
Friday, December 17, 2010

SweetCheeks & The Angel Sequel.

Ah yes...
Remember this?
Our little cherub fell
asleep at the play
about angels..
and she was SOO excited.
If you missed it scroll down
to yesterday's post.And this?Here's what happened afterwards..
As told by TPot..
The cherub's Mom.
And then to add to the excitement:
She slept as we carried her to the car.
She slept as we stopped at the Irish Pub (classy, I know)
to sit by the wee-old fireplace
and have a classic Mexican Hot Chocolate
(yes, it was called Mexican Hot Chocolate
served at an Irish Pub)
and she slept as we carried her back
into the car from there.
She slept until we were about 5 miles from home.
THEN and only THEN did she wake up.
Funny because the car was silent..
every where else she slept was not.
Then she asked the dreaded question
"Whennnn (crying of course)
doah whe get to seeeeee
Lulu asf an angel????"
Do you think we told her she missed it?
we said it was canceled
and we will have to watch
a video of it, instead.
Then we got home
and she stayed up until 12 am.
Awesome way to cap off an angelic night. ..
TPot...SOOOO deserves this kid...
Oh~if you only knew!


  1. Good Morning Sweetie...
    What a beautiful share today. I read back through and saw about SweetCheeks wishing she was three again? Now that one is a good one. Put a rock on her head hu? I can see where she gets her wisdom from. You two are a pair together.

    Love her little blue coat, and doesn't she look like an angel asleep? You were smart not to tell her she missed it all. It would have broke her heart to know she missed LuLu. LuLu by the way was the most precious angel of all. Did she not look heavenly? Love it sweetie.

    I can see you are getting yourself ready for the holidays. Mexican Hot Chocolate in an Irish Pub hu? I have never heard of it. Sounds interesting tho. Especially sitting by the warm fire.

    Have a beautiful Friday sweetie. I am off to work. Many hugs and so much love, Sherry

  2. Oh what goes around comes around, my mama always said!!! Can you imagine the whining if she realized she missed it????? Mine were always so crabby when they woke up from a late nap like that!! God Bless her!! Have a great weekend Diana!! Merry Christmas!

  3. Oh I had some catching up to do Diana. So funny! Amazing all the noise kids could sleep through. Poor sweet cheeks, someday she will find out the truth, and OH BOY!!~

  4. Ok- Now I'm scared. What kind of grandkids am I going to get? Great quick thinking on her mom's part about it being cancelled.
    Hugs- Tete

  5. Mom. xoxo

  6. That is so adorable! Quick thinking that the show was canceled was in video instead. Enjoy the gorgeous weekend, Kellie xx

  7. Cute little story. No need to tell her she slept thru it!!!

  8. Well she must have been very tired to sleep through all that. Poor thing.


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