
Tuesday, May 17, 2022



I haven't done anything like this
in a long, long time.
I thought it might be fun to do it again.
Many of the 'old' bloggers
will remember when we often did this--
and tagged someone else to do it, too.
 I don't want to put others on the spot
so anyone that would like
 to take these questions and
 answer them on their own blog
is welcome to do so. 
 This is especially fun
 if you are a newer blogger.
  If you do so,
please leave me a note so
 that I can post a link to your blog. 
 Hopefully, you will get a few new followers.

1. Where do you like to vacation? Florida in the winter and the UP in the summer/fall months.

2. Do you have pets?  I have the most wonderful SCRUFFY...the little love of of my life.

3. What is your favorite color?  It changes from time to time.  My wardrobe holds a lot of green/black/beige/gray- boring...I am boring. However, lately, I have been bringing bits of brights into my wardrobe. 

4. How many are in your family?  We have 4 kids, 17 grandkids and I had one sibling-a wonderful brother, Charlie, that passed away.

5. What is your least favorite thing to do?  I am trying to think of something I really dislike...hmmmm...GOT IT!   I hate to put the clean dishes away out of the dishwasher.  I know, I know, weird, huh?

6. What is your most favorite thing to do?  I am hard pressed to pick just one?  Spend time with family is number one...but I also love to read, drive, sew, paint and oh...I could go on and on...Guess I will stop here.

7. If money were no object what would you like to do when you retire? I am retired for the second time now.  I'd like to do a lot of traveling, revisit old friends that are scattered around the country and also help others get a start on their "dream". 

8. What is your favorite season?  Fall- I love Fall-followed closely by Summer.

9. What book are you currently reading? I am re-reading my old Catherine Cookson books before I give them away.  

10.What time do you go to bed, get up in the morning?  Ready?  I go to bed about midnight and I am usually up about 5:30 to 6:00 am.  I do best on about 6 hours sleep.  I am pretty high-energy for an old broad😀.Lately-have been dealing with some inflammatory issues so moving slower.  DRAT!

11.How long have you been blogging?  12 years!  WOW- Is that even possible?

11 Random things about me~

1.  I am a happy person and find joy in even the small things in life.
2.  I hate to admit that I don't feel well even if I am in pain- It makes me feel weak & I don't want to be  "that person" that is always talking about HEALTH issues!
3.  I am looking forward to some new ventures/adventures this year.
4.  I love a clean/orderly house.  The worst part of creativity to me is the mess...BUT  I don't mind one bit when the grandkkids mess up my house.
5.  I love roses- absolutely LOVE them..and lilacs!
6.  I just about always wear black- usually paired with another color.
7.  I try not to eat sugar but cave to ice cream.
8.  I love fresh linens on my bed.  If I weren't so lazy I would change them everyday.
9.  I love to make people smile. 
10. I often create in my mind but don't always apply that creativity to a project- Laziness?
11. I believe in the power of prayer...that miracles can, and do, happen. the questions below and come back and tell me that you are doing this and I will post a link to your blog!   Then tell us 11 random things about yourself.  If you want to play by the OLD  rules you are supposed to tag 11 other people.  I am not a very good rule follower-  Sad, huh?  Anyway, Please grab the questions and try it!   It'll be fun- xo Diana

1.  Where do you like to vacation?

2.  Do you have pets?

3.  What is your favorite color?

4.  How many are in your family?

5.  What is your least favorite thing to do?

6.  What is your most favorite thing to do?

7.  If money were no object what would you like to do when you retire?

8.   What is your favorite season?

9.   What book are you currently reading?

10. What time do you go to bed, get up in the morning?

11. How long have you been blogging?

You DON'T HAVE TO HAVE A BLOG to answer this-You can leave your answers right here if you want!

Can't wait to find out more about you!!!!
Love you peeps!

Kris over at JunkChicCottage has joined in.
Click HERE for the link to her blog.


  1. Love this blog. Great idea…

  2. 3 of your randoms are me, I always wear black either top or bottom of both. I like to make people laugh,and every time I go to bed on Saturday night on clean sheets I say or think, if i had a maid I would sleep on clean sheets every night.
    if i had millions or even 1 million I would sleep on clean sheets because I want to live in a hotel on a beach and never see or enter a kitchen or do housework again...

  3. I am a rule breaker too. I have a blog, but I am going to answer the questions here!

    1. Where do you like to vacation?
    The mountains of NC in the fall.

    2. Do you have pets?

    3. What is your favorite color?

    4. How many are in your family?
    4 sisters, one husband, 4 sons

    5. What is your least favorite thing to do?
    Clean the bathroom

    6. What is your most favorite thing to do?
    Walk the beach

    7. If money were no object what would you like to do when you retire?
    I am retired. I would love to travel more if the world would ever straighten up!

    8. What is your favorite season?
    Fall in the mountains or winter here in Florida.

    9. What book are you currently reading?
    Where The Crawdads Sing

    10. What time do you go to bed, get up in the morning?
    Go to bed around 10PM and get up about 7:30

    11. How long have you been blogging?
    Since 2007

  4. Fun, Diana. I may do this tonight! -Jenn

  5. 1. Where do you like to vacation?

    2. Do you have pets?

    3. What is your favorite color?

    4. How many are in your family?

    5. What is your least favorite thing to do?

    6. What is your most favorite thing to do?

    7. If money were no object what would you like to do when you retire?

    I am retired and love having more time to spend with family.

    8. What is your favorite season?

    Spring is my favorite season. All thing seem possible in May!

    9. What book are you currently reading?

    I just finished the Gift by Danielle Steele

    10. What time do you go to bed, get up in the morning?

    I go to bed about 10:00 and get up around 7:00

    11. How long have you been blogging?

    I think I started in 2005 that would make it 17 years now. Wow!

    It was nice to learn more about you and always enjoy your posts!

  6. Sorry I missed answering the first few questions so here they are..

    1. Where do you like to vacation?

    I lock Florida the best and I have family living there

    2. Do you have pets?

    No pets but I do enjoy those of my chlldren.

    3. What is your favorite color?


    4. How many are in your family?

    I have 6 sons and 1 daughter

    5. What is your least favorite thing to do?

    cleaning and house work

    6. What is your most favorite thing to do?


    Now I think I've answered them all.

    Thanks again for sharing !

  7. We share the characteristic in Random Thing #4 -- I don't like doing creative things that are messy either! Too much of a neat freak, I guess, LOL!

  8. Fun lets keep this going. I will do a post on this today. xoxo Kris

  9. These are always so fun and informative! Have a sweet day friend!

    1.  Where do you like to vacation? The western half of New York State...Love the Mennonite home grown fresh food!

    2.  Do you have pets? Two loves...Buddy the half chihuahua and Libby the pug. My babies!

    3.  What is your favorite color? Pink...most completely, and some baby blue.

    4.  How many are in your family? Two children, four grandchildren, one great grandchild due in August on my birthday!

    5.  What is your least favorite thing to do? Laundry AND unloading the dishwasher!Lolol...but you just can't hide!

    6.  What is your most favorite thing to do?
    Baking...seeing the kids...

    7.  If money were no object what would you like to do when you retire? Already retired but I'd love to move to England...too late now.

    8.   What is your favorite season? Absolutely Spring.

    9.   What book are you currently reading?
    Cricut Maker3 for Beginners

    10. What time do you go to bed, get up in the morning?
    Most of the time around 9pm, up at 3 or 4am.

    11. How long have you been blogging? 16yrs

  10. I enjoy learning about folks that blog. You answers were mostly 'set' in my mind from your blogs. it is always fun to visit here. Imma try this. The laugh was on me. I copied and posted each question individually not knowing you would be nice to list them at the end. I should have did like I do some book, go to the end to see if I might like it. LOL
    Love you lady...

  11. It's fun reading your answers, Diana, and I learned a LOT! Here are mine!

    1. Where do you like to vacation? Otsego Lake in Northern Michigan (or England if I'm lucky enough to afford it every many years!)
    2. Do you have pets? The lovely Purr-ball, Lizzie Cosette
    3. What is your favorite color? I love the teal/turquoise family but I'm also fond of spring greens and hot pinks!
    4. How many are in your family? I was an only child, so three. My now-family: Rick, his two boys, my DIL and two grand boys!
    5. What is your least favorite thing to do? Probably cleaning. Anything.
    6. What is your most favorite thing to do? Watercolor painting!
    7. If money were no object what would you like to do when you retire? Travel EVERYWHERE!
    8. What is your favorite season? Summer when I'm at the lake. If I'm at home, fall.
    9. What book are you currently reading? "The Palace Papers" -- Tina Brown. Dishy and bitchy!
    10. What time do you go to bed, get up in the morning? I hit bed around 11/11:30 and get up 7ish usually.
    11. How long have you been blogging? Since 2007 -- 15 years!

  12. Diana, I love reading all about you and all of so many bloggers that I remember, it's so much fun!

    I'm thinking about blogging again, I miss it and I see so many old friends still blogging, I love it!

    Hugs, my friend!

  13. 1. Where do you like to vacation? Where there are forests and in historic areas.

    2. Do you have pets? 1 cat, Kala, who is 24 now.

    3. What is your favorite color? Blue.

    4. How many are in your family? Immediate family is now down to 1 brother, 1 sister and me.

    5. What is your least favorite thing to do? clean toilets.

    6. What is your most favorite thing to do? Escape into nature

    7. If money were no object what would you like to do when you retire? Travel.

    8. What is your favorite season? Fall is colorful.

    9. What book are you currently reading? HARDLY ANY SHOOTING STARS LEFT by Barbara Froman. Great author.

    10. What time do you go to bed, get up in the morning? Usually in bed around 12:30 am and get up around 9 am.

    11. How long have you been blogging? I've been blogging for 15 years now. Wow!

    Random things about me: I was a model for 1 year (my moms idea when I was 18 and 98 lbs) and didn't like it at all. I used to belly dance. I did volunteer work from 1970-74 during Vietnam war working with soldiers and wounded soldiers in hospital bases in S. California. I love doing photography. I write poetry. I like to do needlepoint and make Christmas stockings that I design myself. I absolutely LOVE living in Oregon! My best friend, Sue, and I have known each other for 55 years now and see each other regularly as she is in Oregon, too. I am blessed.

  14. Ok, I knew many of these things about you, as we are long-time blogger friends. It's funny, cause I just noticed this morning that we've been blogging for 12 years too! I didn't know you go to bed at midnight, WHAT? I couldn't make it that long. But I have been known to get up as early as 4:00. I truly believe in the power of prayer as well. And I loved number 9 on here. You DO make people smile. : )

    Fun post, Diana.


  15. How fun! Yes, I will be playing along on my blog as it can be hard to come up with topics sometimes. Hum, 11 random things about me, well, that should be interesting.

  16. You are anything but boring, girl! I share the creating things in your mind thing. I sometimes even buy the items to make the thing I created in my mind, but then never actually create it. So I waste money in addition to not actually making it :)

  17. I always love posts like this. You always learn a little bit more about the blogger that you didn't know.

  18. Patty McDonald in Southern CaliforniaMay 17, 2022 at 4:41 PM

    I LOVE double delight roses(that's what you have pictured at the top). I have then lined along the walkway leading to our house intermixed with hollyhocks, snapdragons, and pansy s. They smell heavenly. There are so many things I love but I'll keep it short.

  19. 1. Where do you like to vacation? someplace with water
    2. Do you have pets?cat and a dog
    3. What is your favorite color?green
    4. How many are in your family? sister and her husband
    5. What is your least favorite thing to do? cook
    6. What is your most favorite thing to do? anything I don't have to do!!
    7. If money were no object what would you like to do when you retire?Too late now!!
    8. What is your favorite season? fall
    9. What book are you currently reading? I don't read
    10. What time do you go to bed, get up in the morning? midnight...8:30
    11. How long have you been blogging? over ten years
    You DON'T HAVE TO HAVE A BLOG to answer this-You can leave your answers right here if you want!
    Can't wait to find out more about you!!!!Love you peeps!

    Love you too!!

  20. Oh my word.....when I saw your answer to #6, my eyes read "sex" instead of "sew". Whoa!! Lolol! Needless to say, I didn't have my readers on. Bwahahaha!

    xoxo L.

  21. Hi Friend,
    I will do this next week. I am not able to this week, but I love the idea.

    I can tell we are 12/12 birthday sisters .. because I was agreeing with so many of your answers.

  22. 1. Where do you like to vacation? I live in Florida. Hard to find someplace better, but I did enjoy Italy!

    2. Do you have pets? I have two cats, Vinny & Lilly.

    3. What is your favorite color? I like jewel tones and usually say purple or green.

    4. How many are in your family? Immediate family now is two sons, a daughter-in-law, and a daughter in love, plus three grandchildren. I have two sisters and a whole bunch of nieces & nephews, and cousins.

    5. What is your least favorite thing to do? Clean the house.

    6. What is your most favorite thing to do? Eat!! LOL

    7. If money were no object what would you like to do when you retire? Travel some.

    8. What is your favorite season? Here is FL it is spring.

    9. What book are you currently reading? Daisy's War, which is book 5 in a series by Shayne Parkinson.

    10. What time do you go to bed, get up in the morning? I go to bed around 9:00 and get up at 5:45 on weekdays. I can get by on six hours but feel so much better with eight.

    11. How long have you been blogging? Since summer 2007. A long time.

  23. Oh this will be fun. I will post my answers on my blog on Thursday!

  24. So fun learning more about you, Diana! I will leave my answers here instead of my blog:

    1. Where do you like to vacation?
    I/we don't vacation often, but our last trip in 2020 was to Los Angeles to see our son and hopefully will be again this fall.

    2. Do you have pets?
    Just one cat now, Clementine.

    3. What is your favorite color?
    Aqua, turquoise, greens, purple.

    4. How many are in your family?
    Husband, two sons (oldest passed away in 2009), mom, sister, lots of aunts, uncles and cousins.

    5. What is your least favorite thing to do?
    Go to the dentist and/or any medical procedure.

    6. What is your most favorite thing to do?
    Write, read, cook, decorate, garden, get together with friends or family, spend time in nature, yoga, art journal, take day trips with my hubby.

    7. If money were no object what would you like to do when you retire?
    I retired early. Hopefully when my husband retires, we can travel more.

    8. What is your favorite season?
    Spring & summer.

    9. What book are you currently reading?
    I Didn't Do the Thing Today by Madeleine Dore.

    10. What time do you go to bed, get up in the morning?
    Go to bed at 11 - 11:30; get between 7 - 7:30.

    11. How long have you been blogging?
    Since 2007!

  25. 1. Where do you like to vacation?
    The beach - any old beach will do - OR the mountains of Colorado

    2. Do you have pets?
    Tabitha and Samantha - our cats. Then I have Louis Dean......

    3. What is your favorite color?

    4. How many are in your family?
    8 living siblings, 3 deceased siblings - all half sisters and brothers and all wonderful people!

    5. What is your least favorite thing to do?

    6. What is your most favorite thing to do?

    7. If money were no object what would you like to do when you retire?
    I would travel the whole world over!

    8. What is your favorite season?
    FALL!!! My favorite DAY is September First! My very own personal holiday and just 105 days away!

    9. What book are you currently reading?
    The Life of a Simple Man by Emile Guillaumin (1873-1951) published in 1919

    10. What time do you go to bed, get up in the morning?
    Usually around midnight or so and I get up between 8:00-10:30 depending on .....

    11. How long have you been blogging?
    Since 2010

    This was FUN, Diane, but then again YOU always do FUN things!!

  26. Loved learning more about you, Diana. Some things I already knew - that you were a happy person and that you love spending time with your family and don't like to complain. I didn't know that you only had one sibling, but I did know he passed away :( And I didn't know you had 17 grandchildren! I've been blogging 11 years - doesn't seem that long! I love my blogger friends. The best people in the whole world. A fun post. Hugs xo K

  27. Oh I remember these kind of blog posts! Always fun to see what people like, etc. if I can find time, I’ll do a post. Probably more like when I do have time to remember, lol. Too much to keep up with. Ha.
    Hugs, Cecilia

  28. Where do you like to vacation? I live in Florida on the Gulf…love NYC…Myrtle Beach…beaches here

    2. Do you have pets?

    3. What is your favorite color? Blue

    4. How many are in your family?
    Two children their spouses five grands

    5. What is your least favorite thing to do? Nothing comes to mind

    6. What is your most favorite thing to do? Be with family. Read. Puzzles. Walk. Crafts. Bible Study. Write.

    7. If money were no object what would you like to do when you retire? Give to grands for education

    8. What is your favorite season? Autumn

    9. What book are you currently reading? Four on iPad Kindle for Netgalley

    10. What time do you go to bed, get up in the morning? 11 or12. Get up 5-6. Will sleep when I am gone lol.

    11. How long have you been blogging? No blog but been reading couple of years.

  29. This was great. Maybe I will post the questions to my blog and try to answer them...It may not be right away. I enjoyed reading yours. I wear too much black too...always paired with other colors...mostly black pants/skirt and colored tops. I too am trying to add more bright and happy colors to my wardrobe, but I hate to shop. I've been blogging since 2010, so I guess that is also 12 years! WOW!!! We didn't know each other back then, however. But I'm glad we do now. Okay, I will let you know when I post these questions on my blog. Thank you! You are always fun and interesting!!

  30. I did this at my blog! It is at my original blog I hope you stop by when you are able. Love your answers, Scruffy and everything you told us. Have a blessed and beautiful day my friend. HUGS & LOVE

  31. Oh, this is fun! I enjoyed reading your answers. I, too, do well on about 6 hours of sleep, but, I usually go to bed around 4:00 a.m.! :D

  32. Fun post, Diana, reading all of your "randoms." I share your dislike of unloading the dishwasher....I'll add making a salad!

  33. Visiting from Lisa's blog. I used to love these. I just posted a post, but will copy the questions and do it next Wednesday.

    I also love fresh sheets (especially line-dried), lilacs, travel, and just about every thing else on your list...all but the lack of sleep and an orderly house. I would like an orderly house, but mine could use some order.

  34. Oh, I am not gonna answer feels like a quiz! But I will tell you, that as I have gotten older I have become, predictible is a better word. I don't care about clothes much...wear pretty much the same things ....My favorite color used to be blue...lately I am not so sure! .....Right now, we are having our roof my mind is a whirl of different we go away for the day...with our lab, Molly...and return at night to "camp"...(our family room is a vaulted ceiling and that my friends means when you have to redo a roof...that room gets covered in plastic and is sealed off!! Just letting all those with vaulted ceiling know...there is a cost!
    We don't have a set place to vacation...would love to find the perfect spot for a "cabin" to retreat to....
    My hubby and I are retired...have been "for a bit"...and love it....

  35. Love reading your answers:) I also don't like to admit that I feel bad. Hey, I wish I could do with less sleep, about 8 hours is what I need. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  36. This was fun! Hope
    You enjoy my answers as much as I did yours.!

  37. Happy Friday Wishes.
    Scruffy is so cute :)
    I love the colour pink and my two favourite seasons are Spring and Autumn.

    Take care.

    All the best Jan

  38. Soo interesting! I wish I loved fall more. It's not that I dislike it as much as the dread of what comes next that seems to squash my joy. Shouldn't let it but....oh how I LOVE summer!!

    Have a fabulous weekend, Diana.

  39. Where do you like to vacation?

    2. Do you have pets? three dogs, two fish tanks, 16 chickens, two goats, three horses.

    3. What is your favorite color? can't pick just one - purples, greens, fuscias, blues, etc. etc. etc.

    4. How many are in your family? Immediate family, 4 - my two kids have signficant others and one is about to get married.

    5. What is your least favorite thing to do? wash dishes

    6. What is your most favorite thing to do? spend quality time with my kids

    7. If money were no object what would you like to do when you retire? Travel, buy a house on St. John and Martha's Vineyard, share it all with family and friends.

    8. What is your favorite season? I love all the seasons for different reasons.

    9. What book are you currently reading? Grandma Gatewood's Walk

    10. What time do you go to bed, get up in the morning? 9-ish and up by 4:30- 5 a.m. Don't require a lot of sleep, plenty of energy.

    11. How long have you been blogging? 14 years or so.

  40. By golly, if I can find time...I will take a crack at this.

  41. I adore your Scruffy and hate to unload the dishwasher too. LOL!

  42. I just answered these questions on my blog!

  43. I answered your questions on my blog :) I love your blog


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