
Saturday, December 11, 2021


Just about every year I post

this recipe because people


AND- you can't screw it up.

 When I was a kid,

 my mother

often whipped up a batch 

of fudge from scratch

after the chores were done

on a snowy Pennsylvania night.

I make caramels instead.
As most of you know, I love to bake

and make candy.

I don't know how many 

caramel recipes I have tried

over the years.

Some of them called for

stirring for what seemed hours

and then...

they might or might not

"turn out".

These are quick!
Less than 10 minutes from
start to finish AND they
to set up properly.

I am not sure how these would 
turn out if you have an old
low wattage microwave.
I have had people tell me that 
you need an extra 1/2 minute or so
on the low wattage ovens.

I think most of ovens are at least
1000 watts now.
I have made them in 1000W,
1200W & 1500W mics
and the timing is the same.

Get yourself a nice big 
microwave measuring cup.
I use an 8 cup one.
Make sure it is microwave safe.
Before I start-
One warning-
You CANNOT double this recipe.
You would have to make two batches
if you want more.

Everything that is measured out
is in 1/2 cup increments.

Melt 1/2 cup butter.
Remove from microwave.
Add 1/2 cup Karo syrup,
1/2 cup light brown sugar,
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup sweetened CONDENSED MILK
(not evaporated milk)

Stir until mixed and dissolved.
Microwave on high 3-1/2 minutes.
Stir down.
Microwave on high 3-1/2 more minutes.
Remove from mic.  Add 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
Add 1/2 cup chopped nuts-if desired- I don't.
Stir until few air bubbles remain.
Pour into 8x8 buttered dish.
Refrigerate until set.
Cut into squares.

You can wrap these if they last long enough.
Ours never seem to make it to the
wrapped stage!
Serve these to your husband.
Make sure he eats twice as many
as you do.
Remember- the fatter he gets
the skinnier you look
standing next to him!;>)

If you do have some left to wrap
they make a perfect little 
take-along gift in a pretty little box.

I am getting ready to head to IN for
my daughter's house for Christmas this year.
Her husband is doing well and on his second round
of chemo.
If ANYONE can beat brain cancer,
it is Jason.  He has the most positive
attitude of anyone I know.
Keep the whole family in your prayers
or wing well wishes their way.

Have a GREAT weekend.
We have SNOW!
Lots of SNOW!


  1. Thanks for sharing the recipe again. It would make a perfect gift to take to our family gathering too. Will continue prayers for your SIL and your family at this difficult time. Merry Christmas if I don't see you before then.

  2. Nothing like homemade caramels! Have a wonderful holiday season, Diana. Best wishes to your son-in-law.

  3. I was here visiting on Thursday and I searched your blog for this recipe, made it and served the candy at my luncheon yesterday! It's always a big hot and I intend on making several more batches to take to the Christmas Pot Luck for our Beekeepers Association next week! Thank you!

  4. I'm so glad you shared this one again! I may make some today! Thanks Diana

  5. I'm keeping you all in my prayers! Happy holidays my friend!

  6. I still have that recipe saved. It is the BEST. Not good for crowns tho. Merry Christmas.

  7. WOW I think you shared this last year and if so I am sure I copied it but I have not made them yet so just in case, I'm copying it again. I will definitely do this, this year. I'm not supposed to eat candy but I will try on on Christmas Eve! Thanks, my friend. Have a LOVELY Christmas and you have my prayers for Jason. xoxo

  8. I've been wondering how Jason was doing so thanks for the update. All good thoughts with him and your family.

    I have to try these. They sound fabulous -- and if they are as successful as your awesome peanut butter fudge (which I am going to make this afternoon), they're spectacular!

  9. OF COURSE everything looks and sounds delicious. (I just noticed in my spelling that only an 'o' is the difference in Curse and Course. LOL Glad I caught it!)
    I am not much for sweets, but I do love caramel. I probably say it wrong.... but you can't tell that in writing. LOL
    Hope you have a great Christmas season.
    Sherry & jack in a strangely warm North Carolina, but not complaining.
    Love y'all

  10. I've copied this recipe from you a while back and we love it. Have made it a lot!!

  11. I have never made candy, but these look pretty easy and I am sure they are delicious. Prayers for Jason and your whole family. Merry Christmas, sweet friend. xo Laura

  12. These sound so good, and so easy. Have a great trip to IN! Glad Jason is doing well. You could send some of the snow our way!

  13. The caramels sound yummy.
    Enjoy your Christmas with your daughter.

  14. They look absolutely dreamy! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!!!

  15. Diana, Jason is in my prayers every day. Count on them!! Thanks for the update! I love caramels and will try this one this year! Thanks!! xo

  16. Such encouraging news on Jason's journey. Glad that you are going for Christmas. The caramels sound wonderful...pretty sure I have said that every year.

  17. Thank you so much for your fail safe recipe! If you read my loosest post you will see how I screwed up what would be a simple caramel sauce.

    Happy Holidays, my friend! πŸŽ„

    Jane x

  18. Yum! This looks easy enough and not too scary. Caramels are a sticky business but I may have to add this to my goodies this Christmas. I am into making candy this year more than cookies!

  19. Thank you for this recipe! I needed to make a little treat box and this will be perfect! I will pray for your family, it is great to hear how Jason is doing! Have a blessed day and a wonderful Christmas with your family! HUGS!

  20. Yum! Big happy birthday to you today too. Love ya.

  21. I think I'll have to wait to try this recipe when I get a higher wattage microwave.

  22. Yum, I love caramels! Probably my favorite candy of all time. It's so good to hear your son-in-law is doing good. Sending continued prayers for complete healing and for all to remain upbeat and strong. Enjoy your time with them. We just had our first freeze. You can keep your snow. Lol. Hugs, Cecilia

  23. Your recipe is something I will try when I buy myself a new microwave one of these days!

    Glad to hear that Jason is doing well and you'll be joining them to celebrate Christmas. Have a blessed and happy Christmas, Diana.

  24. I hope you have a wonderful visit with your family!

  25. Thanks again for sharing this recipe. Diana. Quick and easy sounds wonderful. I shall make it for the cloggers. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Prayers for Jason, so glad he is doing good. Xoxo

  26. Diana,

    I make these caramels AND your peanut butter fudge EVERY year now (I always give you credit haha!). They've both become something that my family makes sure I make every Christmas now! SO easy and yet, they truly are amazing!! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

  27. Whenever I see a recipe that says "no fail," I think - they haven't met ME yet! Lol, it does look easy, even for me.
    So glad to hear your son-in-law is doing well. Continued prayers for his good health.

  28. Making homemade candy for the holidays makes a nice gift for family, friends, and neighbors. Thanks for the recipe Diana. I hope you have a nice Christmas at your daughter's house. Also sending prayers.

  29. I do not like caramels, but these sound like an easy gift to make for someone who does. Have a safe trip. Still praying.

  30. Hi Friend,
    I am praying... thank you for the update.
    Thank you for the caramel recipe.

    Love, Carla

  31. Diana, these sound wonderful, but what candy doesn't? I am so glad to hear your SIL if doing well. Have a wonderful time with your family and Merry Christmas, my friend. We got a lot of snow last night. It is beautiful and I am not ready to say UGG yet!..xxoJudy

  32. I have your recipe pinned and every year I say I'm going to make it...maybe this one is really the year!! SO glad to hear that Jason is doing well. Always in my prayers..xxoo

  33. COPIED THE RECIPE! Sounds so easy and delicious! I have never made caramels before. I have made butterscotch brownies!

  34. Many thanks for sharing the recipe.

    Keeping you and your family in my prayers.

    All the best Jan

  35. Diana, those caramels look so delicious and the recipe is so easy! Thanks for sharing! Sending lots of prayers to Jason and his family! ♥♥

  36. Merry Christmas to you and yours; and my prayers especially for Jason's healing...

  37. The caramels look so good, and such an easy recipe - thank you for sharing this. I hope that you have a good trip to see your family, a wonderful Christmas filled with love and blessings in the coming new year. I will send prayers for your dear SIL and family. Hugs to you xo K

  38. Merry, merry Christmas Diana! I have been keeping your family in my prayers. Jane

  39. Diana, I'm just popping by to wish you a Merry Christmas!!! And a big thank you for the lovely card, it made me so happy to receive it!!! ♥♥πŸŽ„


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