
Monday, December 5, 2011

Santas Here-Santas There....


I made an executive decision
to NOT dig out my
Santa collection this year.
I probably have about 200 pieces..
give or take a few.
I have been collecting them for
my whole married life.
It is just too busy with the new baby
and going back and forth between
here and Milwaukee,
so they will stay snuggled safe
in their containers for one more year.

I did, however,
dig out most of my other
Christmas decorations,
and there are a few Santas
that I do need to put out.
They were gifts from
MyHero or the kids
and they are too special to
leave packed away.

No Jeanne d' Arc here
at Christmas...
although I love it..
this family loves the
traditional colors of Christmas.

This is a Fitz & Floyd  that MyHero
gave me for Christmas
several years ago.
He's about 14" high
and has matching reindeer candle holders.
Not to be outdone by MyHero,
the kids all chipped in a 
couple years later 
 and gave me
the Mac Daddy of
Fitz & Floyd Santas.
He's about 20" tall.
He came with a big
Here they are..
just fresh from the box
and waiting for their permanent
Christmas home.
I have built in hutches in the
dining room and this time of year
one of the hutches houses my
Spode china.
I love it.
MyHero's family had a tradition
of giving it as a Christmas gift
when each son got married.
Two place settings the first year
and one each year after that
until there was service for 12.
Isn't that a wonderful tradition?

I put a couple of childhood toys
in amongst the china.
This is a little bear that "reads"
a book.  He was in Grandmother's
And...back when I painted...
a long, long time ago,
in a galaxy far, far away...
I painted this..

and this..
and my Mimi cross stitched this
for me when she was in college.
Can you guess what year it was?
Didn't she do a good job?

To counterbalance all the Santas,
we have to have an angel...
She's big...stands about 30" tall.
there is one more angel here
this year...
As you see, he thinks the
whole thing is

Hmmm...He thinks Santa is a Yawn?
Well...I THINK Santa has
left him a lump of coal-
in his pants-
or sumthin'~
And so it goes~


  1. Your grandson is beautiful!

    Oh how I miss the years my boy was an infant.

    Now he is turning 18.

    Enjoy the business.

    It passes in a blink.

    (I adore your Christmas collections)

    The FandF santa is perfect.



  2. Let's see...

    Your Santas are truly beautiful.
    Your paintings are wonderful.
    I love the china tradition.
    Is there anything sweeter than that picture of your yawning grandson?

  3. I think the tradition of giving the Spode each year is a wonderful idea, and one I might copy myself when the time comes.
    I love that last picture, so cute!

  4. Diana, All the decorations are beautiful. but I love the chubby angel best.:):) Susie

  5. Well, I like your new angel the very best! I think it's ok to not use everything we have every year.

  6. So pretty. I know what you mean, this year I am not pulling out all my Christmas items either. Trying to keep it simple so I can enjoy the little time I have more.

    The baby is just adorable! He would make a beautiful baby Jesus in a live manger :)

  7. That last angel is the cutest one of all! :)

    I love your F&F Santas.

    What a great tradition to get the china setting each Christmas. Most of us don't remember anything we received for the 1st twelve Christmases of our marriage, but you still have and use every gift. What a smart MIL you have to begin that practice.

  8. I was just casually reading and almost left the site but then you got me with that precious baby at the end. You're a tricky one, you!

  9. what beautiful treasures! That last one makes it complete!

  10. Great Santas, Diana! I love Fitz & Floyd although I usually get bunnies. : ) Great cross-stitched Santa. I used to cross-stitch quite a bit myself and I kind of miss it, but it is harder for me to see what I'm doing now. Look at that cutie! I hope you are having fun with "the boys"!

  11. Nothing like a sweet newborn at Christmas.
    I haven't put my Santas out yet either. I started to give some of mine away. Mine aren't fancy ones like yours. Yours are beautiful. Love your decorations.

  12. Those are so special and beautiful! I love them all! Especially the one with a lump of coal in his pants!

  13. Diana, I love your Fitz and Floyd Santa! You are a girl after my own heart! I love FF! I also have Spode Christmas china and I love it too! I began collecting it when it was the only Christmas china available! I guess that means I'm vintage! Your paintings are amazing! You are so talented! I love the angel at the end! Precious!

  14. All your Santa's are beautiful and look at all that talent that you are hiding away from us! Your grandson is absolutely adorable, lump of coal and all!! :)

  15. A lump of coal in his pants! he he he! Well, that's the last year he'll think Santa is a big yawn!

    I love the "little" you will be putting out this year! And, yes the Spode tradition - what a wonderful tradition!

    Keep having fun with little one!

  16. I see you have your baby Jesus for the live Nativity :D

  17. Oh...your gbabyboy is just beautiful. Is he going to be Baby Jesus in the Christmas pageant? Adrienne was one year...she was 8 weeks old on Christmas day in 1984.

    Love your Santa's.


  18. LOL...never heard it referred to as a lump of coal!!

  19. Diana, Your Santas are so beautiful. Fitz and Floyd do Christmas so well. Their designs and quality are fantastic. Love that last little angel best. I know you are going to have a wonderful Christmas. Hugs, Ginger

  20. So that's an angel....hmmmm....I thought angels looked like me???? *sigh* Well I suppose it's just as well because I sure wouldn't want a lump of coal left in my pants (if I wore them)....



  21. There's nothing like a baby at Christmas.

  22. Oh my goodness, Sweet D...Your Santa's and your Christmas china are exquisite!

  23. Your Santa's are beautiful Diana but the best has to be your darling little yawning grandson. He really is precious.


  24. OH MY GOSH, Diana, You art is GORGEOUS!!! You are a true talent, my friend...and I adore that beautiful angel!!

    Let me say "THANK YOU" that you've got traditional colors--Me too!!! I love the deep richness of red and I adore its' warmth...No pastels for me, although I love seeing it all in dreamy blogland.

  25. Your Santa and reindeer are so unique, and I love the pattern on his coat. I collect Santas myself, and I have a favorite which is my Greece Santa. My dad was part Greek, so it is a special one to me. Your Angel is beautiful too - BOTH OF THEM.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  26. Diana, I love your traditions! Now you and Mimi hand over that baby and no one gets hurt! ;)


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