
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Rhonda @ Blue Creek Home Has A NEW HOME

Rhonda over at
lost her domain.
It is sickening..
and she didn't realize it
until it was too late.
Please find her here
and use this for all future
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Hi Everyone.

Here is the letter from Rhonda.

Hi, it's Rhonda from Blue Creek Home. Some of you may have heard that I lost my blog over the weekend. Thankfully, I had started it at before I purchased the domain and changed it to .com. This allowed me to continue to access the blog at the blogspot address with all of the contents intact. The problem is that any links you guys have do not come to me now and most of my internal links are broken.

The man who bought my domain (fair and square, I might add) has set up house at my old blog address ( For the first few days when you visited, you were redirected to GoDadddy. Today, he suddenly has six or seven posts - a new header - some talk about interior design and decorating, and google ads. Please if you go over, don't click on anything. I don't want this guy to make a cent from my friends!

Find me at for now and please change your link address to the new blogspot address if you have my button or follow me or saved me saved to favorites/bookmark.

This has taken the wind out of my sails. I am trying to decide if it's time for a break so that I can focus 100% on little Mason and family. I will keep y'all updated.

A few of my best blog friends have offered to post this on their blog for me and I appreciate you guys. Anyone else, please feel free to copy this and post it for me -I want to keep this man from getting my traffic!
And, a word of warning to those who may own their domains - don't let it expire!!! Domain squatters are waiting like vultures in the wings to buy it. One thing I WILL NOT DO is try to buy it back from him.
I sincerely appreciate each one of you,

Thanks so much for going over to give her a word of encouragement- Diana


  1. What a heartbreaking thing to happen and shame on that man for taking advantage of it. So nic eof you to post this for her! I am going to go check her out now!

  2. Your a real blog pal, Diana! Thanks for the heads up.

  3. now thats awful,, how can people do such things,,such a good friend you are,,whom ever did this awaful act will have their come uppence,, Karma's a bummer!!

  4. I have my domains set to auto-renu. If I happen to see a sale prior to the due date I normally go ahead and renu, but if not, my credit card will automaticlly be charged prior to it's due date and my websites will operate as normal. You might try that as there is a waiting list for many domain names.

  5. Hi. I see your comments on so many blogs. I just saw Broomfield on another blog so I had to come by. I have family in Broomfield. I see we have something in common.......grandkids.
    Aren't they wonderful. So I thought I would follow along and get to know you. Come over and visit sometime to Cozy Blanket.

  6. That is just crazy...and sad that it can even happen at all. I wish her well...nothing seems to be very safe any more!

  7. Hello Diana
    yes you can 
    Suzann ~xoxo~

  8. I have always felt pretty secure at will never go for a .com or .net. That's just MY opinion.
    So sorry this happened to her. I wish her all the good luck.
    You were very sweet to post her letter. :))
    xo bj

  9. I'm so sorry to hear this, as I'm sure it was pretty devastating. However, on the bright side, I found out about another incredible blog, I didn't know existed :) Thanks for sharing!

  10. You are a true blog friend indeed. I almost start crying when I see a post up on behalf of my crazy blog crisis.
    I seem to be getting over the emotional part, but I am still overwhelmed at what needs to be done to fix things.
    I have had several visits from here tonight. It's so good to see life at BCH again!
    Thank you so very much.

  11. There are lots of weirdos out there! So sorry this happened. You are very kind to share this info for her!


  12. Rhonda is like a sister to me! She was one of the very first people who accepted here. I love her dearly and am fighting mad about what happened! My Sweets works for a major law firm and I had always dreamed owning the patent on my name. I started phamilybusiness long before the company Princess House, whom I worked with for 10 years swooped in a took it as their own. But they have the big bucks I don't!


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