
Thursday, February 9, 2012

I'm On A Roll

Well, I am NOT on a roll,
but MyHero
likes it when I get on a roll...
but we won't talk about that here
now, will we?

Sometimes the words
I Love You
aren't really words at all.

They are little things that
we do that take the
place of the
tired old
I love you's that
fall without thought from
our lips sometimes.

MyHero is
pretty happy when I start
rolling this way.
I start with something
quick and convenient.
I plop them into a
I bake the required amount of time
and then turn them onto a plate
and cover them with
Cream Cheese Frosting
while they are still hot.
starts drooling as soon as
he walks into the house.

Then he starts smiling.
And life is good.
Very Very Good!

Now, if I could only train him
to put his own dishes into the
dishwasher I would be
so flipping happy.
Oh- wait-
I would be so surprised
I would probably die
of a heart attack.
Some things are just gonna
be what they are,
you know what I mean?


  1. Oh so good. I love those too. He definitely looks like he is enjoying. Hugs, Marty

  2. ooo yum!!!! What a sweet guy, at least you have a dishwasher!!! Those buns look like love to me!!

  3. Oh yum! It is clearly evident that that is one happy husband!

  4. Look at how happy he looks, Diana, with his cinnamon roll and milk! Such a small thing to do to make them happy. You are a good wife! : )

  5. ha! he does look happy with those yummy buns. good for both of you!! husband loves to pack the dishes..he said I am an engineering nightmare! haha!!

  6. Your hero sure looks happy:):) but hey, it's cinnamon rolls..yum. Hope your trip is fun. Smiles to all, Susie

  7. I hear, ya. Sometimes mine does and sometimes not.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. What a sweet idea to use a heart shaped pan for the rolls. I'm going to have to do this for Valentine's Day breakfast! :)

  10. OK- don't hate me- but DH does do the dish washer. He puts his stuff up and mine. He putters in the kitchen as much as I do. He even does laundry, mops the floor and vacuums.
    He even makes his own buns and rolls...with icing.
    Ok- I've probably got it good here. Don't tell him that.

  11. too cute! Mr. birthday is the 13th and I always make brownies for him in the heart shape pans his mom use to make his cake in. I will have to do the cinnamon rolls for his breakfast!

  12. "The way to a man's heart....":-) As to the dishwasher, I am known for reloading it to get it "right.":-)
    Hope you're enjoying your days "on the road."

  13. Wow, you were rolling! He's enjoying every bite of them and he's a cutie too! I so love those rolls, now I'm so hungry!

  14. Your "Hero" and my "Mr Dreams" are both "Grandpa Whiskers"!
    Have a great day, Sweet D!

  15. Anyone that makes me hot cinnamon rolls can get the dishes done for a month! Husbands sadly know that they can get them for free! They are too cute to resist, aren't they? Look how he loves them. Lovin' from the oven works every time.

  16. "Nothin' says lovin' like somethin' from the oven". Guess we've heard that a few times, but it's true! Love the heart shaped cinnamon rolls idea!!

  17. Those looks so good!!! I made some the other day and yup, there were many happy faces in the house. :)
    The dishwasher thing is never going to happen at my house, I am not even sure they know we have one, well, other than me.

  18. Well girly...roll on over here and make me some of these! :)

    You are soooo funny! I love my visits to you. You make me SMILE!


  19. Cute picture of your Hero.
    My husband helps with the dishes on the week-ends. Last week-end he did so many dishes because of my hand surgery, that I think he was glad to go to work on MOnday, hah. But then on Monday I had to rearrange the dishwasher as he had loaded them so badly that it wouldn't work. So, be careful what you wish for, he he.

  20. I think my hubby has a fear or paranoia of our dishwasher.....Poor guy....


    xoxo laurie

  21. You are so clever. I have one of those heart shaped pans but have never thought of putting sweet rolls in them.

  22. Mmmmmmm.....

    Hoping you arrive back to a clean kitchen!

  23. Those look yummy. Very fattening but yummy!

  24. My those look good!
    Don't press it on the dishes, just settle for a smile. Looks like he has the smile down pat!
    Hugs, Ginger

  25. You are funny! What a nice treat for your happy hubby, and so clever and cute in the heart pan! Great idea!
    My man says he doesn't help because I do it so well, and he doesn't want to be in my way. Ha!
    Happy Valentine's Day to you two lovebirds!

  26. Oh they love the simple things in life, don't they? Mmmm - nothin' says lovin' like smelling cinnabuns in the oven!



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