
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Lulu And A Deere

Lulu is growing up.
This year for the very first time
Papa let her drive the tractor
all by herself for a few
The mower was not engaged
so she just drove.
She was sooo proud of herself.

And while we were out and
about I took a picture of
one little area in front
of the house...
Ignore the weeds-
I think God must love them
cuz they sure are abundant.
And then noticed I had some
roses abloom..

and the sedum is coming on

I was so happy with
how the garden is cleaning up...
but not
as this little girl
seemed to be!

~Proud and Happy~

And what ELSE is Lulu
old enough to enjoy?
Not to be outdone
shows us HER braces.
You don't have braces, SweetCheeks!
They are ihnvishable!

Of course they are..
even I can see that!

Everyday I see more and more
milestones as these
precious children
march forward onto life's road
to walk the walk that will bring
them into young adulthood...
a walk that will be marked with
tears and joys,
sighs and whispers,
a walk that will be fondly
remembered by those that love them most,
and days that will vanish like smoke
leaving only warm embers of
memories for us to enjoy.


  1. Don't you just love the memories in the making?
    One day soon, you'll do the walk down memory lane, and you'll have the brightest smile on your face...

  2. The braces are really cute! And if Papa keeps it up, he'll have Lulu trained to do the mowing! :-) You'd better keep some cash on hand to pay her. You know she's going to figure out that lawn mowing skills are really worth something!

  3. Very cool braces. They sure have improved them since the big old clunky ones my friends used to wear. If Lulu wants to come to Ohio she can have a job mowing my lawn.

  4. Love the braces and the invisable ones. Yes, your Sweet Cheeks and my Goose are two peas in a pod.
    Love your words today. SO much fun watching them go through these good times.

  5. Just love your posts! They always make me smile! Your love of your grandchildren overflows! They're blessed! How precious! Sometimes I mumble when weeding - "This is cursed, that is cursed..." If someone were to come up behind me they might think I've lost it!
    Have a very happy day,

  6. Go Lulu go. That is just like my John Deere and I learned very early to mow the grass with a push mower. I love mowing the grass. Let her learn to cut as soon as she can and she will always want to do it, too. Then grandpa can just sit and relax or dad, too.

  7. I bet she is so proud to be able to drive that big ole thing for even a few moments ~ They do grow So Quickly ~ Love the Colorful Braces & I Loved the video of the Girls Jumping the Waves, How Sweet ~ I sure wish I lived on the water.... I think one of these days or actually Years (trying to convince My Kids) I will end up South ~ these winters are getting to be too much (and it isn't even Fall yet)
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. what a beautiful post,, i can always count on a happy time when I come here,, thanks for sharing this,, driving the tractor was my grandson fav too,

  9. So sweet....that setting behind the tractor, totally dreamy!

  10. What a lovely post Diana. You are one proud grandmama.

  11. Diana, Thanks for sharing. They are adorable. Give them a hug for me. Ginger

  12. Those faces made my day, and your beautiful flowers aren't to shabby either! I remember when my kids had their braces. I think we had every color under the rainbow. Once my son had his in black and orange for Halloween. Lovely.

  13. I can remember the first time I was allowed to ride the mower...and the first time my kids took their turns. It was a kind of right of passage for us. And braces, too. Never had those but at least they aren't what they used to be and are a lot cuter with all the colors they have. They are growing up so fast.

  14. I love that braces have become cool now. When I was in school, kids used to tease the kids who wore braces. I love that it's changed. (Both my daughter & son have braces. Yeah, I've paid for a "wing" in the orthodontist's mansion!) And honestly, I really love SweetCheeks invisible ones too!

  15. Diana you really speak from the heart ~ beautifully! Way to go Lulu!

  16. Lulu has every right to be proud! It's so much fun watching the different steps they are taking in life. I was just catching up on your last two posts and watching SweetCheeks as a little princess and then watching all the sisters going in the water to jump the waves. Those are all such sweet summer memories. I love how much you love your grandchildren!

  17. It all goes by too fast for me. I don't like getting older, do you?! Can we turn back the clocks to see them crawling again.


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