
Monday, July 4, 2011

JULY 4th How Lucky We Are

(Image from Internet)

July 4th

How lucky we are.....
To live in a land like this
Where we are free
To speak our minds,
To have love in our hearts
For those we choose to love.

How lucky we are....
That no one tells us we
Can only have (and keep)
One child.

How lucky we are....
To purchase freely
The best we can afford.

How lucky we are....
To worship as we wish,
Honoring the God of our choice.

How lucky we are.....
To be able to
read this
and know that it has been penned
by the author
and know that not a
word will
be changed
except by permission.

How lucky we are.....
That those who could,
And would,
Gave their lives so that we
Might enjoy all these
How lucky we are!

God bless
Each and Everyone
of You
On this Day
As we celebrate
Our Freedom.

© Diana Kosmoski

Please say a prayer for all our
service men and women who
gave their lives and
give of their time and that we can be free.


  1. Yes, How lucky we are that we live in this wonderful country, no matter it's problems, it is still one of the greatest countries there is. Love you sis, and Happy Independence day to you and yours.

  2. We are blessed! I don't know if people realize that what makes us unique is that we are truly free in America. I was watching a show reviewing what makes America great - based I think on a book by that title - should be recommended reading in schools!

  3. This was so beautifully written. I am grateful for all I have and I ray for all the military who keep us safe. Blessings to you! Anne

  4. Dear Diana,
    Beautiful indeed! Happy fourth of July to you and yours.

  5. Lovely post Diana. Yes - we are abundantly lucky!

  6. Yes, we are so blessed in this country -- despite the temporary hard times that have hit so many people. What luck to have been born here.

    And thanks for noticing the lace on the bottom of Alida's wedding gown. She chose the gown in Los Angeles, and I was worried -- but she sent me a picture of her trying it on, a shot from the back, and it had this gorgeous long train with the appliqued lace showing so beautifully -- I was sold!

    We are having a lovely quiet weekend -- Howard's just putting steaks on the grill. Happy 4th, and thank you for sharing that poem. It really rings true.

  7. Oh how beautiful, Diana!! I hope you and your family had a wonderful 4th of July! Sending big (((hugs))) your way!

  8. What a beautiful and heartfelt tribute. Some things you said, are things I often feel yet are not the typical things one sees when reading tributes like this. You captured many of the blessings we take for granted. Well said as always!


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