
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

MamasBoy Rocks! Literally~

My son and my
daughter-in-love have
been working on their place
for a l-o-n-g time.
You don't want to know
because we will all start crying.
Let's just say that with
building permits,
and work stoppages,
and city permits,
and work stoppages,
and rain..
and work stoppages..
did I mention city codes that
were impossible to meet?
Well, anyway..
it has been a

the inside is mostly done.
Too beautiful to show you-
you would all start having
heart palpitations...~
the outside needed a bit
after all the
been met.

On my way hone from work
today I stopped and
look what is
rocking my world!
My son, MamasBoy,
is terracing their property.
Here's what he started with..

and this is a partial before..

And here is what is happening now.

He's a pretty good stoner, huh?
NO-Not THAT kinda stoner...

What were you thinking?
I mean this kind of stoner..

And pretty soon his sweet
wife will be making it as
pretty as the  container
on her porch~

I think
this whole project


  1. Love the rocks!

    And yes, city codes are ridiculous... or, at least here they are.

  2. and I agree, its great and imagine what it will look like with all the plants,, beautiful,,thats a hard job for sure,,have a great day!!

  3. Very nice! It's amazing isn't it what you find out they can do? For example my oldest son got married and painted four rooms....I couldn't believe it...You can paint? I said! Total shock and this from a guy that always wanted me to run his bath water because he said I did it just right:)LOL

  4. I love the rock walls, will make wonderful landscaping for their yard.
    No rocks here, I have to import them, lol.

  5. Way to go ! ! ! !
    Have a Great Day!

  6. It's going to look fantastic!

  7. Oh it's beautiful! He's a good stoner! Thank
    you for the post!

    Flora Doora

  8. That looks fantastic! What a big project though. Those walls would look a lot different if he was "that" kind of stoner! LOL!

  9. I need a stoner to work in my yard. I could use some terracing on our extremely sloped lot. If liitle Mason ever starts falling, he will land in the water!
    I am sure their yard will match the inside of the house soon. How horrible that they have had so much trouble.
    You may have noticed that my blog is missing. I lost my domain and they took it down. Surpise, surprise!!! I was able to go back and now I'm using
    This has taken the wind out of my sails.
    A lot of links have been broken and no one knows how to find me. I think it's time for a break. Some folks have offered to do a post for me on their blogs to let them know how to find me. I will eventually do that, but I am still reeling from it all. :(

  10. Hey nana...just caught up with all the posts...happy bday to baby E..
    I love Angelina ballerina....happy birthday to Hero, he so deserves that name and too bad for the stoner issue..haha...the stone walls look super...
    Miss u much, so busy with the kiddies, I'm off to build a water balloon launcher! Wish me luck ..xo

  11. I love my rocks-I love this! Since I have so many frre stones this is what I use mostly for my landscaping. Now that my back forbids me from keeping up with all my flowerbeds I'm going to go heavier on the stones.
    Your son must be a strong one!

  12. That is some hard work moving rocks. Looks great.

  13. Their yard is going to be fabulous, it already looks wonderful! I'm sure you're bursting with pride! It feels so good to see our own kiddos, happy with their families and watching them building their own nests! It's a warm fuzzy feeling for sure! xo Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs

  14. I love the stones like that! He is a very good stoner indeed!! I have a stone edge around my garden and I love it! I can't wait to see more of their beautiful garden.

  15. This is going to be gorgeous when they finish it. I so admire their dedication and hard work to create a home and yard/garden that they will love.

    Congrats to Mom too ~ :-)

  16. Ooohhh, I hope he takes a break in this intense heat. So far, it rocks!!!!!

  17. I love good old fashion Rock....oh, sorry, wrong kind of rock! Well, I love the big shiny ones on my fingers...oh, wrong kind again...well, yes, he is a good "stoner"! It is looking beautiful. Sure there aren't any shiney ones in that pile?? Just askin'!!

  18. I totally agree with you, the project does ROCK!!
    I say your son is actally a "Rock Star"!

  19. Hi Diana,
    well all the clever replies are taken, so I will join in with a he rocks:-)
    Beautiful work! Love the window box too:-)

  20. Love those rocks. Looks like it will be a beautiful landscaping job!!

  21. Oh wow, it DOES totally rock!!! Truly gorgeous!!


  22. I love rock gardens. It's going to be spectacular! and I can't wait to see the rest. I know all about tears and frustration and redoing and doing home a home. I have shed a few at times over the last two months. At times, it was so overwhelming. I feel bad today as the painters are on the roof painting and it's 100 degrees. Even though they brought tons of ice I keep checking on them to see if they need more and water too. Hope it's cooler where you are Diana. xoxo

  23. ugh! there's an extra "home" in there. I need to proof better. xoxo :)

  24. Looks like your daughter is keeping him busy. Moving rocks is hard work, but it looking good so far.

  25. Don't start me up on the government and their nosey bisiness of all of us and the fact that they charge us to breathe the air we breathe and have the hook into owning the stars! I wonder sometime what God thinks of all these messes here?!


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