
Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Wee Little Tree-Nature-fied

Pardon the slightly off-kilter
I was scanning it in and got kinda
skewed...a bit like me..
Just a bit "off" as they
would say in polite company;>)
Anway, every year I look forward
to picking this calendar up for
my desk area.
I love
Marjolein Basten's artwork..
She does nature like
nobody else does nature.
It is sweet without being
"gooshy" and full of
her own take on
God's little blessings...
plants, flowers, birds
& bees.
Below is a gathering
of the months for next year.
A few years ago I noticed
that Hallmark was
carrying her ornaments.
And, being the collectaholic that
I am..
and loving gardening
and nature..
I bought one..
and anohter..
and another..
y'all know what I'm talking about
now, don't you?

Here's her little sled..
Oh~ and look at that little
watering can.. with the little pots..A little birdhouse..Another little birdhouse..
A miniature wreath with even more
miniature birds..And this delightful little snowman
looking old and well-loved
although he's new(er)...And my favorite..
The Garden Gate...All nestled into this little
2' tall tree..
dripping with icicles...
taken with the camera turned sideways..
And, the most important
little one of all..
What garden could be complete
without our dear little
Peter Rabbit?
I told SweetCheeks that
Mama Rabbit
is buttoning his little coat
so that he can go out and
steal carrots..
SweetCheeks says
Noah- I don't think hers is
buttoning hims coat...
Hers is
checking his throwat for
sores, Nana!
What do YOU think?


  1. These are so charming.. love the chickadee birdhouse, the garden gate and the snowman!

  2. They are so sweet! I love that garden gate one!

  3. Oh, Diana, I am so made at you right now! I love Marjolein Basten's artwork! I did not know she did these. I now must find these! We had the most wonderful Hallmark store in Charleston- next big town to us- and I spent a lot of time in there. They closed a few years ago, so now the only place here to buy Hallmark items is Walmart and Walgreens.
    I used to buy her cards and frame them and hang them in my living room back when I had a birdhouse theme going on in there. I used to collect porcelin (?) birds and had my mom's curio full.
    Here I go on another obsession!
    Hugs- Tete

  4. I'll have to agree with Sweet Cheeks. After all, what mother would send her child out to steal? Surely not one who would have the instinct to button his coat first to make sure he is warm. Maybe mother rabbit is just making sure her little one is healthy enough to go play?

  5. Hi Diana,
    I love those little garden ornaments, too cute!
    You can never go wrong with Hallmark, lol!

  6. Trying to figure out where in your house this tree is????

  7. Guess what we have in common...this artist! I have loved her work for years and have a couple of her books and I bought and still have a sweatshirt with her art on it! And, I love sweet cheeks remark! LOL

  8. OMGosh, those ornaments are precious Ü I ♥ ornaments Ÿ

  9. I love her work, too! The ornaments are so pretty, what a great collection!

  10. I just adore that Peter Rabbit ornament!
    Lovely stuff Diana!
    Pamela xo

  11. Oh Diana Sweetie...
    I have never seen these ornaments and I have been in so many Hallmark stores. I guess I am not paying close enough attention. I love the garden gate. That is my favorite, and the little birds. Oh my gosh do these ever say LOVE. Peter Rabbit is just adorable. I agree with SweetCheeks Momma Rabbit is probably checking his throat to make sure it is okay for him to go out into the garden. She is so far ahead of her time. Such a smart little cookie she is.

    Hope you had a great Saturday sweetie. It has been a hectic weekend. I felt as though I was spinning my wheels most of today. I hope tomorrow is a little more productive. So much to get done. I am running out of time.

    Many hugs to you sweetie and SO much love, Sherry

  12. Hi sweet Diana, Yet another beautiful blog that
    Brings a smile to my heart. I have adopted you as
    My cyber nana. I hope you don't mind.
    I think the little pots are too cute but the bunnies....oh my.
    Have a beautiful weekend. Xo

  13. Cute ornaments!! Checking his throat??? Where does she come up with these things??? Too cute!! Have a great weekend!!

  14. What sweet little ornaments. Sweet Cheeks says the cutest things. I love the way you spell it out. It's like we can actually hear her :-)

  15. I agree with Sweetcheeks. She looks like she's looking in his throat! That garden gate is very cute.

  16. Sweetcheeks is just too cute! I love that...checking his throat for sores. It is always amazing what kids come out with...from the mouths of babes!
    I have always admired this artist too. Your description was perfect, "sweet without being gooshy". That's perfect. Your ornaments are so cute. I bet the children are fascinated by all the different ornament on your tree. I also imagine they are pretty excited about Santa Claus right now too!


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