
Friday, January 28, 2022


One weekend we were staying in Houghton/Hancock, MI 
for the weekend. 
It is some of God’s beautiful country-
where Lake Superior meets the land with a crash and a bang. 
It has been scarred by copper mines and has that wind-swept desperate quality that grabs hold of the emotions. 
The landscape is somewhat surreal, 
like nothing else I have ever seen in my travels.

We got there late in the evening
 and HUNGRY 
(remember the hungry part as it plays an important part in this story). 
A few blocks away from where we were staying was a wonderful little restaurant, perched on the street above the river
It is called The Library. 
I do believe it was a big, old beautiful library at one time. 
Right now it is a somewhat eclectic eatery that offers both casual and fine dining.

We were seated in one of the booths that overlooks the river. 
A few tables away sat a woman with outrageously red hair. 
You know the kind~
not the kind that nature blessed someone with~
it’s the kind that can only come out of a bottle-
a bad, bad bottle. 
To top matters off, 
she did not look like the red-head type-
You know-the pearly translucent skin 
& light eyes-
that somewhat delicate look that red-heads
 seem to maintain their whole life. 
No-she was a bottle job-
and had the most pasty white skin
 and dark eyes I have ever seen. 
Picture the Snow Queen 
with beet-orange colored hair.

I am trying NOT to stare 
when I notice MyHero has his eyes glued on their table. 
"Stop staring", I whispered. 
"I can’t help it", he said. "Boy! She doesn’t look good!" (No kidding?)...
He continued, "Geez! I would hate to be stuck on a desert island with her." 
"Don’t worry about it", I tell him, "we aren’t boating this weekend". 
He says-"IF we were all stuck on a desert island together she would be the first one we ate!". WHAT? WHAT? 
What is WRONG with you? 
"Well, I’m just saying, 
she doesn’t look like she would be able to do any work or anything 
and we’d probably need food!" 
Lord love us-WHAT kind of a mind jumps 
from dinner at The Library 
to eating one of its patrons?

By the time our dinners had been set before us I had lost my appetite.

PS- Please don't eat the baby~


  1. area that I've never been to!

  2. Laughing! Good gosh, that one popped out of nowhere! You both are funny! Thanks for the laughs! I'm thinking there may be an added career for you in stand-up!

  3. Good one! Going to eat breakfast now, with that image in my head, lol!

  4. I love reading your blog but have never commented before. You are hilarious! And apparently so is your husband! We live in MI and enjoy visiting the UP every summer. It's so exciting to cross the Big Mac! Also, I'd like to tell you that I've read your book and thoroughly enjoyed it. Bless you,

  5. Oh, that's wonderfully funny! I've never been to that restaurant but I've heard of it! Now I want to check it out and see if "Red" is still there!

  6. LOL! You two are so funny. Have a great weekend.

  7. I can't stop giggling and it occured to me i thought it was funny because it is something that might have popped out of my head and mouth

  8. cute name for a restaurant. Funny story Diana. Enjoy your weekend. xoxo

  9. ...and she would be too tough to chew!!!

  10. Okay, we are both laughing. It wasn't 5 minutes ago we were discussing a lady we know who is the master of DRAMA. Thanks for the entertainment. Not sure where Houghton is but I am remembering a town on Lake Superior with a magnificent church that sticks out in my mind. I must look it up. But we didn't eat in the Library, but a corner restaurant....

    Thanks for the entertainment and a great word picture...LOL
    Sherry & jack still smiling....

  11. PS: Sherry says we were camping at Marquette, but not far from Houghton. Yes that is beautiful country!!!

  12. Laughing here. Poor woman, she had no idea what might be in store for her.

  13. Lol!! As my favorite Scottish mystery books (Hamish Macbeth books) always say "...her hair was an improbable shade of red"!

  14. Being a natural redhead, I see those people all the time and the first thing that pops in my head is "What were they THINKING" not how would they taste for lunch?

  15. Men and children can say the funniest things! My best friend of 50+ years is (or was till gray set in) a natural redhead, She has lots of freckles. Redheads are very prone to skin cancer, She has to keep covered even on hot days. She's had to have several melanomas removed from her skin.

  16. I think I would have lost my appetite as well. There was a restaurant in Myrtle Beach South Carolina called the library. We ate there often. Looks very similar. Fun story. Enjoy your day. Hugs

  17. Oh, that is funny! I'm just not crazy about weird colored hair and just recently told someone, I hope the Lord lets me live long enough to see people looking normal again. :)

  18. Giggling!!! I love the way your husband's mind works.

    But now, you've given me another place to add to my bulging Bucket List!

  19. After reading about The Library, I HAD to Google Earth it! I saw exactly where you were and could see the Lake. What a great place to enjoy!
    BTW, I'm not a blogger myself, but I sure do enjoy others!
    Have a wonderful weekend. I'm still waiting to see pictures of your condo since you've moved!

  20. I needed a good belly laugh and you delivered. Love the part 'if we're stranded on a desert island, don't worry, we're not boating this weekend'. LOL!! Thanks Diana.

  21. Oh my! You guys are so bad! 🤣

  22. OH my!!!What a "delightful" dinner conversation! LOL. Where do men get these ideas? Must be watching too many old bad movies where people had to eat people to survive. Gee...I'm glad I'm not one of those kinds of redheads. LOL. Hilarious. He must be feeling better these days? I hope so...just don't take any cruises...LOL.

  23. Bahahahahaha! I love it! (He's right ya know . . . food is important.) Bahahahaha!

  24. Good Post, "Food" is important !

  25. Oh my goodness!! After my gasp came the laughter! Happy weekend! xo

  26. I love a good he said, she said recap. So funny!!

  27. Oh my gosh, I'm rolling. Where did that come from anyway?!? Lol. Just what has John been watching on tv? Hahaha. Just no.
    Hope you have a good weekend!

  28. ROFL, this was just too funny.

  29. Ha Ha Ha Ha LOL!!
    What a fun laugh in the morning!!
    You and your hubby....what a funny dinner!
    Looks like it was a lovely place....
    Have a great weekend!!

  30. OMG Diana, I can not stop laughing. Tell John that red hair would be hard to digest. LOL Looks like a nice place to have lunch . Blessings to all, Love, xoxo, Susie

  31. I am hysterical with laughter. Tears are streaming down my face. Crinkey, woman, this is truly one of the funniest things I have ever read. Oh my gosh.

    FREAKING HILARIOUS. Hahahahahaha bwuahahahahaha.

    Oh dear, just woke up hubby with my howling. OK, that made my laughing even worse. OK, it is NOT okay to read your blog after hours.

    Oh D - you are so funny.

  32. Haahahaaa wow ... see, I would have simply voted her OFF the island, haaaahaha! Your beloved's thoughts apparently run to the macabre. Oh well ... in other news, I cannot remember where it was as it was many years ago, but we once dined at a Library restaurant! It was charming. xoxo

  33. Oh my word, I pictured it all in my mind, Diana. You both are too funny!! 😂😂😂


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