
Monday, April 25, 2011

SweetCheeks Drawing And Talking Video

It is the first day that
it is warm enough
to sit outside.
Notice the snow
down by the
Spring is not
really here yet.
The patio has
not been
cleaned of winter debris
and the playhouse
is not yet open.
Instead we will sit..
and draw..
and talk..

At least I am not
old and fat
this time!
One last look and
she is off
and running~


  1. So diplomatic. Don't you love it when they're trying to choose their words carefully? I'm so glad you learned how to put these videos up. Glad to hear the snow is finally melting.


  2. How in the world do you keep up with her?
    I can't imagine still having snow! At least you could sit outside without winter coats and mittens!
    It's really dark here and it's supposed to rain, rain, rain- we have flash flood warnings out.
    I hope you get spring soon.
    Hugs- Tete

  3. Ha Ha! You were brave to ask...I would have to do some editing if the answer was not to my liking!

  4. She is as always adorable...!

    Flora Doora

  5. Oh Diana...She is sooo cute, I could just bite her...don't tell her that!!

  6. that was great,,beautiful photos,, we still have a bit of snow too,, yuk!

  7. Those are just some of the sweetest moments aren't they? Thanks so much for sharing this with us Diana! And, I absolutely loved the Easter video and miss SweetCheeks interpretation of Jesus Death and Resurrection. Just precious! My son had an entirely new level of understanding about it this year and it was just so amazing to watch his faith grow and deepen with new realizations about what Jesus did for him. Makes this mama proud! :-)

  8. Way to avoid a question all while looking cute. I think Sweet Cheeks is going to grow up to be in politics.


  9. So cute! And - has she ever said that anyone was ugly? Just curious, because kids can be brutally honest, so if you're not pretty and you don't want to know it's always best not to ask.

  10. It must be so hard to keep a straight face!!

  11. Hi Diana, I sure wish I could view the little videos, My Darn Dial Up won't let me, but good news is I am waiting for the modem or dsl or something like that to arrive so I can have Much Faster internet, I am thrilled to be online, but when it takes 2 hours to do a Post & about an hour to visit just 1 or 2 bloggers, that is Just Not Right! Can't wait to be able to sit & Really Visit all You wonderful Blogging Friends, Yippy for Archives! Hope Spring hits you soon, still waiting Here.... xox


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