with your New Dawn rose it's a beauty!

  28. Hi Diana! Oh, the New Dawn... she smells wonderful! I purchased mine as a bare root through David Austin Roses (online). A little pricey but well worth it! Good luck in your hunt!
    xo, Amber

  29. Love it. I am looking for something to come up the back of the deck. Having it all covered with lattice so I can have climbing roses and clematis peeking through it later on. I will look for this one when its time.
    Did a lot today. Stiff and sore tonight, but doing pretty good for an old broad.

  30. Oh my! That rose is just gorgeous. I am busy thinking about where I could plant one here on our place. Thanks for the recommendation, and your place looks beautiful!

  31. Oh guy just planted two rose bushes for me (knockout pink) and I hope they LIVE. Everything we plant seems to DIE. Sooo depressing.

    You are sooo funny!


  32. Wow, who knew! Gorgeous roses..Here's wishing you a green thumb!


  33. Diana those will look gorgeous climbing up your fence!

  34. What a beautiful backyard you have. The perfect spot for those roses.

  35. I have missed your blog...even though I have been gone and having fun! Catching up the baptismal gown and the family events...the baby carriage planter, how cute! Love the rose, they are so wonderful these days, just plant them and forget about them, most need no treatment at all. I too am planting roses, love them! I enjoyed catching up! ;)

  36. Yummy yummy roses Diana! I love roses and am so happy that ours are beginning to bloom. I cut a little bouquet today and they are just wonderful to look at.

    Have a great week,

  37. Ooo diana...I LOVE New Dawn roses! I had two of them when I lived in the city but sadly they were left behind. Your new rose looks very healthy...that should give you a good start growing it. Another place to get wonderful old roses is David Austin can type that in online ...they have some of the most beautiful roses I have ever seen. Most are Old English roses with heavenly scent. Enjoy your new roses and I hope they grow as fast as they did at your last home. Maura :)

  38. Oh Diana, I love the New Dawn rose. I had one at my previous home. It was planted right in the middle of the front porch. It always was a beauty. No New Dawn here. I also love the David Austin heirloom roses. Don't have any of them yet either. May not, can you believe I am starting to run out of room. Oh, but next year when we build my potting shed. I want to plant more plantings around it. May need to plant some of these.

  39. got mine there last Fall and waiting for it to cover my Christmas shed this Spring. It's growing but not as fast as I want it to. :)

  40. New Dawn is one of my favorites. I have dealt with Heirloom Roses before. Very nice people and so helpful too.


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