
Friday, March 30, 2012

Talking Furniture- Black Called Me Back

I redid this piece a while ago.
I WAS going to paint it white.
after looking at it I
decided it needed to be black.
Some pieces just talk to me,
you know?

Kinda like my husband
except I listen better when 
it is "bench talk"!;>)

am sorry to say that I don't have
a BEFORE picture.
It was a dull mahogany color,
battered and beaten.
It had a 
PLEATHER tan colored
seat covering.

I added the applique to the back
with gorilla glue
before I started painting.

This is coated with some
black paint I had on hand.
I covered the seat with 
a greenish grey angel fabric that
I had hoarded saved for years.
I suppose you don't want to know
that somehow I managed to
put a staple in my finger?
Do you know any good words
to use in a case like that?
If not- I can recommend a few
of my own favorites!
After painting two coats of black,
I used some gold
Rub & Buff
on the applique,
on the top of the stay across
the back,
and on the legs.
I distressed it slightly on the 
legs and along the edges.
Then, I topped it with
 a matte poly finish.
Please ignore the flipped up fringe on
the rug below.  
I hate when that happens.

This cute little piece is in
my sitting room now
until it finds a permanent home.

And here y'all thought all I did
was sit on my butt and 
play on the computer.
I'm not as lazy as I look!

Hope you find some sweet
projects to do that make you


  1. Diana, Wonderful job on that bench. I love that fabric too. I can see why you saved it. The little add on makes it more special. Smiles, xo, Susie(She Junks)

  2. Great job! Love it. You are so talented

  3. Diana, what a pretty chair. I love the applique you applied to the back of the chair and that you thought to use rub and buff. You did a beautiful job!

  4. You did a wonderful job, Diana! I love the fabric on the's so pretty.

    And yes, I know a whole lotta words to use when a staples goes through your finger. Believe me, I've used them too! LOL

  5. The permanant home is your home I hope...I think that fabric is amazing and I wouldn't part with it. You did a good job! Love the flourish!!

  6. I like it black! Looks rich and sophisticated, great job and hoarding er um saving that fabric for just the perfect project. Looks great!


  7. That fabric is unique! WOW! I love it! Do you have any scraps? heehee!

  8. Love your little bench, and that fabric is so heavenly…please excuse the pun, but it's very pretty! I'm your newest follower, too!

  9. Did you say a bad word, he he. Ouch.
    I love what you did. Love the color and that fabric is so different but I like it.

  10. Very COOL redo!! Perfect fabric! Hey gal...thank you SO much for visiting my blog and your sweet comments!! I have several times tried to change my word verification, but it takes it off altogether, and then I get awful spam, so I apologize for that, I'm not all that blogger savy, so have to leave it for the time being--so sorry!!

  11. Sometimes a room just needs a pop of black- and when your furniture speaks- you'd better listen.
    It's like putting a blue dress on a child that wants to wear pink. Not going to end well! ;)
    Fabric hoarding? My favorite sport!

  12. Love this Diana, and love the applique you added! I still have a pine armoire I painted black {in our guest bedroom} that I also added some appliques to and I have no intentions of painting. My coffee table, too.

  13. Love it Diana! Pretty fabric and the applique is the perfect final touch!

  14. OUCH!!! I have been known to staple myself, too. Yes, there are a few choice words for that. Your bench looks fantastic.

  15. It's good you listened to your bench 'speaking to you' because it turned out great! Funny how we'll hoard a piece of fabric with no idea where we will ever use it. Your's found the perfect home! ~ Maureen

  16. I really like the color and the applique looks perfect! I'm so sorry you stapled your finger, Diana.

  17. Diana,
    OUCH! a staple in your finger! I've had my share of "do it yourself" bumps, cuts and bruises. LOL.
    I love "trash to treasure" stories.
    Wow! Your bench turned out fabulous!!! I LOVE the Cherub fabric! A wonderful transformation.
    You did good!!
    Will visit again soon!

  18. I love it when furniture talks to me...also linen and wicker in all forms. Your bench is "Heavenly", Sweet D!

  19. What a pretty chair, Diana. Love the work you did with it.

    Hugs Bente

  20. Wonderful outcome on that project! I've never thought you stayed on the computer all the time.:) xoxo

  21. turned out beautiful, I bet you smiled as big as Texas when you found that fabric, its beautiful!

  22. Good thing you were hoarding that piece of fabric - it is perfect especially for the bench. I love that fabric!

  23. I love this little piece and the fabric is just perfect. I do like the black very much.

  24. Wow, you did a great job for a lazy butt! I tend to gravitate toward black also. Love the angel fabric. Very romantic!

  25. Diana,
    LOVE this sweet bench and I am swooning over that fabric!!
    Great job! Now who ever thought you were lazy???


  26. Wow, so ditzy blondes can do things. You know, I never knew that! Just kidding. I love that fabric! Oh, it is just so beautiful.
    The bench came out pretty good. Maybe you need to do more of this so we won't think you're not just a pretty face.
    I have some words that I use when I do things like that, but I can't share them here.

  27. Diana, what a beautiful bench! And the fabric is just gorgeous! What are you doing stapling your finger?
    Oh, I have done that before! Not funny! But, it was all worth it!
    Your bench is amazing!

  28. Diane, you did a wonderful job on the bench! I love the fabric you chose. It is gorgeous!!

  29. Great job on the bench! Ohhhh I do not like it when staples go in my fingers, it is a pain that hurts and burns at the same time. Hope your finger is better soon :)

    Greetings from the brocantes of France!

  30. Great makeover! Looks like you put alot of work into it. I know you must be enjoying it's new look now.

  31. Nice job there Diana...I love it black, it spoke volumes to you!

  32. LOVE IT!!! I love that fabric!!!!

    I have a few favorite words of my own Diana that I save for just such an funny girl!!!!
    sending hugs...

  33. Hey Diana! You made me smile as always! Lovely bench and fabric. I know what you mean about the fringe. I recently posted pics with paint swatches taped to the wall in the background! Didn't even notice those until I got the pics uploaded! :)

  34. You did a really great job. I just love that fabric you used. This piece has a sort of dark Gothic romantic look I think.

  35. You always amaze me- a Nana, story teller, cook seamstress and painter! I love it! The applique is gorgeous and adds just the right touch of elegance!

  36. Never once have I thought that all you do is sit at your computer all day...unless you play all day and work all night! Love the black chair and hoarded material. Between you and make me laugh. Sorry about the staple!! Have a lovely weekend. Xoxo

  37. Hi there,

    Wow! That looks great. You are multi-talented.

    Have a great weekend. :)

    Take care, Janet W

  38. love it!!! you must love it too!! you are a talented woman! good for you.
    thank you so very much for your thoughts today. i am grateful to have you as a blogging friend. And i appreciate you!
    happy happy weekend!!!

  39. So pretty Diana!
    Perfect place for your little angels to sit when they visit!

  40. I love it, Diana!

    I've a few projects I'm saving up too! Just need some fair weather (any old excuse, right!?)

    Oh, I've got a couple of words, but I dare not repeat them - me, oh I didn't staple my finger, no, no, I dropped a can - a 20 ouncer with the rim smacking the bone on two toes! I was in the garage and when my son and grandson heard me yell my not so frequently used words - Grandson backed up 10' and son came running - knowing something happened. Let's not use any soap on each others toothbrush, though OK? It was a slip of the tongue, right?


  41. Love it!! Black always speaks my language too. Just me... :-)

    You did a wonderful job my friend. Come on over and help me finish my table.



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