
Monday, January 30, 2012

A Daddy Daughter Dance

A few years ago my daughter, TPot,
and her best friend, Tina,
started a
Daddy/Daughter Dance
at their school.
It has grown by leaps and bounds
and this year they had over
250 people attend.
It's a relatively small school
 with about 400 students.

It is open to the kids that
don't have Dads at home, too.
There are Uncles and Brothers
and Grampas that step in
and take a little girl that
wants to go.

I always show up to help
with last minute preparations
and to do nails and take pictures.

This is SweetCheeks 2nd year
going.  Here she is
whining and complaining
about how long it takes to be
getting her hair done.
Doesn't it look painful?
Wait until she has to do her own hair someday.
I could ride to town and back on that lip!
Next up is sister, Ria.
She complains a lot less.
Not at all, as a matter of fact!
Poor little girl was supposed to get
her teeth capped after her school accident
a few weeks ago. 
She was supposed to go this day
but the oral pediatric surgeon was ill.
One beautiful smile coming up
anyway.  Next week it will be even
more perfect!
Our poor little Lulu was not
feeling well all day.
Momma decided to do her hair
and see how she felt before
determining whether she would go
to the dance.
She was pretty somber in the
hair chair!

Doesn't she look sad?
A pretty hair pin might help
as does some glittery hair spray.
She feels much better after
seeing herself in the mirror.
Daddy put a wrist corsage on each
little girl.
All dressed and ready to go to
The Daddy/Daughter Dance
with my handsome son-in-law.
SweetCheeks got her Daddy
giggling like a girl
laughing right out loud.
I could NOT get my camera flash to work.
Then SweetCheeks announced
that she wanted a
This looks pretty goofy to me.
Ummmm...I think Daddy looks better
here than he did in the
UN-GOOFY pictures..
Whaddaya think?
Here's one my daughter emailed me..
Sweet little faces...
Hanging on their Daddy...
Lulu hanging with her friends...
As you can see, she felt much better
by this time.
A moment to remember for all
those girls...a night that will be
relived when they are grown
and have children of their own.
I'm thinking of going dancing myself!
I'm practicing my leg lifts
even as you are reading this. if I can just get
MyHero whipped into shape!


  1. What a special night for your granddaughters! They all looked so pretty.

  2. what a wonderful event, that must make the girls feel so special.
    Your grand daughters looked just beautiful

  3. Such a lovely idea, and the photos of your granddaughters is priceless. A little new hairdo will cheer up any girl, big or small. I love your photographs, and you cracked me up with that last photo.

  4. How sweet your little granddaughters are! Precious little girls! What a special time with their Daddy!

  5. Precious, and If you can move after doing a few of those leg lifts, I'll be surprised....
    Mr Diana can get you off the floor.

  6. Diana, Those little girls are so pretty and their father is a handsome daddy. What good memories they are making. Wow girl you are in great shape if you can do a leg lift like that.:):) smiles,Susie

  7. What an exciting night for your sweet and beautiful little girls and their handsome daddy! What a large- hearted event! Each one of those sweet photographs is such a treasure!

  8. What wonderful memories they are making to cherish down the road. How precious.
    And do you only have ONE camera? You need more than one even if they are only cheap play cameras. Cameras are electronic/mechanical devices and can fail at any moment so you need a back up!

  9. I remember this tradition from your post in previous years. I think it's so sweet :) Your girls sure are growing up!

  10. That is just so sweet, Diana! Sweet Cheeks does not seem happy at all with all the primping going on! : ) She must have been a riot. I'll bet they all had a wonderful time. You don't forget daddy/daughter dances.

  11. How much fun that must have been, Diana! Three precious little girls!
    We have only two grandchildren at this point in time - grandson who is 8 and a granddaughter who is 5. They are two hours away.:(
    Those leg lifts get me every time!:) You, however, should make it to Dancing With the Stars very soon.:)

  12. Those are the best dances! I remember when my hubby and daughter went to hers, they were so sweet.
    The girls look so pretty and it looks like they had a great time.
    SO will I be seeing you on the next Dancing with the Stars? ;) I would vote for you!

  13. How totally sweet!! Those girls are darling and lucky dad to not have one but a trio of daughters to escort....thanks for sharing!

  14. PS When can I expect to see you on Dancing with the Stars???

  15. Hi Diana, That's so sweet! The girls look adorable! Really nice memories for all of them!

  16. I love this dance that they do every year...I remember last years! It is such a sweet thing for the dad's to do with their little girls. I am so glad Lulu felt good enough to go.
    Leg lifts? At your age? Knee high?
    I have an 11am appointment with my dr tomorrow- waiting for the nutritionist to call me back. Been sick since 1am.

  17. Such great photos!
    I was going to say that the one with Daddy and his girls was my favorite but then you showed the one of Lulu with her friends. I bet they'll show this one at her wedding and these girls as bridesmaids.

  18. I love daddy daughter our church they have this every year for the girls this age, it's always such a treat for both. The girls and their daddy look so cute here! ;D

  19. Awww! The girl's look beautiful, glad that LuLu got to go, too! And that is so neat that non-Dad's can attend, so no one feels left out. I remember the days of getting my oh so tangly hair fixed, lots of tears and drama, haha! Oh, and I don't think I could kick my leg that high if I tried!

  20. What a wonderful idea! Every school should sponser a daddy/daughter dance! Your little ladies look lovely!

  21. Nana, they are so well do I remember sitting in a chair waiting for my mother to finish my hair, it was dreadful, absolutely dreadful. But I always loved the end results!

  22. sweet! I would love it if our church or my kids school would start something like this...hmmmm...maybe I'll be the one to start it. With all of my extra time of course! :-) What a special event for all of those special young ladies. So important for girls to have those kinds of experiences where they feel cherished and valued. We need more of that in today's world for sure!

  23. What great photos and what great memories for the entire family. Nice of you to help and nice of you to be part of their memories of this special evening. More schools should do this!!

  24. This is so cute! I remember when my daughter went to a daddy-daughter dance with my husband. She was so excited and proud. Your family is beautiful!

  25. So happy all the girls got to go to the dance with their dad!
    Everyone looks so cute.
    My grand-daughters love going to the dance with their daddy's too.
    It's such a special evening for everyone.
    You sure are flexible girl!!!

  26. What great memories!
    The girls all look so pretty!
    My mister actually danced in a recital with my daughter for two years. Dancing Dads and Daughters ~ it sure was a hit with the audience!

  27. Hi Diana,
    This is such a special night for Dads and Daughters. Your girls looked so lovely.

    I have fond memories of dancing with my Dad. He taught me to do the Charleston and the waltz.


  28. Diana, I remember going to the Father/daughter dance with my dad when I was eight years old. Your granddaughters will remember this time forever. Hugs, Sherry

  29. My school has a father/daughter dance too. Everyone seems to have a good time. Let me know how the leg lifts are coming along...

  30. That was just heartwarming! The girls look so happy, and they will remember this night all their lives! Wonderful!

    Flora Doora

  31. What a memorable evening they all had, Diana! So sweet!! Hey...are you sure you're going to be able to fit those mile-long legs in my bathtub when you get here....???

    xoxo laurie

  32. So gald that they had a great time. They looked so beautiful. What wonderful memories they will have.
    You so need to come visit, my hubby loves to, well I have two left feet. I always sit and let him dance with all the ladies that do not have dance partners. LOL
    Some have asked if I ever get mad..I said "nope, he's goin home with me." haha

  33. i remember my girls going to these dances..we actually have pictures (I am a terrible picture taker) and rememberable times..good for you!

  34. I think if I had to do that dance pose like the one at the end, I'd seriously be in traction.
    Guess I better work on it.
    My grandaughter went with her daddy a year ago to her school Daddy-Daughter Dance.
    It was sooo fun to watch her prepare and get her corsage from her daddy.
    I was visiting them at the time (lucky me) so she and I went out and she picked out a lovely little tiara for her hair.
    Wonderful times.

    I love the goofy picture. Some pretty good faces pulls there.

  35. How sweet! What a precious memories for those beautiful girls! And their Daddy, too!

  36. What a wonderful event for Dads and their daughters...Ofcourse as usual Sweet Cheeks stole the show....That was one proud Dad to have not one but three beautiful girls as his date.

  37. How precious is that, the bond between father and daughter is so special. Oh and I loved the funny snippet and pic at the end of your post. LOL. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  38. How precious are these little girls! All of the are just beautiful, Nana! Daddy is quite handsome himself, but don't tell him - don't want him getting a big head.

    It took me ten minutes to get up off the floor, laughing like an silly fool thinking of you and your leg lifts! ha ha ha ah ah ha!!! Silly Nana!

    Blessings on such a beautiful family!

  39. How sweet they all looked dressed up, such princess's!

  40. What a fun idea for a DADDY/DAUGHTER DANCE!!! It is something I am sure each little girl will remember always!
    Your grand-daughters are darling and I love the photo session during the primping session!! Such expressions..
    Daddy seemed to love it all, too...don't you know he was one proud dad to have three little girls to escort to the dance! Loved the shots of them clowning for the camera, too!
    Thanks for sharing...looks like everyone had a fun time.....

  41. Such a good Daddy. the girls looked adorable.

  42. That is so sweet! My gkids have that at their school too. One for mom and sons too. We have 1 gdau, and 3 gsons, all under 10. My poor dil is very busy, dancing with all those little guys, who do not want to dance, but just run around! :)

  43. Such gorgeous girls!!! What a lucky dad! Thanks for the pics, Diana!

  44. This is just the sweetest. What a great daddy!

  45. This is so precious. I could just cry! There is nothing like a dance with dads and their daughters (for grandads or uncles ) . How beautiful the grands are!


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