
Sunday, September 3, 2023



Several of you have reached out to me

to ask how John is doing.

As a 7+ year three time cancer survivor,

these last few months have been rough.

I believe his condition can be 

attributed to the

extensive radiation to his head/neck

and the chemo he recieved....

but then...what do I know? 

As of today, John is in the hospital.

He has been passing out 

more and more frequently.

He had an episode on 

Thursday night and fell.

I ended up calling 911 and the 

rescue squad took him to the ER.

It is the same hospital 

he used to work at

as a chaplain.

They are taking good care of him

and trying to figure out 

why his blood pressure

drops to 50/30 at times.

Our little 'boyo' misses him and

is sad while waiting for him

to come home.

He grabbed one of John's washcloths

and keeps it with him.

Keep John in your prayers

as we wait for answers.

Thank you all!


  1. Oh Diana, I feel for you both. He has had such a long journey through this. I truly hope solutions can be found and John can return home to his number one fan (the dog, of course!). Hugs to everyone. -Jenn

  2. Thank you do so much for the update. Prayers this AM for Brother John. Love you and pray for john and for God to also give you more strength....
    Sherry & jack

  3. Thank you for the update. I hope his condition shows signs of improvement. Keeping you both in thought and prayer.

  4. Sorry to hear this, I sure hope they find a good resolution. Stay safe and hug the fuzzy one for me
    Hugs Janice

  5. Dear Diana, I just said a prayer for John....and You, and I'm so sorry this happened to him. Thank you for updating us on his condition. Sending you a big hug while you wait to hear, and I'm so glad they are taking good care of him. I hope he comes home soon, as I'm sure his best friend misses him terribly.

    love you, Diana.


  6. Oh my Diana..Sorry to hear this..I hope they get things straightened out so you and John can have a somewhat normal existence..
    Thinking of you..Sending Hugs and love..

  7. This is Vivian, I am so very sorry that hes health is a struggle right now and that you both are going through this.. i will be praying for john and for you too my friend. And for his doctors to figure out why and fix it. πŸ₯° sending love! Xoxo

  8. O my sweet friend ... praying with ❤️

  9. I will be praying for John and for you as waiting is so very hard. Hopefully they will soon know what's happening and can get it righted so he can come home again!

  10. Sad to hear this Diana ….
    For sure, I will keep John in my caring and prayers.
    And you will be in my caring and prayers also.
    I would suggest that “Mister black curly fluff” might
    be a great calming for John. As a former chaplain myself,
    making that possible for loved ones brought added healing.
    You and John will know what is best . . .
    Oh my . . . sad you are going through this.
    My love and caring.
    Lynne Gordon

  11. So sorry to hear this Diana. John sure is a fighter with everything he’s been through! Praying for him and you and scruffy too

  12. Oh!, that image of John and Scruffy makes my eyes wet.
    Lifting my prayers ... for all THREE of you.

  13. You are both in my prayers. Boyo too.

  14. Awww Diana, I am so saddened by this news. I hope they can find out why his blood pressure keeps dropping. how frightening all of this is. Darling little Scuffy is so sweet. keeping John's scent close is precious. Prayers and healing thoughts for John and you. xoxo

  15. prayers for John and you and your little Boyo.. hard on every one when one of the pack is ill... sorry to hear this

  16. I'm so sorry he is going through this and hope he is much better soon. Hang in there Diana you're in my prayers as well. That is cute with the little one with the washcloth! Sending prayers and love. xoxo Dolly

  17. Praying for you, John and all of those attending to him. Judy Clark

  18. Oh Diana, I am so sorry to hear this. I'll keep him in my prayers. ((hugs))

  19. Sorry to hear this. Keeping John in my thoughts and prayers.

  20. Oh, sweet Diana - I am so sorry to hear that John is in the hospital again. Know that I will be praying for a complete recovery and healing for him. I'm here for you, gf -- always. Keep the faith.

    xoxo Laurie

  21. Diana I am so sorry to hear this. I know you both have been through so much. Continued prayers for you and yours always.

  22. God please bless John and Diana. Guide the doctors to find out what is going on in John's body and help him. Bless and heal John and make him whole. Be with both of them at this difficult time and give them your peace, grace, and healing power. In Jesus name.

  23. I too am so sorry to hear about John. I will certainly pray for John. I pray during my morning walks!

  24. I am so very sorry! I will pray for him. And for you as well. I cannot imagine how hard this is for you. I hope some of his old buddies from the hospital are still there. Please keep us updated. Let us know when they find the cause of the blood pressure problem.

  25. God bless and keep you both, my dear! I know how hard this must be on you as well as John.
    Please know I pray for you both every day and am trusting God to give you the strength and grace you need now more than ever.
    I love you, my Friend.....

  26. Oh Diana...I'm sorry you're both going through all of this. I will be praying for your husband, you and your pup. Hugs to all.

  27. Beat wishes to John -- I hope the doctors figure out the issue and are able to correct it. Hugs to you too, Diana, I know you must be worried.

  28. I'm sorry, love. I know how concerning it must be. I think nothing but positive, positive, positive, and wellness. If nothing else helps, the dog must take over the way Penelope does at my house when I'm injured of unwell.


  29. Prayers...prayers...prayers...prayers

  30. Oh my dear Diana, praying with you for your dear hubby John, and also praying for you. I can imagine how difficult this is for all of you, doggy included. May the Lord give you strength and peace of mind, and may He send healing and strength to your hubby and wisdom to the doctors. Please keep us posted and we'll keep you in our prayers.

  31. Sending prayers that God will do a great and mighty work in John's body. Praying for you too. What a sweet furry friend loving John.

  32. Keeping John and you in my prayers, Diana. Sending a hug.

  33. Prayers from me too diana. Hope John improves and comes home again real soom.

  34. I'm so sorry Diana! It is so hard when you don't have answers, praying for wisdom from the Great Physician and a healing touch for John! Prayers for all of you including sweet little Scruffy!

  35. Dear Diana, I have been thinking about you and John lately..I am so sorry to hear of this recent episode with Johns health. It has had to be frightening to experience that. I’ll be praying that there are answers to treat the problem and that he is back on his feet quickly. Praying for you too as his support person thru this difficult time as well.
    Sending caring hugs!

  36. Sending you a great big hug and saying prayers for John and You. God Bless You.

  37. So sorry to hear about this. Sending prayers and loving thoughts your way. The fur baby needs his guy back home.

  38. Praying for John and you, Diana❤️
    Sylvia Cannon

  39. My Dad's BP would drop like that, as well! They put in a pace maker, fixed him right up.
    Praying your John gets the help he needs!
    Big hug friend!

  40. I will be praying for answers! It is hard to not know what's going on causing his BP to drop. Prayers for the doctors to get some answers! Love you and will keep praying for John AND you!

  41. Both you and John have been in my prayers for years now, Diana. God bless both of you.

  42. Sending prayers!πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  43. Lifting you both up in prayer and wisdom for the doctors!

  44. I'm catching up and a few days late, Diana, and I hope by now you have some of those answers so you can get your plan and move forward. Until then (and beyond) you will of course have my prayers for healing and for comfort and strength. I am sure you are terribly concerned and I hope they can find what's happening quickly and that you have a great medical team. Your sweet "boyo" is on your side, too. I love that photo of the two of them -- it says it all. Biggest hugs.

  45. Caring thoughts for both of you. πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ

  46. Oh Diana I'm so sorry to hear this news about your husband, I hope the doctors figure it out quickly so that he can return home. That is a lovely photo of your husband and Scruffy. Sending very best wishes x

  47. Thank you for the update. You and John have been in my prayers. John has had a long hard pull with his health. Praying that the doctors can do something for him so he can return home. Scruffy would be delighted!

  48. Sending prayers my dear friend.
    Thank you for the update.
    Love, Carla

  49. I hope you've gotten some positive news by now and may John soon be home with you and his furry friend! Sending a hug.

  50. Dear Diana, will definitely pray for John and you and your family; may you all be blessed with good health and strength.

  51. Prayers for john's complete healing. Love the photo of boyo . Thank You for the update. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  52. God bless John and his loving family.

  53. Thank you for the update.
    Keeping you and John in my thoughts and prayers.

    All the best Jan

  54. This is just a PS:
    I wanted to thank you for the 2 pictures, Loved them both especially the hugging. I thought,,,,, YES! I loved a black dog once, he was a comfort to me....

  55. Prayers sent for you two.

  56. Power of prayer works. Prayers sweet friend. Hope things get better. Little Scruffy probably does wonder where John is. So hard when we cannot explain things to them. Hugs. Kris

  57. Oh, Diana! I am so sorry to hear about this latest development with John! Prayers coming your direction! Hugs as well! Nellie

  58. I am so sorry, my friend. That photo of John with that precious dog is so special. You can tell they both love each other very much. As for seeing him with that washcloth, oh, dogs do form strong attachments, don't they?

  59. Diana, I'm so sorry and praying for both of you.

  60. I'm so sorry, Diana. Both of you continue to be in my prayers.

  61. How is John doing? Please keep us posted. Hugs!!

  62. I am late reading this. Praying for John and all of you really. When our loved ones hurt , our family hurts. Family can be anyone who loves us. You and your family are loved by many Diana. I agree, the things that kill cancer can harm other parts of our bodies. The hospital and staff will take great care with John. Blessings to all, love you, Susie

  63. sent you a personal message thru your blog. xoxo

  64. I absolutely shall Diana...and I feel badly for Scruffy as well. When they are very beloved, our animal babes return that love
    and then some. They grieve and they worry,. I will include him, you, and John in my prayers.

  65. I'm very late in getting on here but having just emailed you I came over to the blog and saw your updates. I do hope that you get a positive resolution soon. It must be worrying and so draining. Prayers for you, John and of course the poor pining pup.

  66. Sending healing prayers, good doctors and the Great Physician to your husband for healing, Diana! Hope you have peace and joy on this holiday. I have a feeling the pup is good company for you both.


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