
Thursday, March 29, 2012

I Won A Giveaway

I started blogging,
I don't think I ever
won a thing in my life.

Well...being the lucky 
stiff I am
I won another giveaway.

This one is from
Thank you SO much, Marti.
I really appreciate everything.
It was a fun package to open.

Her blog is 
Pop over and see her.
As the title suggests
she muses on things
both past and present....
memories of her childhood...
and things that are happening
around her now.

Here is what was in
the wonderful package I received.
There is a 
microwave blanket!
I guess I am out of it because
I never heard of these.
You can bake potatoes,
or corn or warm tortillas.
I made baked potatoes
and they were light and fluffy inside.
What else was in that sweet package?
A funky little knob...
A sachet kitty...
And a wonderful pack of 
6 handmade cards.
I thought this one was 
especially fun!
I already have a recipient in mind
for THAT card!

It is always fun to find 
a little something in the mailbox,
isn't it?
Watch YOUR mailbox...
YOU may be getting the card above...
to another-
Me to you!

Hope YOUR day is
full of sweet little surprises, too!


  1. Congratulations on your win! Those are some very nice gifts!

  2. Congratulations Diana! I quit entering those give aways on blogs because some of them seem a little suspiciously rigged to me...the same people winning over and over...but one time I did win something from Sherry at No Minimalist Here...I really like the blogs that post the random number winner, that way you know it's legit!


  3. Wow Diana, I am a microwave queen and I have never heard of that cooking bag. I use my mw for baking potatos and warming. How handy that would be.Smiles, xo, Susie

  4. Congratulations! Looks like a fun giveaway. Tell me you eat the baked potatoes or are they just for your hero?

  5. YOU WON!! Good for you! What a nice giveaway that was, and so nicely wrapped! I'm happy for you, but wish it was me! (I'm teasing..) NOT! :):)

  6. Wonder where I could get one of those blankets. I love fluffy baked taters.

    When SweetCheeks does the drawing, we know those are legit!
    I'll have another give away soon, on my blog...

  7. I got one of those microwave blankets for Christmas, but my husband isn't doing carbs right now, so we haven't tried it. I didn't think to use it on tortilla's, thogh. I'll have to try that.

  8. wow, what a lovely package, she's a talented lady as well, that cards a hoot!

  9. What fun! I love getting sweet packages like this in the mail! Enjoy! ♥

  10. I never won anything before either. It is so much fun. I also like having giveaways. This blogging world is beautiful place.
    YOu got a buzzard card. I am so happy for you, he he.
    I have to post about what happened (not to us) but someone else and a buzzard.
    Yes, I remember about your granddaughter. I had forgotten. Quinn didn't not do any damage to his teeth or gums......there he was lucky. This is when I hate being so far away.
    Have a good week-end. I finally got out yesterday and it felt sooooo good to be back amoung the living.

  11. You are so deserving I don't think I know a blogger more giving of themselves than you.

  12. Wow, not just one prize but a bunch of gifts. You deserve it. You have one of the best blogs online.

  13. That was exciting, Diana. I won a giveaway and it is coming today. Can't wait to get it. I always love surprises in the mail (so much better than those nasty old bills)Have fun with all of your new goodies.

  14. Woohoo...I'm doin' one of my famous happy dances here for ya. What a great giveaway ya won.

    Ya sure got some treasures there my friend!

    God bless ya and have yourself a delightful day. Enjoy those goodies sweetie!!! :o)

  15. Congrats to you Diana! Love that microwave blanket, never heard of them before either! Love the card too!

  16. I'm so happy for you! And its always fun to get a package. :)

  17. You lucky lady!
    The cards are so unique. And I love my cloth heating bag-they work great!

  18. Good for you! It is always wonderful to get a package snail mail...have a great weekend!! and stay tough!!

  19. Congratulations, Diana! It's really exciting to find something you have won arrive in the mailbox! xoxo

  20. WOW! Congrats! It's fun to get a package of goodies in the mail.

    Thank you again for your comments on my blog.

    I won a giveaway too. Waiting to post about it when the package comes. I was so surprised I am not usually a lucky person.

    Have a great evening and a wonderful Friday.
    Take care, Janet W

  21. Congrats on your winnings! I am so happy for you!

  22. Woo hoo! Good for you, D! What sweet gifts! :)

    xoxo laurie

  23. Diana, congratulations! What a wonderful gift! I know it made your day!

  24. WOW, congratulations on your win from sweet Marti! What awesome gifts!!! Sending (((hugs))) your way, my friend. Love, Cindy

  25. Oh Diana..what an amazing win! Yes..I too just love to win things and find a package in our mailbox!!

    Blessings."I love those cards!"

  26. Such darling treasures to make your day special! Love them all.

  27. How nice of Marti to have such a grand giveaway! Those are some fabulous gifts.

    I love those "tater blankets!" And they work so great to cook them, and to grab them out of the microwave so you don't get burned!

    Enjoy, can't think of someone who deserves a prize more than you right now Diana!


  28. Congrats on you win! I never heard of those blankets either! Sounds interesting!


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