
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Smiling Through The Tears

As most of you know if
you follow here,
last Saturday was kind of 
a sad day.

We had a memorial service 
for our friend, Keys.
This is one of his posters
that was used for one
of his concerts.
We're pretty sure that 
Keys is up in Heaven
trying to change the 
chords the angels are
using and telling
Gabrielle that his horn
needs polishing.

This was taken at one of 
his last concerts.

I cannot tell you 
how many times we moved
his piano for him...
more times than I 
want to count!

Most of our family
attended the  memorial service
and funeral.
There was no body present
(he was cremated)
so TPot & hubby brought
the girls,
Lulu, Ria & SweetCheeks.

MyHero gave the message
that would close
Keys journey here on Earth.

SweetCheeks sat very 
quietly through the service
but had a few

If you remember,
Keys was a short little guy,
always dressed in black,
using a cane, whether
he needed it or not.
A very European kind of guy.
His cane was placed next to the
urn in front of the funeral home.

looked at the cane
and asked in her earnest
little way.

Hey!  How dihd Keys dihe?
He was sick, SweetCheeks. Shhhhh...
  Did he dihe becuz he was shorht?
Do shorht people dihe fashter?
(eyeing Keys Mother up who is
92 and
all of 4'10" on her tiptoes)

She looks around the
funeral home which is 
quite beautiful with 
chandeliers and rich tones.
Hey!  Who builted this place enyways?
Did Keys built this place?
Huhhhhh!  How long is
Papa gonna talk?
Are we gonna have some
lunch after this?

What's the old saying?
Life goes on?
And so it does....
A person passing over 
that causes you to pause
for a moment to reassess
life and mourn the loss
and shed a few tears.....
and a bright little
new generation
with her whole life ahead of
her....that can make
you smile through those tears.

Blessings to you today.
I hope you have someone
that can make your
heart  smile
even on a dark day.


  1. I love the poster and the poster of the poster....
    Keys was a very lucky man to have your family in his life.
    SweetCheeks is a smart little girl, full of wonder and questions.
    and she'll get payback in about 25 years.

  2. I am blessed to have many that make me smile.

    You, my friend, send smiles around the world!


  3. Diana, Sorry for the loss of your friend. Today my sister Pam is coming out for lunch, it's her birthday. We will speak of daddy, Monday would have been his birthday. But I know we will be laughing later, because life does go on. You are in my thoughts, xoxo, Susie

  4. wonderful post Diana

    sweet cheeks is a darling

    Life does go on and we have our sweet children to keep us going and keep us smiling


  5. giveaways up every saturday. come and see
    Thr little girl in post would love to win these

  6. giveaways up every saturday. come and see
    Thr little girl in post would love to win these

  7. So sorry for the loss of your friend!

    And the Japanese people in Okinawa are short and they're said to be the oldest living people in the world. So, maybe tall people die sooner? Women normally out live men and men are normally taller?

  8. What a lovely post, Diana. It is easy to see what good memories you have of Keys. SweetCheeks is just adorable!

  9. Leave it to Sweet Cheeks to bring a smile to your face. I bet Keys got a chuckle out of that fom above. It is so hard to loose a friend. It sounds like you were good friends to him.It had to be hard for his mother.
    So funny about the shirt question. It is good for the girls to experience this . So hard for them to understand. (((((HUGS))))) to you as you remember your friend.

  10. Not shirt......short. I type too fast.

  11. Sorry to hear of your friend passing. He sounded like a very special & talented man.

    Isn't it amazing how concerned little children can get about dying? They all seem to go through that stage, & then they become teenagers & young adults & think they are indestructible.

  12. Wanted to tell you...I am in the process of writing a memoir about my 17 year battle with fertility issues...title of the book. "Smiling Through the Tears."

    Great minds think alike!!


  13. I am so sorry Diana, he sounded like an amazing man. It is good to know though as there are angels in Heaven to watch over us, that there are also little angels down here to make us smile and carry on.
    Hugs to you!

  14. I think her questions are pretty good ones! ~ Maureen

  15. I am sure that Keys was looking down and smiling at sweet cheeks from all her comments. Little ones are such a joy to our lives.

  16. I am sorry for your loss; good friends are precious.
    It sounds as if Keys had a rich, fulfilling life, and that is to be celebrated.
    Best wishes, Cass

  17. You friend, Keys, sounds like he was a wonderful, tale ted guy. I know you miss him...I enjoyed the childish, sweet, comments of Sweet Cheeks! Children keep us grounded and give us a reason to get out of bed, even on the occasional sad day. (((HUGS)))

  18. "Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion."

  19. Oh Diana I am so sorry. He sounds like an amazing man.
    Yes, you are right, life goes on and when you are looking at a little one with her whole life ahead of her, you really see that. Embrace that! It is normal to cry but don't forget to stop!!!
    You are in my thoughts!!!

  20. Wonderful memories...and your granddaughter is a hoot!! {hope that's not inappropriate to say for this post} Sweet little thing!


  21. Glad to see your humor even now, you made me smile. Death really is suppose to be a celebration of life and Sweet Chicks is a breath of fresh air always.

  22. You are such a sweet and caring person! And he was so lucky to have you in his life. I am smiling with you! Beautiful post!

  23. Hi there, My heart hurts for you but it is bittersweet isn't it-knowing he is pain free and yet those left behind hurt so much. When my sister was at the end of her cancer journey, there was an expression or two I've clung to...firstly, "for this we have Jesus" and secondly,, "whenever possible embrace life". May the memories of your friendship and bond with him bring you lots of smiles.
    Hugs, Noreen

  24. Very touching story...your little one is so sweet, made me puddle up.
    Dear heart...YOU made my heart smile today!

  25. I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. He sounds like he was an interesting man. I would have liked to hear him play.

    So glad Sweetcheeks brought a smile. :)

  26. Heartwarming, and isn't that how we should remember the ones we love? Your friend would have loved that post! I am sorry for your loss.

    Flora Doora

  27. Sweet post, Diana.
    God brings us joy, even in the sorrow.
    God Bless You.

  28. So sorry for your loss...:( hugs to you and the crew

  29. We truly are blessed aren't we? My granddaughter was 5 when my mother passed away. She had tons of questions...even months after. At the time they were living right outside Houston and then moved back here. Her questions were the same each time I saw them...which was almost daily. She finally asked to go to the cemetery. I asked her if she meant the one where Grandma Tucker was buried. She said, "No, the one by our house." There's an old, old cemetery not far from their addition...and who would think a 5 yr old would notice? I asked the parents if it was ok and they said yes. I took her and Alex...we wandered all through the cemetery with lots of questions during the process. She wanted to have their picture made too! Anyway, after that the questions subsided and very quickly ceased. Amazing what goes through children's minds huh?

    I am so very sorry for your loss. It sounds like he was a wonderful person and very important in your life. If he's up there polishing musical instruments, I feel sure my mother is giving him directions! :-)


  30. I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. I'm also so thankful that you had that sweet little voice in your ear making you smile.

  31. Life does go on and sometimes that's the hardest thing about losing someone. You think that the world should stop but it doesn't. Your friend was blessed to have such wonderful people like your family in his life. Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a lovely Easter Sunday!

  32. May Keys RIP.
    Happy Easter ~
    TTFN ~

  33. Diana, what a wonderful talented friend you had and what an amazing friend you were to him! Moving a piano is a REALLY good friend! What a comfort to know Keys is with the Lord playing his piano! May God comfort you and your family at this difficult time.

  34. How lucky you were to have known him! I know you will miss him greatly!


  35. It is always hard to say goodbye to someone you love. I know this must of been a sad day for you, but God knows this and He also knows the joys and smiles that your grandchildren bring to your life. Sending good thoughts and hugs to you today.


  36. Sorry for your loss. Your friend sounded like one talented guy! Children are so kind and so busy asking so many questions! Thanks for the photos you shared today. Hugs Anne

  37. I am so sorry for your loss. I, too, lost someone close to me, and I can understand what you might be going through.

  38. Hi Diana,

    It is so hard to loose a friend. I'm sorry.

    But, it is good to know that he is in a good place and in good health now. :)

    And that we can all see each other again after this life. I really believe that.

    Oh SweetCheeks, what a cutie. :)

    The surprise that you have been waiting for is posted.

    Take care, Janet W

  39. A little laugh on a day like that goes a long way doesn't it? So sorry for your loss Diana. I just lost my cousin last week and the service was Monday. He was waiting for a heart and kidney transplant. He was only 54. My family's memories spoken at the service including giving us a few chuckles as well, much needed.
    Take care,

  40. This was beautiful Diana. He was so blessed to have such close loving friends. Sweet cheeks and her questions, she has to make you laugh now doesn't she? She is such a curious little mind, and I LOVE that. Jack is the same way!

  41. Keys sounds like an amazing and talented person. I imagine your Hero gave him a very fitting tribute. And as always, Sweekcheeks is there with her humor to save the day! You, my friend have been my bright spot!

  42. My Dear Friend Diana,

    As I was reading this post this morning, yeah-I'm a bit behind this week, it reminded me so much of the saying, "Love is patient, Love is Kind, ..." reminded me of you ~ always so wonderful. Children live what the learn, and yours are so blessed to have the best!

    Gentle hugs,


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