
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Thank You- Baby & Mama Update

First of all-Thank you for your prayers.
It looks like they are working.
Lacey is still in ICU but is improving.
She has a staph infection
in her uterus and should
recover completely.
They just need to get it
under control.
They hope to move her out of ICU
tomorrow or the next day.
She has stopped hemorrhaging.
Baby Boy is stable.
They could not get an IV started
so they put him on a feeding tube.
It looks like he will be fine, too.
I will keep you updated when
I hear more.
We are off on our trip in the morning.
I am leaving you with
some little
Magazine Mockeries
that I will
post daily on the
days I am gone.
Wouldn't want you to forget
who I was
while I
was gone! uh-huh


  1. Great news and have a wonderful trip!!!

  2. So happy everything is going to be okay...Be safe.

  3. Goodness!!!!
    Life just keeps happening, doesn't it!
    Glad to hear everything seems to be under control...
    Now get outta here and have a ball!
    Forget You?
    Fat chance!
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  4. I am so glad to hear of your good news! Have a great trip, I am missing the U.P. already. It sounds like you go quite a bit, lucky you! I have only been that far up twice (and I have lived in Michigan all my life), would love to go more often, but for us it's a long, long hike. Be sure to have an extra muffin for me at the Jam Pot :)

  5. This reminds me how easy it is to take for granted that pregnancies all end up with a happy ending. I'm so glad your friend and her baby are doing better and I will continue to pray. I also believe that prayer is a strong force and can change things. Looks like it's already working. God bless and keep them and give them peace. I'll pass it on.

  6. ....and God continues to answer our prayers....PTL!

    Have a wonderful, safe time on your trip, D! Where are you going this time? Are you taking Pearl? :) "Pearl Adventures" would be fun to hear!!!!

    Smooches! xoxo laurie

  7. Been praying all night last night and most of the day today for them- prayer is powerful!
    Love hearing the good news!
    I hope you have a most wonderful adventure, even though I will miss you terribly.
    Be safe, have fun and come back with the most extremely hilarious stories to share!
    Hugs x 10, the number of days you will be gone- Tete

  8. What great news...thank goodness of great help when it is needed! And I won't forget could one great laugh of the day! Come say hi :D

  9. Sooo glad to hear your friend and baby are doing better now. You have a wonderful time on your trip. What will we ever do without our 'Sweet Cheeks' fix?

  10. Wow, prayers are answered, this must be wonderful news for everyone!
    OK so to "fess up" about the Pumpkins in my livng room:) Well believe it or not, those are made from pieces/sections of vintage quilts. The fabric is dyed that orange-y color to get that look and the stem is a piece of twig cut to fit:)
    Thank you for the nice comments!

  11. Good to hear that baby and Momma are doing better! :-) Have a safe and enjoyable trip!

  12. Hey mom - Lacey has a hematoma and they are going to be doing a CAT scan on her today to make sure that it's not getting any bigger. Baby is doing better than mom.... so far has only lost a couple of ounces (was 4 lbs, 15oz when born). They still are not sure about her infection. She is in a lot of pain, but her vitals look good. They did get some mom-baby bonding time last night. She is pumping milk, but not getting much and baby doesn't like the bottle, so baby has a feeding tube for now. IV was not necessary on baby, so thats good! Thats all the updates I have for now.

  13. The power of prayer is amazing!
    I'm so happy to hear the wonderful news!!
    They'll be home in no time!

  14. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers....enjoy your trip, be safe:)

  15. I'm so glad to hear that things are okay. Thoughts and prayers for baby boy, Lacey and your family.


  16. Hi Diana... I take a break and miss this! I am so glad everyone is doing well! Have a fun and safe trip:-)


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